View Full Version : What's the low down on medication?
01-16-2014, 07:57 AM
Hey Guys,
So, after getting my clean bill of health, I was waiting a few days to see what happened to my anxiety but it's been rather bad today. I felt tired/off when I got up & I'm still worrying about health related things even if I don't think I'm actually ill. Also I got on top of my dishes & did some tidying yesterday but it just seems to all be there again this morning & I feel like there is no end :(
I figure it's time to go to the Doctor tomorrow & see what he says. Now, obviously the likes of CBT would seem ideal for helping how I manage stress but if he suggests medication, I was wanting to know the ins & outs are in advance. I am guessing having had schizophrenia, even if medication & symptom free now, it might affect what drugs are suitable. Still...
I see that some of the common side effects of various medications used (SSRIs) include trouble sleeping or conversely drowsiness, dizziness, headaches, nausea...
Have any of you guys experienced anything like that & are any of these side effects noticeable on the dosages used for anxiety?
What medication do you use?
01-16-2014, 09:03 AM
I just noticed there was a medication section here! The sticky there was informative; also tells me not to look up or worry about side effects as they aren't particularly bad :p
Still, I'd be interested to hear any input.
Hello there I'm on 50mg of setraline (Zoloft) and I have to say it's been fab for me,I've had nothing apart from abit foggy headed for a few days but then that could have been because I was not sleeping or eating that well be4 I also take propanol 10mg upto three times aday And I have to say that's amazing,what was you on be4?
01-16-2014, 09:54 AM
I'm on 11 different medications, one of them has 6 different meds in it,,..totalling 17 medications. Pharmaceutical grade, the real stuff. I have NO ill effects, side effects,..other than energetic at times, and with one of them,...kinda high... :)
01-16-2014, 10:06 AM
Be prepared to gamble your sex drive. It may be fine, it may reduce.
01-16-2014, 10:12 AM
Please look into the natural remedies also, wish I would have as I am very sensitive to all meds.
01-16-2014, 10:17 AM
what was you on be4?
I was on Olanzapine (Zyprexa) for 6 months & Amisulpride (Solian) for almost a year.
other than energetic at times, and with one of them,...kinda high... :)
Yeah, Cocaine will do that ;)
Be prepared to gamble your sex drive. It may be fine, it may reduce.
Lol. Not currently going to be an issue (unfortunately :p) & I'm used to that from the APs.
I'm very cagey about meds these days as I ended up getting a list of side effects as long as your arm - the side effects were worse than my schizophrenia!!!
It seems to me that anxiety medication is generally better tolerated though.
I guess I'll just have to see what the Doctor says - he may well refer me straight onto the Psychiatrist without prescribing anything given my history which will mean another week or two of waiting. Boo! I hear SSRIs can take a few weeks to work too?
01-16-2014, 11:13 AM
Medication is a means to cope with anxiety. It's highly unlikely it'll cure it and that's why it needs to be paired with therapy and life changes. Many people will be put ona pill for years and it won't realyl solve anything but it can get you coasting along numb to the anxiety without solvign the udnerlying problems causing the anxiety.
01-16-2014, 11:15 AM
Lol I'm sorry to hear that Chaterz, I guess going the SSRI route isn't so bad when you aren't getting nagged at for low libido.
Mostly it's Citalopram and Fluoxetine (Prozac) that GPs provide. They're well tolerated for the most part, but you do get maybe some sleep issues, a little nausea. The psych will probably give you something more tailored, which is always the best option. Im guessing coz of the schizophrenia docs won't wanna risk it, so will send you there, like you said?
Yeah, SSRIs take their time to work. Some others, like Mirtazipine (Remeron), work in a couple of days. They aren't without their challenges unfortunately! But can be very useful getting someone out of a hole.
01-16-2014, 11:26 AM
Medication is a means to cope with anxiety. It's highly unlikely it'll cure it and that's why it needs to be paired with therapy and life changes.
Yeah. That's the sort of solid advice that I've found here. :D
That's why it is always best to find other people who have been in the same situation & have experience.
Im guessing coz of the schizophrenia docs won't wanna risk it, so will send you there, like you said?
I'm really not sure, but I expect so. From what I've found out, SSRIs are used in people with Schizophrenia but still, there may be some peculiarities.
I'd certainly be much more comfortable being treated by a mental health care professional than a GP.
I'm not even certain that I would use medication given the option.
Currently I think it might be useful short term & then after some therapy, I could back off it. I'll just see what happens when I talk to the GP tomorrow.
01-19-2014, 08:05 PM
Medication, coupled with therapy has been a God send for me. I agree with a previous comment about being prepared for your sex drive to disappear :( Other than that I've had no sleep issues or other side effects of Effexor or Wellbutrin.
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