View Full Version : Hypnotherapy round 2!!

01-16-2014, 05:13 AM
Yesterday was my second session of hypnotherapy and again, it was a success!!

He did the same as last week to relax me but this time we went a bit deeper into the hypnosis!

This time, he said imagine yourself... you are in a meadow... you notice a patch of flowers, what colour are they? I said Yellow (I imagined sunflowers) and he said, the flowers are really bright yellow and they stick out amongst the grass... next you notice a little way away that there is a brick wall and it has a door in the middle. What colour is the door? I said blue... he said, you find yourself walking towards this blue door and you notice that there is a path leading up to the blue door, what is the path made of? I said Gravel.. he said as you make your way to the door you can feel the soft grass beneath your feet and you can hear your footsteps as you make your journey to the path.. and then you walk on the path feeling the gravel beneath your feet...You come to the blue door.. what does the door knob look like... its round, I said. He said okay, you turn the round door knob and you notice a set of 10 stairs leading down to a garden.. your garden, but I don't want you to go anywhere yet. You look down at your garden and you take the first step and as you do this you feel a lot more relaxed... a lot more sleepy, you can feel the relaxation moving up from your feet to your ankles... we continued this process until the 10th step and he said your arms and legs should feel really heavy like a lead balloon, but your body and head is as light as a feather... at this point I felt sooo relaxed! He asked me what my garden looked like... I said it had a water feature around the water feature was surrounded by flowers and it was all made of stone, that pale coloured stone... in the middle there was a bird bath, and there was lots of little birds flying around and surrounding the garden were some beautiful trees... he said find a place in your garden that you would like to sleep.. so I picked a place and he said now you feel yourself gently floating to the place you have chosen to sleep. You then go to sleep and in the night a miracle happens... how do you feel... I said I feel relaxed, free, calm etc etc... He said now when you wake up from your sleep, something is different... a miracle has happened... how do you feel... repeated what I said before... he said now what do you want to do, I said I want to tell everyone.. he said okay,, who do you want to tell, I said my boyfriend and my family, and he said imagine youself telling them (I imagined me running through the meadow to my boyfriend.. like in the movies when they run towards eachother and its all in slow motion and I eben imagined the music haha) and i hugged him and was smiling and everything just felt sooo nice, so peaceful!! And he said what else do you want to do and I said, I want to be able to go to a meal with my friends and not panic and be able to go on holiday on not feel anxious or panic and he said okay.. imagine it is later in the year and you are going on holiday... where are you going?? I said Dominican Republic (that's where me and my boyfriend are going this year) and he said okay imagine yourself on the plane and you are on the plane and you feel it taxiing down the runway and you are watching out the window like you are in a car or on a bus and now you are on holiday what do you see... I said Palm trees, white sand, swimming pool, bright blue sea... he said and how do you feel, I said I feel amaxing, like better than I have ever felt before... and he said picture yourself there looking great feeling great and when you come home, I want you to take the person with you... and with that we rounded up the session!

I came out of there feeling amazing!! Even better than last week!! Sorry It's such a long post!! Really would recommend my therapist to anyone! and Hypnotherapy!!

01-16-2014, 05:18 AM
I tried a self hypnotherapy video on you tube and been thinking about seeing someone just reading your post made me feel abit relaxed x

01-16-2014, 05:22 AM
Great news ash!!! Xx

01-16-2014, 05:27 AM
I tried a self hypnotherapy video on you tube and been thinking about seeing someone just reading your post made me feel abit relaxed x

I'm glad it helped... I was really scared at first but I would recommend hypnotherapy to anyone!! x

01-16-2014, 05:27 AM
Great news ash!!! Xx

Thanks Matt! xx

01-16-2014, 05:29 AM
Progressess and successes!!! So happy for you!! :)

01-16-2014, 05:32 AM
Thanks E-Man... he is also going to help me get over my fear of flying! yayyy!!

01-16-2014, 05:52 AM
Good to hear you're having great results with it/ Never tried it myself, not read many posts about it here either. I supposes there's a connection with the mindfulness in hypnotherapy and what can be accomlppished through meditation. Recent medical study published last week was saying you can reduce pains from anxiety and depression from 30 minutes a day of meditation.

As anxiety goes to proove it's mind over matter. You worry, stress out and are fearful enough and you will make yourself hurt from it.


01-16-2014, 06:04 AM
Thank you... yeah it's true, I do think its mind over matter! I haven't tried meditating yet after the hypnotherapy but I do want to give it a try! I'm also very close to coming off my meds!! Fungers crossed!

01-16-2014, 06:07 AM
Aye, meds might be needed short term but they won't ever cure anything they're just a means to enable people to cope. Therapy and life changes are what's needed to overcome anxiety.


01-16-2014, 06:10 AM
I agree 100 percent!! Docs just through meds at people with mental health issues because they don;t undertstand it!!

01-16-2014, 08:34 AM
Interesting stuff here Ashlee.. I'm liking the positive results. Is it like a hypnotherapy course? Like after so many sessions you are done or is it an ongoing, play it by ear thing? You really seem to be benefiting from it, so that's good! :)

01-16-2014, 08:47 AM
Yesterday was my second session of hypnotherapy and again, it was a success!!

He did the same as last week to relax me but this time we went a bit deeper into the hypnosis!

This time, he said imagine yourself... you are in a meadow... you notice a patch of flowers, what colour are they? I said Yellow (I imagined sunflowers) and he said, the flowers are really bright yellow and they stick out amongst the grass... next you notice a little way away that there is a brick wall and it has a door in the middle. What colour is the door? I said blue... he said, you find yourself walking towards this blue door and you notice that there is a path leading up to the blue door, what is the path made of? I said Gravel.. he said as you make your way to the door you can feel the soft grass beneath your feet and you can hear your footsteps as you make your journey to the path.. and then you walk on the path feeling the gravel beneath your feet...You come to the blue door.. what does the door knob look like... its round, I said. He said okay, you turn the round door knob and you notice a set of 10 stairs leading down to a garden.. your garden, but I don't want you to go anywhere yet. You look down at your garden and you take the first step and as you do this you feel a lot more relaxed... a lot more sleepy, you can feel the relaxation moving up from your feet to your ankles... we continued this process until the 10th step and he said your arms and legs should feel really heavy like a lead balloon, but your body and head is as light as a feather... at this point I felt sooo relaxed! He asked me what my garden looked like... I said it had a water feature around the water feature was surrounded by flowers and it was all made of stone, that pale coloured stone... in the middle there was a bird bath, and there was lots of little birds flying around and surrounding the garden were some beautiful trees... he said find a place in your garden that you would like to sleep.. so I picked a place and he said now you feel yourself gently floating to the place you have chosen to sleep. You then go to sleep and in the night a miracle happens... how do you feel... I said I feel relaxed, free, calm etc etc... He said now when you wake up from your sleep, something is different... a miracle has happened... how do you feel... repeated what I said before... he said now what do you want to do, I said I want to tell everyone.. he said okay,, who do you want to tell, I said my boyfriend and my family, and he said imagine youself telling them (I imagined me running through the meadow to my boyfriend.. like in the movies when they run towards eachother and its all in slow motion and I eben imagined the music haha) and i hugged him and was smiling and everything just felt sooo nice, so peaceful!! And he said what else do you want to do and I said, I want to be able to go to a meal with my friends and not panic and be able to go on holiday on not feel anxious or panic and he said okay.. imagine it is later in the year and you are going on holiday... where are you going?? I said Dominican Republic (that's where me and my boyfriend are going this year) and he said okay imagine yourself on the plane and you are on the plane and you feel it taxiing down the runway and you are watching out the window like you are in a car or on a bus and now you are on holiday what do you see... I said Palm trees, white sand, swimming pool, bright blue sea... he said and how do you feel, I said I feel amaxing, like better than I have ever felt before... and he said picture yourself there looking great feeling great and when you come home, I want you to take the person with you... and with that we rounded up the session!

I came out of there feeling amazing!! Even better than last week!! Sorry It's such a long post!! Really would recommend my therapist to anyone! and Hypnotherapy!!

Congratulations Ashlee!!! You found the thing that resonates with you and that's perfect. We all have that "thing" that just clicks for us. Hypnotherapy is very legitimate, and I have done some self hypnosis. I'm just very happy for you. Peace