View Full Version : Work anxiety

01-16-2014, 01:38 AM
Feeling anxious today at work for some reason! Trying to do things to take my mind off it but I know I'm gonna have an attack soon! :-(

01-16-2014, 04:02 AM
Can you take a break and maybe go outside for a walk? Might help get your mind off the anxiety. If you have someone at work you can talk to about it, that always helps me. Part of my fear is just dealing with it alone. Sucks you're feeling that way, man. I know it's especially tough when you're at work. Can you listen to some relaxing music? Not sure what you do or the type of work environment you have. Hang in there. Just concentrate on relaxing different muscle groups, focusing on each one. There are lots of good guided videos online that show you how to do progressive muscle relaxation. With practice, that can help a lot as well. Really helps me when the anxiety hits. The important thing is you're going to be fine. Just tell yourself you are safe, well and everything is just fine. Keep repeating it over and over in your mind. Say it out loud if you need to. Be well. -Jeff

01-16-2014, 04:04 AM
What is an "attack"

For me anxiety is a constant state, what do you mean when you say "attack"

01-16-2014, 04:18 AM
The difference in generalized anxiety and having panic attacks is that you can be going about your business feeling perfectly normal and then BAM! The heart palpitations hit, you feel short of breath or like you're suffocating, trembling, hot flashes, etc. etc. Basically, it's intense and you feel like you're going to die. The episodes usually subside within 10 minutes or less, but sometimes can last longer. It's possible to have multiple attacks too, just because the stress and worry of anticipating another one blindsiding you can bring them on in succession.

01-16-2014, 04:24 AM
The difference in generalized anxiety and having panic attacks is that you can be going about your business feeling perfectly normal and then BAM! The heart palpitations hit, you feel short of breath or like you're suffocating, trembling, hot flashes, etc. etc. Basically, it's intense and you feel like you're going to die. The episodes usually subside within 10 minutes or less, but sometimes can last longer. It's possible to have multiple attacks too, just because the stress and worry of anticipating another one blindsiding you can bring them on in succession.

Ahh i see..thanks for the clarification..:D

01-16-2014, 05:47 AM
If you assuem an attack is imminent then you're going to cause one. The fear and worry has to be kept in check. It might feel like you're not in control and that anxiety is controlling you. In fact it's the opposite. Anxiety is onyl as strong as the fear and worry we bestow upon it. Keep as focused as possible at work, remember you're surrounded by people and you're safe.

Is it symptoms that are creating the excess worry and panic? Perhaps you've had panic attacks at work before and don't feel safe there?