View Full Version : Don't know what's causing my anxiety but it only seems to happen when I'm alone

01-16-2014, 12:53 AM
So for those of you who didn't read my other post to sum it up all it stated was that I get scared when driving home late at night around midnight and past due to fear that something will happen to me such as a heart attack. I once had a severe panic attack while driving home from corpus one night and called an ambulence, they came and told me everything was fine and I had a friend drive me home that day. Ever since than the fear of anxiety seems to come and go as it pleases when I drive home at night, one day i'll be fine the next day not, but it always seems to scare me when it's just me on the road. When no cars are in front of me or behind me is when i'm scared the most, seems like i'm all by my lonesome which brings me to what happened today.

Today my parents left to go to Houston and I came home after going to the gym around 9 pm. There was no one in my house but me and later on around 11 I started to get anxiety and panic again. I started thinking what if I had a heart attack and it just kept circling in my mind driving me crazy. I kept fearing the fact that I was all alone and that no one was with me. What if someone broke into my house? What if I had a heart attack? My heart started to beat a little fast and I had to turn on all the lights in my house and sit on the downstairs couch trying to focus on tv. Than I get a call from my parents saying they'll be home in about 10-20 minutes and wala i'm cured. No more anxiety, no more worry, my heart beat went to normal and everything was fine. Just like that it all ended after 2-3 hours of anxiety with my parents saying they'll be home in a little bit. I'm confused as to what this is and what's going on, i'm not sure what's wrong with me but advice will greatly be appreicated. A little bit about myself is that i'm 21 years old, have had a stable job, and am a sophomore in college who loves to play baksetball and workout.

01-16-2014, 06:07 AM
So for those of you who didn't read my other post to sum it up all it stated was that I get scared when driving home late at night around midnight and past due to fear that something will happen to me such as a heart attack. I once had a severe panic attack while driving home from corpus one night and called an ambulence, they came and told me everything was fine and I had a friend drive me home that day. Ever since than the fear of anxiety seems to come and go as it pleases when I drive home at night, one day i'll be fine the next day not, but it always seems to scare me when it's just me on the road. When no cars are in front of me or behind me is when i'm scared the most, seems like i'm all by my lonesome which brings me to what happened today.

Today my parents left to go to Houston and I came home after going to the gym around 9 pm. There was no one in my house but me and later on around 11 I started to get anxiety and panic again. I started thinking what if I had a heart attack and it just kept circling in my mind driving me crazy. I kept fearing the fact that I was all alone and that no one was with me. What if someone broke into my house? What if I had a heart attack? My heart started to beat a little fast and I had to turn on all the lights in my house and sit on the downstairs couch trying to focus on tv. Than I get a call from my parents saying they'll be home in about 10-20 minutes and wala i'm cured. No more anxiety, no more worry, my heart beat went to normal and everything was fine. Just like that it all ended after 2-3 hours of anxiety with my parents saying they'll be home in a little bit. I'm confused as to what this is and what's going on, i'm not sure what's wrong with me but advice will greatly be appreicated. A little bit about myself is that i'm 21 years old, have had a stable job, and am a sophomore in college who loves to play baksetball and workout.

Being left alone while loved ones are away for an extended period is really a common anxiety trigger for many people, though you seemed to have been a bit paralyzed by it which isn't too good. You probably just aren't home alone enough, to be comfortable with it.

01-16-2014, 06:21 AM
If you have panic attacks, it's often that people will find a "safe zone"

Your is you have to be around people to feel safe

Being alone with your thoughts of trauma or death is your trigger

This is actually a good thing.

You know the cause and affect for your attacks

So now comes the process of getting your brain used to do those things without the feelings of panic

When you eliminate the fear of being alone, you will overcome the need to be around people to feel safe

Sounds kind of the same thing but they are two separate parts of your condition