View Full Version : Unhelpful Thinking Habits

Anxious Abi
01-15-2014, 08:50 PM
Wondering if anyone can relate.
Every so often I experience an intense burst of anxiety and low mood, it seems to come pretty much out of nowhere.
It's almost like it dawns on me what is actually happening, all of the emotion and fear comes to the surface at once. Like i'm experiencing everything that ever made me feel the slightest bit anxious all over again. My thoughts pass from one past even to the next, then the future, all my worries, all the pain. I get confused, my thoughts are all mixed up and before I know it i'm reeling off everything I am scared of.
"People will never understand my problems, I'll never get over this, I will be alone forever with thirty six cats. I'm a terrible friend, they'll stop talking to me soon enough, I don't even know how to have fun anymore" and so on.
I know as soon as I write it down, I'm doing all the things I shouldn't, predicting, being self critical et cetera, but in the moment, I can't help but grieve for the life I want to have, the things I miss out on because I'm too afraid. I'm not sure if this makes any sense, or maybe I am going really off topic, I can't tell I'm so tired.

Anyway here a list I typed up from Therapy, I suppose it's really what I should focus on, but maybe it will help someone else too.

Unhelpful Thinking Habits
Type’s of thinking that worsen mood and anxiety and alternative thought suggestions.

Mental Filter; Noticing only the negative, readily dismissing the more positive.
Ask yourself am I only noticing the bad stuff? Am I filtering out the positives? Am I wearing those ‘gloomy specs’? What would be more realistic?

Mind Reading; Assuming you know what someone else is thinking.
Am I assuming I know what others are thinking? What’s the evidence? Those are my own thoughts, not theirs. Is there another, more balanced way of looking at it?

Prediction; Believing you know how something is going to be in the future.
Am I thinking that I can predict the future? How likely is it that that might really happen?

Compare and Despair; Seeing only the good in someone else, comparing yourself negatively against them.
Am I doing that ‘compare and despair’ thing? What would be a more balanced and helpful way of looking at it?

Critical Self; Putting yourself down, over criticizing and blaming yourself.
There I go, that internal bully’s at it again. Would most people who really know me say that about me? Is this something that I am totally responsible for?

Should and Must; Putting pressure on yourself thinking I should or shouldn’t, putting pressure on yourself with unrealistic expectations.
Am I putting more pressure on myself, setting up expectations of myself that are almost impossible? What would be more realistic?

Catastrophising; Always assuming the worst will happen.
OK, thinking that the worst possible thing will definitely happen isn’t really helpful right now. What’s most likely to happen?

Mountains and Molehills; Exaggerating the risk of danger, or the negatives. Minimizing the odds of how things are most likely to turn out, or minimising positives.
Am I exaggerating the risk of danger? Or am I exaggerating the negative and minimizing the positives? How would someone else see it? What’s the bigger picture?

Black and White; Insisting things are all one way, good or bad, right or wrong, only seeing the negative side of things.
Things aren’t either totally white or totally black – there are shades of grey. Where is this on the spectrum?

Memories; Thinking of distressing or emotional memories can often trigger feelings of upset and anxiety in the here and now, prompting your mind to perceive danger where there is none.
This is just a reminder of the past. That was then, and this is now. Even though this memory makes me feel upset, it’s not actually happening again right now.

Emotional Reasoning; Putting importance on negative emotions, such as thinking that because you feel hopeless, there is no hope.
Just because it feels bad, doesn’t necessary mean it is bad. My feelings are just a reaction to my thoughts.

Lesson I have learnt writing this, I need to write my thoughts down in my journal more often, as it seems once I get it out I can see for myself where I am going wrong and how in the end I am making myself feel worse.

Thank you for the outlet.

01-15-2014, 09:07 PM
Hello Abi.

Sounds like you have hit a bump in the road. I'm sorry to hear you're on the negative side right now. Anxiety spins us around at times. You'll recover, but right now be super good to yourself, and cats aren't bad, but I doubt you're going to lose friends. Not here anyway :D Peace

Anxious Abi
01-15-2014, 09:22 PM
Thank you for your kind words GeneAllen :). I do love cat's, I have four already, I just don't want them to end up the only thing in my life. I get bogged down with bad thinking habits sometimes which makes it all worse, but I'm OK, I just don't feel so good right now. Like you say I will recover, I have to try and stay positive.
There's no point in worry with out action, if I am worried about ending up alone, I need to make a bigger effort to stay close to family and friends.

01-15-2014, 10:11 PM
Nice post Abi!

I like coming back to this stuff. Every single time I look at the list of thinking errors, I find I'm committing at least one. No matter how hard I try lol.

This time I found I'm committing a lot of should have/musts. I've been thinking a lot about being 25 this year, and how it was very different to how I remember expecting it to look when I turned 18. I also quit my job in December. Yep, thinking quite a few should have/musts about the year, and my life in general... And no surprise, I've been feeling a little tense lately, and disappointed at myself!!

Like you say in your second post. Time to take action it seems!!

Even though you're going through a spell, at least you're doing the work, making the effort, keeping a positive attitude. Gotta just give yourself the best shot at moving along right!!

Take care :)

Anxious Abi
01-16-2014, 08:12 AM
Thank you :)
I too find I often have a lot of unhelpful thoughts when I think about my upcoming 24th, but as long as I am starting to recognize when and what I am doing, I can look at things in a healthier frame of mind. Gotta just give myself the best shot, you're right.
Hope you achieve what you want to and don't put yourself under too much pressure with all the should have/musts.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.