View Full Version : Am I having Anxiety Attacks, Panic Attacks or worse?

01-15-2014, 08:34 PM
Thank you to everyone in advance who takes the time to read this. I'm in need of some help.

This past November I started getting these attacks. A few seconds before an attack starts, I get an anxious/weird feeling in my chest and all of a sudden I get these very fast racing thoughts with a pounding heartbeat. The thoughts race so fast that I cannot understand them & I am literally in panic mode. The attacks last anywhere from 1-4 minutes. Right after they end, sometimes my stomach feels upset and I have to go to the bathroom or sometimes I just get shaky. During the attacks, I can barley speak. When they first started I didn't think I could speak at all but now since I have had so many (19 in 3 months) I can bring myself to say some words out loud or I have garbled speech. I'm conscious throughout the whole thing. I know the attack is occuring, I know where I am, who I'm with and what I'm doing. If someone talks to me during an attack, I hear what they are saying but I have such a hard time finding the words to talk back. I can move, walk, signal that I'm having an attack, etc. Within several minutes after the attack ends, I start to feel ok again. These attacks started about one week after I stopped drinking caffeine. At first I thought that's why I was having them (I thought the caffeine messed my chemicals/hormones up), so I slowly started drinking caffeine again but I still get the attacks and now it seems like caffeine triggers them. I have also made a connection with these attacks and my menstrual cycle. I only get an attack a few days before my period, during my period, or during the week I'm to ovulate. These attacks have gotten me admitted into the hospital. I had an MRI in December that showed possible Cortical Dysplasia. However, this was discovered back in 2005. I had to get an MRI back then due to headaches (not migraines, I only ever had 1 migraine in my entire life that I remember) that I was getting on a regular basis and waking up with, etc. My recent MRI showed the same findings, however this time the abnormality (which is located in the left frontal lobe) was a little larger in size. The Neurologist diagnosed me with Partial Focal Seizures. I had a normal EEG but I did not have an attack during the EEG. I'm on seizure medicine right now. I started at 1000 mg the first month then increased to 1500 mg because I was still getting the attacks but the higher mg only made the attacks worse so after a month on the 1500 mg I lowered it back down to 1000 mg and stayed on that for another 2 weeks and then down to 750 mg for 2 more weeks and now I am all the way down to 500 mg and have been for the last 2 weeks and I feel much better. I am slowly weaning myself off the seizure meds and plan to start 250 mgs in the next few days. Prior to this all starting, I did have mild anxiety, but never severe enough that I had an anxiety attack or that it disrupted my everyday life. I've experienced OCD symptoms since I was a teenager. I would say my general anxiety did not start until after I had my first child 6 years ago. I experience worry, nervousness, social anxiety, mood swings and I have many physical symptoms as well. A few weeks before my first attack started the right side of my head felt numb. I didn't think much of it and thought maybe I pinched a nerve in my neck or slept on my side the wrong way. It lasted for about a week or so and went away. But now I've noticed this numbness comes and goes. My arms and hands also fall asleep while I'm sleeping and I even experience a "pins & needles" feeling in the right side of my head while sleeping. This usually only occurs if I sleep on my side though. If I sleep on my back I don't have issues. I've also had leg and sciative nerve pain for the past several years, but more recently I have muscle aches, pains and stiffness around my neck, legs and lower back. I get the chills a lot and sometimes have uncontrollable shivering. Since the attacks have started, I have major brain fog, I repeat sentences, songs and words in my head all day long. I get memory flash backs, I count my steps or how many sips of my drink I take, the list goes on and on. So if anything, I would say my OCD and general anxiety has gotten much worse since these attacks started and since I started the seizure medicine. Before I was diagnosed with the seizures, my family doctor said I was having panic attacks and put me on Prozac. Well, that was a horrible experience. I was anxious all day long, I could not eat, could not sleep, I vomitted all throughout the day and my attacks got much more frequent and closer together. After 5 days on Prozac I decided to stop it. Anyway, I can understand how these attacks are similar to partial seizures but the Dr thinks the only reason I have these attacks is due to the dysplasia on my brain which has probably been there since birth, so I don't understand why I didn't develop "seizures" during my childhood or teenage years. I know seizures can not develop until adulthood but usually that's due to something else. If anyone has had a similar experience or anything, opinions, advice it would all be extremely appreciated!

Update 2/22/14: I am seeing a new Neurologist who does not think I'm having seizures & does agree that my attacks seem more like Panic Attacks. He also does not think the abnormality on my brain is Cortical Dysplasia but we are still uncertain what it may be. My hormones are very imbalanced especially my thyroid. I am currently on a Gluten Free diet which is working well and has alleviated a lot of my symptoms. I will be starting birth control within the next month to regulate my hormones and I will have a few more blood tests done to determine possible other causes. Also, I have discovered that slow deep breathing STOPS the attacks before they even start!!! It is amazing. As soon as I get that anxious feeling in my chest, I start to slowly inhale expanding my stomach and exhale contracting my stomach and it literally takes the feeling completely away. If an attack does start, I remind myself to breath and it brings the attack to an end quicker. I am so thrilled I discovered that.

Thanks again to everyone for their feedback!

01-15-2014, 08:58 PM
It sounds as though you do have a diagnosis, as well as anxiety/ocd symptoms and so you're making a good step coming here to learn from all the resources available. Lots of your symptoms sound very similar to my own, and I assure you there will be aid coming as you keep us posted. What medications may I ask do you take and how much? Prozac is a bad choice it sounds like but an ssri may work well. Effexor XR (only) has worked well with me and Klonopin. You're in good company read around, and stay on the positive side of your viewing habits, try to avoid negatives, tv, drama, right now take a break and stay with happy endings. Peace :D

01-15-2014, 09:05 PM
Thanks for the reply! I'm glad I found this site. It def helps having someone (who can actually relate) to talk to. Currently I am on Keppra. Started at 1000 mg & am on 1500 now. The attacks I am having, are they similar to anxiety/panic attacks? I know everyones attacks vary but I guess the racing thoughts & not being able to talk is what bothers me the most. It doesnt seem like many people have those symptoms.

01-15-2014, 10:49 PM
I've experienced most of what you're talking about! I'm sorry you're dealing with this. But don't worry, as bad as it may seem it's harmless. As they're happening I think I'm dying and that'll I'll never get through them but when they're over I feel relieved and almost silly it happened. I don't believe in medication because it puts a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it, it is more harm than it's worth and will cause more problems later on. You can overcome this on your own, I know it may seem impossible..I've been there. But go the all natural healthy route. Things that helped me were..Rescue Remedy and GABA which you can get from most any healthfood stores or even online. Also, parasites can mimic many illnesses and doing a parasite cleanse can't hurt. If you do one, order one by Hulda Clark. Candida can also cause anxiety to be worse, look it up, it's very common for most people to have. It's a yeast build up in the body, it can be rather serious. Changing your diet can also be very effective, the way you feel will change almost instantly. Cut out all sugars, gluten, soy, and even meat if possible. Only eat organic and NON GMO. GMO foods are killing us. Try consuming more raw fruits and veges than cooked. The hallelujah diet can heal any illness and completely restore the brain. Google it. If you need any help or have questions about absolutely anything get ahold of me. I've tried everything and became very educated with health related things. Hope this helps and you get better soon!

01-16-2014, 07:51 AM
Thank you for your feed back. Glad to know I am not alone. I definitely agree with you on the medicine. I'm not one for taking any type of medicine to begin with especially not anti-depressants since my recent side effects with them. The only reason I'm eve taking the Keppra is because my doctor was determined I was in fact having seizures. Regardless, it is not working so something is not right. As far as parasites go, would Lyme Disease fall into that category? I took a trip to our family cabin 3 weeks before this all started. I thought maybe I got bit by a deer tick but I did not notice a tick, a bullseye type rash at all or bite site. It's still something I will talk to my doctor about. Are there any other tell tale signs of it being from parasites or diet? I like to think I have somewhat of a decent diet. I dont eat a lot of red meat, usually just grilled chicken or pork. I may have a steak once a month if that. And I love veggies & fruits. I stay as far away as I can from junk & processed foods because I am aware of how bad they are for you & fast food is an absolute no-no for my family. My caffeine intake is less than 100mg a day. I dont drink coffee at all anymore, just tea. I would definitely like to overcome this myself without the help of medicine.

01-16-2014, 07:55 AM
I've experienced most of what you're talking about! I'm sorry you're dealing with this. But don't worry, as bad as it may seem it's harmless. As they're happening I think I'm dying and that'll I'll never get through them but when they're over I feel relieved and almost silly it happened. I don't believe in medication because it puts a bandaid on the problem instead of fixing it, it is more harm than it's worth and will cause more problems later on. You can overcome this on your own, I know it may seem impossible..I've been there. But go the all natural healthy route. Things that helped me were..Rescue Remedy and GABA which you can get from most any healthfood stores or even online. Also, parasites can mimic many illnesses and doing a parasite cleanse can't hurt. If you do one, order one by Hulda Clark. Candida can also cause anxiety to be worse, look it up, it's very common for most people to have. It's a yeast build up in the body, it can be rather serious. Changing your diet can also be very effective, the way you feel will change almost instantly. Cut out all sugars, gluten, soy, and even meat if possible. Only eat organic and NON GMO. GMO foods are killing us. Try consuming more raw fruits and veges than cooked. The hallelujah diet can heal any illness and completely restore the brain. Google it. If you need any help or have questions about absolutely anything get ahold of me. I've tried everything and became very educated with health related things. Hope this helps and you get better soon!

Thank you for your feed back. Glad to know I am not alone. I definitely agree with you on the medicine. I'm not one for taking any type of medicine to begin with especially not anti-depressants since my recent side effects with them. The only reason I'm eve taking the Keppra is because my doctor was determined I was in fact having seizures. Regardless, it is not working so something is not right. As far as parasites go, would Lyme Disease fall into that category? I took a trip to our family cabin 3 weeks before this all started. I thought maybe I got bit by a deer tick but I did not notice a tick, a bullseye type rash at all or bite site. It's still something I will talk to my doctor about. Are there any other tell tale signs of it being from parasites or diet? I like to think I have somewhat of a decent diet. I dont eat a lot of red meat, usually just grilled chicken or pork. I may have a steak once a month if that. And I love veggies & fruits. I stay as far away as I can from junk & processed foods because I am aware of how bad they are for you & fast food is an absolute no-no for my family. My caffeine intake is less than 100mg a day. I dont drink coffee at all anymore, just tea. I would definitely like to overcome this myself without the help of medicine.

01-16-2014, 09:49 AM
Pork is the worst thing you can eat and chicken is a form of gluten. I wouldn't eat anything like that. I would eat wild game. All our food these days are treated and genetically modified so anything you buy or eat needs to be organic and non GMO. Doctors usually aren't too familiar with things such as parasites but if you bring it up they should be able to take a sample and see if you have them. They can cause anxiety, tiredness, brain fog, poor eye sight, mood changes, insomnia, unusual feelings, etc. They can mimic almost any illness.

01-16-2014, 10:19 AM
Pork is the worst thing you can eat and chicken is a form of gluten. I wouldn't eat anything like that. I would eat wild game. All our food these days are treated and genetically modified so anything you buy or eat needs to be organic and non GMO. Doctors usually aren't too familiar with things such as parasites but if you bring it up they should be able to take a sample and see if you have them. They can cause anxiety, tiredness, brain fog, poor eye sight, mood changes, insomnia, unusual feelings, etc. They can mimic almost any illness.

Wow. This information is good to know. Thanks again for your reply & help. By the way I did want to ask you, are your attacks like mine? Racing thoughts & cant speak?

01-16-2014, 10:26 AM
You're welcome! And I can speak but I'd rather not, I'm so nauseous during them and feel completely crazy in my mind. There is a feeling in my head I can't explain and a feeling of fear takes over my whole body. I convulse uncontrollably during them, almost like a seizure.

01-16-2014, 01:48 PM
You're welcome! And I can speak but I'd rather not, I'm so nauseous during them and feel completely crazy in my mind. There is a feeling in my head I can't explain and a feeling of fear takes over my whole body. I convulse uncontrollably during them, almost like a seizure.

Oh my! Yes, ours are definitely similar. It just stinks that stuff like this even has to exsist & affect us. Anyway, thank you & good luck! Hopefully we will both get better soon.

02-22-2014, 03:04 AM
I would look into Lyme disease with a llmd who follows ilads guidelines bc your PCP may not take you seriously or know how to diagnose it bc they follow cdc guidelines. You don't always get a rash or know you were bitten. I had bug bites but no bullseye rash. Your symptoms sound a lot like Lyme to me ... It might not be it could just be bad anxiety but it would be worth looking into. The girl above is right pork contains retro viruses which are not good esp if you have any condition that compromises your immune system. Btw Lyme is caused by a bacteria ... But there are coinfections that are like parasites.

02-22-2014, 07:31 AM
I would look into Lyme disease with a llmd who follows ilads guidelines bc your PCP may not take you seriously or know how to diagnose it bc they follow cdc guidelines. You don't always get a rash or know you were bitten. I had bug bites but no bullseye rash. Your symptoms sound a lot like Lyme to me ... It might not be it could just be bad anxiety but it would be worth looking into. The girl above is right pork contains retro viruses which are not good esp if you have any condition that compromises your immune system. Btw Lyme is caused by a bacteria ... But there are coinfections that are like parasites.

I have acutally started seeing a different Neurologist now. He is more holistic into his approaches and has also suggested I get tested for Lyme Disease. He said the same thing, that a lot of my symptoms sound like Lyme. And that the abnormality on my brain does not look like Cortical Dysplasia. So I am going down a completely different path now with this DR compared to what the Medical Neurologist had me doing (which was just upping my meds and putting me on even more meds). I am not sure how long after someone is bitten or infected with the disease that they would show symptoms but it's crazy because exactly a week and a half after coming home from a trip to my family cabin I started to have most of these symptoms. But I have camped and ventured throughout the woods my whole life so who knows. As soon as my new insurance go throughs, my first stop is blood work for the Lyme Disease. Also, my new DR recommended a gluten free diet trial to see if that helped any because my thyroid hormone is on the low end and wow what a difference! My entire body is slowly starting to feel better each day. Anyway, thanks for the reply!