View Full Version : sick and tired

01-15-2014, 02:59 PM
Always feeling sick tired and head aches on and off grrr! Spaced out to! Does anyone feel pressure in front of head and eyes and nose? X

01-15-2014, 03:22 PM
I do! All the time! And it gets me worried that something is wrong other than anxiety. The only thing I try to tell myself is that I've had it for so long, if it were something sinister I would be dead
by now . X

01-15-2014, 03:24 PM
I've had a constant headache for a week now. I've been on meds for 2 months so it didn't occur to me that it could be related. If it doesn't go away I'll try a different med. have you tried changing meds?

01-15-2014, 03:29 PM
I hate feeling sick :( also feel like I have no energy. I am seeing my dr to get meds on monday so dont actually take anything at the min xx

01-15-2014, 03:41 PM
I was a mess before I started my meds. My anxiety had me experiencing all kinds of nasty physical symptoms. It was hard to do anything at all and I took a lot of time off work. I'm sure you'll be feeling 100x better a month from now. Hang in there x

01-15-2014, 03:55 PM
I was a mess before I started my meds. My anxiety had me experiencing all kinds of nasty physical symptoms. It was hard to do anything at all and I took a lot of time off work. I'm sure you'll be feeling 100x better a month from now. Hang in there x

Thanks I hope so I feel so hopeless :( x

01-15-2014, 04:29 PM
Yes I do. I'd been doing really well then bang.. 2 days of feeling completely on edge, jittery, dizzy, horrendous symptoms. I'm sorry you feel like this too x

01-15-2014, 04:48 PM
Its strange how all these things happen to us xx

01-15-2014, 04:49 PM
Yep it's awful... I am always feeling "weird" like I might drop dead at any moment... It's just awful

01-15-2014, 09:53 PM
Yep it's awful... I am always feeling "weird" like I might drop dead at any moment... It's just awful

I wake up feeling fine then after 5 mins I feel spaced out tired sick all sorts of things :(

01-16-2014, 01:30 AM
I wake up feeling fine then after 5 mins I feel spaced out tired sick all sorts of things :(

Yes me too!!!

01-16-2014, 02:03 AM
hi. my name is jessie. and i was reading your forum in hopes that some people are experiencing what i am. and by the looks of it, there are! i'm 17 years old. and i've been a major worrier ever since i was little. in june, i had a pressure/tight feeling on the top of my head. and i thought i had a brain tumor (i don't!) but that was just the anxiety and worrying messing with me! my symptoms are: i feel like i could puke. i have no appetite most of the time. but sometimes i do have an appetite and am able to eat. i think i'm dying and always think the worst is wrong with me. my stomach makes funny noises a lot and grumbles and i feel like i could pass out or black out at time (usually during an anxiety attack.) i also feel SUPER icky 24/7. and what scares me about that is that i DO NOT know where i feel icky at. i have been to plenty of different doctors and i have had an upper endoscopy and tons of blood work and everything is normal. but i get super scared all the time. i also can't sleep at night AT ALL. i don't know why. i'm seeing a therapist and psychologist. they have me on 50mg of zoloft a day. i just started them on the 3rd of January and they aren't helping yet. but my psychologist said it can take them a good 3-4 weeks to start working. i don't believe it's anxiety making me feel so icky. and like i said, i do not know where i feel icky at. you could ask me where i feel sick at and i'm going to respond with "i don't know." also i get clammy hands and headaches. is anyone else experiencing this? i feel like i'm the only one who is. :( i just want the sick/icky feeling to be gone and the pukey feeling to be gone and my appetite back!!! it freaks me out that i don't know where i feel icky/sick at. it makes me think i'm dying or have some deadly disease but all my tests are normal. if someone would respond, that would be great. much love to all you anxiety sufferers. i feel for you! xoxo-Jessie <3

01-16-2014, 04:44 AM
hi. my name is jessie. and i was reading your forum in hopes that some people are experiencing what i am. and by the looks of it, there are! i'm 17 years old. and i've been a major worrier ever since i was little. in june, i had a pressure/tight feeling on the top of my head. and i thought i had a brain tumor (i don't!) but that was just the anxiety and worrying messing with me! my symptoms are: i feel like i could puke. i have no appetite most of the time. but sometimes i do have an appetite and am able to eat. i think i'm dying and always think the worst is wrong with me. my stomach makes funny noises a lot and grumbles and i feel like i could pass out or black out at time (usually during an anxiety attack.) i also feel SUPER icky 24/7. and what scares me about that is that i DO NOT know where i feel icky at. i have been to plenty of different doctors and i have had an upper endoscopy and tons of blood work and everything is normal. but i get super scared all the time. i also can't sleep at night AT ALL. i don't know why. i'm seeing a therapist and psychologist. they have me on 50mg of zoloft a day. i just started them on the 3rd of January and they aren't helping yet. but my psychologist said it can take them a good 3-4 weeks to start working. i don't believe it's anxiety making me feel so icky. and like i said, i do not know where i feel icky at. you could ask me where i feel sick at and i'm going to respond with "i don't know." also i get clammy hands and headaches. is anyone else experiencing this? i feel like i'm the only one who is. :( i just want the sick/icky feeling to be gone and the pukey feeling to be gone and my appetite back!!! it freaks me out that i don't know where i feel icky/sick at. it makes me think i'm dying or have some deadly disease but all my tests are normal. if someone would respond, that would be great. much love to all you anxiety sufferers. i feel for you! xoxo-Jessie <3

I feel the same I hate feeling sick sending you a hug xxx