View Full Version : Leg/knee pains anxiety

01-15-2014, 02:32 PM
does anyone else have leg knee pain with anxiety, i had the same thing over a month ago and i thought i had a blood clot but it went away for a week or so,still worried it could be but i think id of known by now,but now its come back(when i started thinking about it again) my whole left leg aches,my calf feels tight, no real pain just aches, hurts in the buttox area and hip and various players down the leg when pressed, trapped nerve maybe?, cheers guys

01-15-2014, 03:26 PM
Oh yeah experiencing that right now!!

01-16-2014, 05:33 PM
I didnt realise a muscle pain could potentially be related to anxiety, the past two years i've had muscle pains on and off. However I had tons of tests at the doctors all of which came back completly normal (even though I did refuse a blood test because of phobia of needles) I assumed I was anemic and took tons of vitamins but the pains still remained, I was diagonised with anxiety when recently going to my GP so wondering if the two could be related..