View Full Version : Does anxiety run in familys???????

01-15-2014, 02:34 AM
Hello I thought I would ask you all about your anxiety, depression,intrusive thoughts etc
Does it run in your family?
My mum has never had anything like this tho when I lost my dad three years ago her panic attacks started,I know a loss,or something stressful can bring one on and anyone can get a panic attack at anytime and any age,
I was talking to my mum and why I'm asking is I don't know knifes and my mum said oh I don't like them to and a few things I don't like or fear she has the same,I would be so interested to know if any of you have the same situation in your family's?
Emma :)

01-15-2014, 03:39 AM
Morning Frankie :) How old are you childen?

01-15-2014, 03:50 AM
Hmmm... this is a good question!! my mum had anxiety yearssss ago, when I was about 7... I still don't actually know why she had it.. we hadn't lost anyone in the family or anything like that?? I remember we went on Holiday and she just sat in the room pretty much the whole holiday because she was sooo anxious!!

Mine was caused by trauma though so it may just be a coincedence??

01-15-2014, 03:54 AM
Daughter is 18 in final year at school. My young fella is 15

Mine are 4 and 6 :)

01-15-2014, 03:55 AM
Hmmm... this is a good question!! my mum had anxiety yearssss ago, when I was about 7... I still don't actually know why she had it.. we hadn't lost anyone in the family or anything like that?? I remember we went on Holiday and she just sat in the room pretty much the whole holiday because she was sooo anxious!! Mine was caused by trauma though so it may just be a coincedence??

It's really interesting tho as I've spoken to quite a few people about this and they have always had other family members that have had the same a that's why I thought I would ask on here as it's world wide

01-15-2014, 03:57 AM
Long story short about my issues: I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. I've had OCDs since in was a child. I was teased and bullied a lot as a child and teenager and has bouts of depression because of that a lot.
As a young adult I experienced some severe trauma which lead to PTSD which lead to depression, flashbacks, panic, and anxiety.
For a few years a masked it with a lot of partying, alcohol an drug abuse. Yes I have gotten help over the years and have overcome my depression and most PTSD flashbacks, which were so bad at first I was on antipsychotics because I would relive trauma and see and hear things ( scary yes!!)
So my issues are a combo of nature and nurture ( if you at aware of this term... I was a psychology major in college). My ADHD and OCD I have learned ways to mange them most of the time and as a child even taught myself how to study my own way --- was a straight A student and proudly can say I graduated high school and college on the honor roll.
My anxiety and panic remain and it goes up and down. Life stress obviously make it go up.
I use breathing techniques, meditation, I have a few apps on my phone that are relaxing/ zen games and I take medication but I try to take the lowest dose I can.
Ok this long story isn't so short. Lol. But the Main Cause of my anxiety and panic started with two people who severely abused and brainwashed me when I was a young adult. In my heart I've been able to forgive one, but not the other. I wish I could... And know if I could or would greatly help my healing. In my heart I've forgiven the bullies and teasing---and this forgiveness comes from within and it's not just words.
But I won't give up and go on with my life.
I take things step by step and don't force myself into trying to be 'perfect' I aim for that but I know the reality is no one is perfect.
I find things to reduce my anxiety ...
I take time to count my blessings ...
I feel blessed for my children and they help give me strength...
And it's nice to have this forum and a couple of Friends I can vent to as well.

I won't change who I am but I am trying to fix the things I wish to fix... And that is the best I can do.
Accept me as I am or ... Well F off! This is me.

01-15-2014, 04:03 AM
Long story short about my issues: I was diagnosed with ADHD as a child. I've had OCDs since in was a child. I was teased and bullied a lot as a child and teenager and has bouts of depression because of that a lot. As a young adult I experienced some severe trauma which lead to PTSD which lead to depression, flashbacks, panic, and anxiety. For a few years a masked it with a lot of partying, alcohol an drug abuse. Yes I have gotten help over the years and have overcome my depression and most PTSD flashbacks, which were so bad at first I was on antipsychotics because I would relive trauma and see and hear things ( scary yes!!) So my issues are a combo of nature and nurture ( if you at aware of this term... I was a psychology major in college). My ADHD and OCD I have learned ways to mange them most of the time and as a child even taught myself how to study my own way --- was a straight A student and proudly can say I graduated high school and college on the honor roll. My anxiety and panic remain and it goes up and down. Life stress obviously make it go up. I use breathing techniques, meditation, I have a few apps on my phone that are relaxing/ zen games and I take medication but I try to take the lowest dose I can. Ok this long story isn't so short. Lol. But the Main Cause of my anxiety and panic started with two people who severely abused and brainwashed me when I was a young adult. In my heart I've been able to forgive one, but not the other. I wish I could... And know if I could or would greatly help my healing. In my heart I've forgiven the bullies and teasing---and this forgiveness comes from within and it's not just words. But I won't give up and go on with my life. I take things step by step and don't force myself into trying to be 'perfect' I aim for that but I know the reality is no one is perfect. I find things to reduce my anxiety ... I take time to count my blessings ... I feel blessed for my children and they help give me strength... And it's nice to have this forum and a couple of Friends I can vent to as well. I won't change who I am but I am trying to fix the things I wish to fix... And that is the best I can do. Accept me as I am or ... Well F off! This is me.

Thank you for sharing your story and hello :)
I think you are very strong and are doing so well
So go you :)
Anxiety and all the other symptoms are a fat pain in the ass and your right your very blessed to have your childern it's lovely to meet you

01-15-2014, 04:29 AM
And nice to meet you too....wish I could sleep again.. I have to get up in 3 hours and get my daughter ready for school. Ugh.
And thanks for the compliments ... And sorry if my posts are long. Sometimes I text and post as much as I talk- damn ADHD!!! Lol.

01-15-2014, 04:42 AM
And nice to meet you too....wish I could sleep again.. I have to get up in 3 hours and get my daughter ready for school. Ugh. And thanks for the compliments ... And sorry if my posts are long. Sometimes I text and post as much as I talk- damn ADHD!!! Lol.

Not at all believe me I can literally talk for England hahaha
Oh you poor thing I know what it's like to have very little sleep to

01-15-2014, 05:21 AM
I have a few family members who have anxiety issue...and my sister does as well. Neither of my parents for though.

01-15-2014, 06:16 AM
Anxiety can be inherited from family members, and in some cases, the anxiety in children can start around the same age as when the parent started getting thiers. if it's embedded in your dna to be anxious then you are more prone to it.

My anxiety is a combination of inheritence and PTSD (My father used to hit me), so i'm getting it from both ends, so to speak.

01-15-2014, 06:20 AM
Anxiety can be inherited from family members, and in some cases, the anxiety in children can start around the same age as when the parent started getting thiers. if it's embedded in your dna to be anxious then you are more prone to it. My anxiety is a combination of inheritence and PTSD (My father used to hit me), so i'm getting it from both ends, so to speak.

Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through that, lovely to meet you :)

01-15-2014, 06:23 AM
Hello I thought I would ask you all about your anxiety, depression,intrusive thoughts etc
Does it run in your family?
My mum has never had anything like this tho when I lost my dad three years ago her panic attacks started,I know a loss,or something stressful can bring one on and anyone can get a panic attack at anytime and any age,
I was talking to my mum and why I'm asking is I don't know knifes and my mum said oh I don't like them to and a few things I don't like or fear she has the same,I would be so interested to know if any of you have the same situation in your family's?
Emma :)

It sure does in mine!! Also, certain other genetic traits/characteristics do too..I come from a mixed breed let's say. :)

01-15-2014, 09:41 AM
On my Mom's side, there is depression all over the place. On my Dad's side, there is OCD all over the place.. I personally got a wonderful mix of both plus an extra dose of anxiety. I haven't been told of or seen anyone in my family actually experience panic attacks and severe anxiety, but my Grandmother did have some anxiety. But how bad it was for her, I'm not sure.

01-15-2014, 09:49 AM
Oh I'm so sorry you had to go through that, lovely to meet you :)

Very nice to meet you as well :)

01-15-2014, 10:28 AM
Maternal: Doctors, Accountants, Professors...no mental disorder.
Paternal: Average folk. 3 scitzophrenics, high anxiety, bipolar disorder, performance anxiety, social anxiety disorders.

I am a smart anxious person. WHOOT WOOOT!!! :)

01-15-2014, 10:33 AM
You get a lot from parental upbringing. It shapes people into who you are. If you see people anxious or depressed it can easily result in that for you later in life.


Lord Jazzinho
01-15-2014, 10:46 AM
I don't think anxiety is genetic but if a person is raised in an environment of anxiety and turmoil, they can easily learn anxiety from it even animals (pets) can pick up on it

01-15-2014, 12:51 PM
I don't think anxiety is genetic but if a person is raised in an environment of anxiety and turmoil, they can easily learn anxiety from it even animals (pets) can pick up on it

Yeah, it doesn't run in my family...

My Mum thrives off of stress - if I tried to live in her shoes, I'd have a nervous breakdown after 2 weeks.

I've always had problems coping with anything stressful & I would imagine being as I developed schizophrenia, I'm pre-disposed to it. There is a higher prevalence of anxiety disorders amongst schizophrenics that the general population.

My anxiety has dropped in some ways since my schizophrenia cleared up & gone up in others. Will just have to see if anything is long lasting. I'm sure my brain chemistry is far from ideal.