View Full Version : Anxiety/Panics. How do you cope when its not convenient to take a pill?

01-14-2014, 05:42 PM
I apologize if this question been asked before. I am kinda getting anxiety by just thinking about the topic of anxiety.

For those that experience panic attacks in social situations such as meeting new people, dates, parties... etc and you have a panic attack or anxiety attack when you are unable to reach for that xanax ( or whatever) How do you deal without freaking out and making a scene?

I read someplace that the best thing to do is fake it and pretend your feeling normal, that if you confront the situation that causes the panics you will learn that situation is not harmful and you will eventually stop having the attacks. That i find hard to do for who wants to have a major freak out in front of other people? I know some of you been dealing with this a long time and have good advice.

I am new at dealing with this. I just recently sought medical help for the first time a little over a week ago. I I always had anxiety but it was aleways work related in the past but anxiety and panics in social situations is a new thing that just has developed withing the past few weeks Thanks!