View Full Version : anyone get migraines?

01-14-2014, 05:08 PM
So I started getting panic attacks five months ago. Now I'm getting migraines now? No pain really just my right side of my face and lip will go not necessarily numb but like a burning feeling. Than pressure in my right ear

01-14-2014, 05:10 PM
I'm not even sure if this is a migraine. But they make me panicky and scare the shit out of me. Anyone else get this? Are panic attacks and migraines connected???

01-14-2014, 05:20 PM
I'm not exactly sure of the relation between panic and a migraine

But I could easily connect the dots. Doesn't seem like much of a reach.

My bride gets migraines, not from anxiety but from.....probably me

She describes them similarly as you

01-14-2014, 08:13 PM
I get migraines with numbness/ tingling, and even worse, slurred speech, and visual disturbances. (Aura) They cause me alot of anxiety because they are so scary, try to pay attention when you get them, you might have eaten something that day that triggered it...or if youve skipped a meal. Mine are caused by skipping meals and stress.
Motrin works wonders for my migraines.

01-14-2014, 09:09 PM
Really?? That's crazy! I never knew all the symptoms!!! I don't get pain. Only short bursts on different parts. And half of my face is not numb but like burning/pressure feeling, tingling in my scalp on same side, tingling on my tongue and arm weakness. Not sure if they are even migraines or not. But yes they are SO scary!!! I think im having a stroke or something.

01-15-2014, 03:32 AM
I get migraines too... Some sometimes stress related but lately one of my clients mentioned that she gets them and one trigger is MSG.
A few nights ago I had only a small handful of Doritos which contain MSG. I got a migraine a few hours later and had it the next day too.
Here is a link on an article with some migraine causes... And recently reading it I think I'll have to sadly give up two of my favorite treats: red wine and old cheddar cheese. Boo hoo.

01-15-2014, 08:52 AM
Really?? That's crazy! I never knew all the symptoms!!! I don't get pain. Only short bursts on different parts. And half of my face is not numb but like burning/pressure feeling, tingling in my scalp on same side, tingling on my tongue and arm weakness. Not sure if they are even migraines or not. But yes they are SO scary!!! I think im having a stroke or something.

Its most likely a migraine. But you could go to the doc too just to rule out other possibilities. I have all of those symptoms with migraines though. Sometimes I never get a headache. Sometimes it might just be the numbness/tingling on one side. Or just the visual aura. Hope maybe I have helped ease your worry a bit.