View Full Version : Outpatient treatment program - anyone else?

01-14-2014, 03:20 PM
I've mentioned several that I'm in an outpatient program for anxiety. In theory I'm going 5 days a week, 4 hours a day, but between snowstorms, holidays, sick kids, etc. it's more like 3 days a week. I've been there since late last year. People are coming and going - seems like mostly going after a brief period. I'm a bit alarmed that I'm still there, and there's been no discussion of me cutting down on days, or leaving. I'm not ready to leave... but it makes me realize how bad off I am. That's kind of okay - explains a lot about why I've been having so much trouble. I have generalized anxiety disorder, and some sadness but no real depression at the moment.

Just wondering if anyone else has been in this type of program, and your experiences? I will say that individual once a week therapy didn't work for me AT ALL. I often felt it made things worse. I feel some hope in this program, and have become quite reliant on it (if I'm not there for a couple of days, I start to freak out).

01-14-2014, 04:01 PM
Saved my life more or less. I was admitted to hospital for suicidal ideation, I just planned to recontinue when I got out, but outpatient program helped me so much.. I got to go next day, and they picked me up and dropped me home. I was never on my own at all.

My first day I think I cried every 5 minutes, then the next day, I went on a path of healing. After doing talking therapies, art therapies, music therapies, movement therapies, more talking therapies, being sociable with other sufferers, eating with people like me and feeling part of something and not on my own, I begun feeling detoxed. I felt quite empty, all the emotion and tension that built up, felt like it had come out.

Once I was released, I felt much better, and carried on with that long path to feeling better. I'm really glad I went there, I'll never forget my time there and the people I met.

I did feel the same way though, very dependant on the program. I was terrified when it was time to leave, truly terrified, but I had become pretty strong again without realizing at that point.

01-14-2014, 04:05 PM
Another thing I really liked, I could see a doctor, a therapist, or psychiatrist, whenever I needed to see one, they were always there in the building. That was really good, helped me get settled on me med which is had trouble doing prior to going.

01-14-2014, 04:48 PM
Well Jesse I for one am thankful for you finding something. This would not be the same forum without you. Bitterweetgirl the same goes for you, what courage to go into a treatment facility. Awesome, you might not be feeling that right now, but sincerely, I am glad you're here too. :) Peace

01-14-2014, 05:21 PM
No, I only wish there was a program like this close to where I live. I looked into a few and they were all a couple hours away and not covered by my insurance. I've been stuck with spotty counseling now and then and medication.
Don't be worried about how long you have been there....you just do what you need to do for yourself, that's what is important. Good luck and keep me posted!

01-14-2014, 05:57 PM
Thank you so much, all of you! Jesse - I joked in the group once that I'm the "crier" in the program. No one there cries as much as me. I cried practically the whole first day... and then about every other day since then, I cry off and on. I cry at home too. I cry in the car (not recommended!). I have to take Xanax sometimes just so I can speak. Maybe it's that emotion and tension coming out, like you mentioned. I hope so - right now I feel pretty much like a disaster.

I do enjoy the support there, and being with people who are similar to me. There's no judgement (well, at least none spoken out loud!). I hope I'm getting stronger without quite realizing it, because I know I too will be terrified to leave. I think this forum is becoming the online version of that group for me, so that is really good - I appreciate all of you for helping and being here :)

Thanks again - I wish everyone had access to something like this.

01-14-2014, 07:49 PM
There's nothing and nobody to judge really, I mean anyone is welcome to, but then again I'm not sure they could take it. We're all mirroring the other. :) Peace