View Full Version : Foods,and other Anxiety Busters :)

01-14-2014, 02:56 PM
Hello I thought I would start a new page for people to let others know about the things they do to help keep there anxiety,panic attacks and mind racing thoughts be more calm :)
Chamomile tea
Lavender oils and pillow sprays for a carming bedtime,very good for childern to
I just thought I would put a few down and hope you all will add some more for others to try as these can be used by people who are on medication or who choose to not be :)

01-14-2014, 03:05 PM
I started a thread about it yesterday, I'm sure you saw...

Rooibos (Red Bush) Tea.


A hot bath!
Having a routine before bed to wind down.

01-14-2014, 03:21 PM
Lemon balm extract or tea. Hot bath with lavender and lemon salts,

01-14-2014, 05:55 PM
Deep breathing
Green tea
Healthy foods
Self help blogs/books

01-14-2014, 06:04 PM
Relaxation drinks
Anxietyforum.net ;)

01-14-2014, 06:12 PM
Music Relaxation drinks Bananas Humor Sunshine Anxietyforum.net ;)


What a great answer!

In the winter I have a huge bay window in the living room and theres a really comfortable chair in front of it

I'll lay on it sometimes on the weekend and my wife asks what I'm doing

I tell her you can still feel the heat from the sun and feel the vitamin D

You fine people may understand that

01-15-2014, 08:41 AM
As much as I agree that diet plays a major role in the intensity of what your body is pumping out...

Diet, bananas, teas, and tricks or whatever are not sufficient enough to tackle problem anxiety in themselves. Anxiety issues develop from myriad complex causes. But they are maintained and reinforced and continued. Yes you need to bring your overall physiological arousal levels down, yogic deep breathing, calm exercise and clean good diet are essential, but no matter how intense your anxiety is..you can only develop a 'disorder' from it if you run and react in certain ways that are problematic. For example with me I've struggled always with my own thinking! That's right I've been in a battle with my own mind! It's not to say I've had to deal with more thn most. I know that I've dealt with more and a lot and I've had a great deal more FEAR than other people , but I don't know why. The reasons are complex. But for whatever reason I got I to this bad, and I mean BAD, habit of fighting off my intrusive or just, the often uncomfortable or scary thoughts my brain creates. Bad because it's not meant to be fought, the Brain doesn't work that way it's made to generate ideas automatically in response to situation and you have no control over that.

I've had to and still do work at addressing a more helpful way to cope with whats in my head in a way that accepts whats there. Breathing, diet, relaxation and management are keys also, to bring your physiology down to a normal not as intense level....but you also have to work on how you react to anxiety. Once agin, you can't...develop an anxiety disorder unless you run/avoid or react to your fear. Doesn't matter how intense it is.

01-15-2014, 09:34 AM
As much as I agree that diet plays a major role in the intensity of what your body is pumping out... Diet, bananas, teas, and tricks or whatever are not sufficient enough to tackle problem anxiety in themselves. Anxiety issues develop from myriad complex causes. But they are maintained and reinforced and continued. Yes you need to bring your overall physiological arousal levels down, yogic deep breathing, calm exercise and clean good diet are essential, but no matter how intense your anxiety is..you can only develop a 'disorder' from it if you run and react in certain ways that are problematic. For example with me I've struggled always with my own thinking! That's right I've been in a battle with my own mind! It's not to say I've had to deal with more thn most. I know that I've dealt with more and a lot and I've had a great deal more FEAR than other people , but I don't know why. The reasons are complex. But for whatever reason I got I to this bad, and I mean BAD, habit of fighting off my intrusive or just, the often uncomfortable or scary thoughts my brain creates. Bad because it's not meant to be fought, the Brain doesn't work that way it's made to generate ideas automatically in response to situation and you have no control over that. I've had to and still do work at addressing a more helpful way to cope with whats in my head in a way that accepts whats there. Breathing, diet, relaxation and management are keys also, to bring your physiology down to a normal not as intense level....but you also have to work on how you react to anxiety. Once agin, you can't...develop an anxiety disorder unless you run/avoid or react to your fear. Doesn't matter how intense it is.

Oh I hear ya I have I bad intrusive thoughts that have made me so so ill,I can cope with the anxitey And attacks as bad and scary as they are but the thoughts are so horrible :(

01-15-2014, 09:37 AM
If you have egg sensitivity, it can cause or worse OCD in some people. I guess if you have OCD, see how you feel after eating eggs.

01-15-2014, 09:41 AM
If you have egg sensitivity, it can cause or worse OCD in some people. I guess if you have OCD, see how you feel after eating eggs.

Oh really that's mad,I'm not really a egg lover lol

01-15-2014, 09:45 AM
If you have egg sensitivity, it can cause or worse OCD in some people. I guess if you have OCD, see how you feel after eating eggs.

It doesn't effect me

Take today for example

I mixed the eggs than put them in the pan

I then checked to see if the burner was lit

Then checked to see if the burner was lit

Then checked to see if the burner was lit

I may never get to cook the damn eggs

01-15-2014, 09:47 AM
It doesn't effect me Take today for example I mixed the eggs than put them in the pan I then checked to see if the burner was lit Then checked to see if the burner was lit Then checked to see if the burner was lit I may never get to cook the damn eggs

This made me
Giggle lol

01-15-2014, 09:50 AM

@ Em, don't you just hate when there's no easy cure!

01-15-2014, 10:26 AM
Basically anything natural. "Cut the crap" is literally the only method of food ingestion you need to live by. The more packaging it comes in and the more unpronounceable the list of ingredients - the worse it's going to be. keep it fresh, raw and organic and you won't go wrong in life.
