View Full Version : What does it mean? Anxiety over everything...

01-14-2014, 01:27 PM
Hello everyone,

So I was feeling much better after seeing a new doc and changing my meds completely after a major depressive episode...then I started school, dropped my classes and decided to add one back. The issue I'm having is that now I'm anxious ALL THE TIME. I feel like I can't relax for anything whether it's washing the dishes, going out for a walk or even working out. I know it's normal to feel some anxiety about starting school, but I'm not sure if it's all about school. Could it be the meds aren't working already? I'm on remeron, prozac and abilify for depression and ativan for anxiety and have been on these for about a month. I really needed a confidence boost after losing my job a few months ago because of an injury, and I've always been good at school so I thought it would make me feel great. So far it has just made me feel stressed, anxious, worried and stupid to be honest. Definitely not the confidence booster I was hoping for. The problem is when I dropped the classes altogether, I felt like a horrible failure. I feel like I'm screwed emotionally either way!

01-14-2014, 01:50 PM
The important thing is not to let it set you back on any progress. Anxiety can be totally unpredictable and work in mysterious ways and will linger even when we're doing things that normally wouldnt make us anxious
. I dont know much about medication but it might take a few months for the meds to start working efficiently. .

01-14-2014, 02:09 PM
I just feel like I'm a failure no matter what I do...try taking classes and I may fail because they are online and I'm having a horrible time focusing. Also, taking classes online is very lonely, no face-to-face interaction with people, which is good in some ways but makes my depression worse. But I'm a failure if I drop the ONE class I'm trying to take because then I'm left with no class and still no job...I know counseling would help but finances are tight and my insurance does not have very good coverage right now.

01-14-2014, 03:06 PM
I sent you a friend request because for some reason I "get" your posts. We have some different issues, but your feelings makes sense to me... I can relate. PM me anytime.

The meds should have probably helped at least a bit after a month. Ativan works immediately, I believe (benzo, right?). That's a typical situation with meds though - it can be so hard to find the right dosage, and the right ones. Sometimes nothing really works all that well (I'm a notorious non-responder to meds). Keep trying, and in the meantime, push on through. Somehow.

Isn't it frustrating that when you try to make a positive change, it doesn't seem to help? I've had that happen too, and then I get more upset. However, the way you've described it here, it sounds like taking classes is still the best thing. There's hope for handling stress and anxiety. Feeling like a failure is harder to get past!

Good luck to you!

01-14-2014, 04:44 PM

All good points, thank you. It's hard for me to see the positive when I get so wrapped up in anxiety. It helps for you to give me those reminders!

01-14-2014, 04:45 PM
I have never done CBT, but will definitely check it out, thank you!

01-14-2014, 04:48 PM
I know what you mean...I have a really hard time finding meds that help. I get some relief for a short time, then BAM, the symptoms come back and meds don't really help. I've been through so many looking for the "right one."

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement...I think you are right and I'm going to try and cope with the anxiety and say in the class. I will keep posting too, which helps me feel better when the anxiety really gets bad.

01-14-2014, 05:02 PM
It's admirable that you are looking to take more classes

I am a career student. I see something that interests me and I take a class

And as admirable as it is, it may just not be the right time

Get your anxiety to a level where you can function normally most times

4 weeks on meds hasn't seen the full benefit

Once you get the mind under control, then start taking on new things

Right now it's all about you.

Your recovery should be at the top of your list

All others will fall into place once that is successfully complete