View Full Version : This is the year i recover

01-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Hi everyone, new to the forums, hope your all ok. Iv decided its time to get this 'Anxiety' problem sorted out once and for all and iv started a blog about what im going to do, my ups and downs during the recovery process, we re i think im going wrong and most importantly what i need to do to get it write. Iv spent 10 years battlin myself its time to face it and get rid of this 'bad habit' You ll have to excuse some of the spelling and grammer, writing is nt my strong point but i hope some of you guys who are ready, and sick of anxiety and all the symptoms it brings, can join me on the journey to recovery. Thanks guys :-)


01-14-2014, 02:44 PM
Welcome Xavier,

Take a seat and relax, Eman will be with you momentarily. He drives the van. ;) Peace bro!
Keep posting

01-14-2014, 02:52 PM
Peace to you to bro, 2014 seems as a good a uear as any to start knocking down some walls and get to the bottom of all this, gonna be a good year, cheers buddy

01-14-2014, 08:00 PM
It's is a great year indeed. Right now. Peace :)

01-14-2014, 08:31 PM
2014. BEST YEAR EVER for all of us!