View Full Version : Hi from Germany

01-14-2014, 12:22 PM
Hi everybody,

I grew up in New York and now live in my mother's home country Germany but
I've lived all over the place: Paris, London, Brussels, Italy, South America.

I'm basically a long time anxiety sufferer but I've never been really depressive. Obviously anxiety always takes a toll
but despite of that I was always kind of positive with an interest in many things. Lately though I've been getting depressive boots that
are out of the normal and quite scary. Maybe it's a mixture of anxiety and depression. Anyway, I hope to meet others and discuss ways to improve
my condition.

Oddly I know that you can improve quite quickly. I had severe panic attacks about 16 years ago and was so agoraphobic that I could hardy leave the house.
A few years later I lived in the Andes and often traveled over the so-called Death Road which is one of the scariest roads in the world, standing at the edge of the road,
calmly looking down a couple of thousand feet. That just goes to show how fast it CAN go(google Death Road to look at pics or vids).

01-14-2014, 12:35 PM
Welcome aboard Eljay

Oh, and no one is allowed to google in here!

01-14-2014, 12:47 PM

I meant they can google or rather look up Death Road on their own just to see what it looks like.
It's not spam or advertising. Death Road is just a geographic location in the Andes. It would be like saying, look up the Amazon forest.

01-14-2014, 12:50 PM
I looked it up after your post. Pretty scary looking.

I was just making light about how google will make anyone with anxiety believe they have every disease out there.

01-14-2014, 12:54 PM
I was just making light about how google will make anyone with anxiety believe they have every disease out there.

Say no more. In all seriousness, Googling is what worsened my anxiety that was almost non-existent so I know EXACTLY what you mean;)

01-14-2014, 12:57 PM
You and everyone else!

I would be curious if more people have come down with anxiety issues over the last 15-20 years since the internet was in high use

Most people are so lazy, they wouldn't have bothered going to the library!

01-14-2014, 01:09 PM
There are several things that changed since I use the internet:
- I go out less which automatically increases social anxiety
- I used to walk to many place and into town, check out book shops, go to places etc. which I now do much less now
- I googled side-effects of the medication I was taking. Before googling I had zero side-effects, felt great and never had a problem. After googling everything changed.
- I do less sports(one of the best anti-anxiety methods there is according to my experience

Is there a section where people go more into depth in discussing what causes their anxieties and what problems they have?

01-14-2014, 01:34 PM
You can go to stick notes or do a search. Anything you want to look up has been discussed at great lengths I'm sure

01-14-2014, 02:22 PM
You and everyone else!

I would be curious if more people have come down with anxiety issues over the last 15-20 years since the internet was in high use

Most people are so lazy, they wouldn't have bothered going to the library!

Probably more because we are bombared with information. Most people are overwhelmed with it.

Elyal welcome to the forum...:)
I had seen the documentary about Death Road, and it is pretty scary. I can not imagine driving there.
You have lived in so many places, some exotic ones. When I think about it, I rember from my childhood, that restlessness of my parents and moving to different city did add to my anxiety. It is not easy for a child not to have a routine...:)

01-14-2014, 02:29 PM
Welcome Eljay!
Lots of resources and of course the videos the owner has set up, but this place is unlimited. You'll find something that resonates I'm sure. Glad you're here. Lots of great people here. Peace

01-14-2014, 04:02 PM
Welcome Eljay!....


01-14-2014, 04:17 PM
Guten tag!

That's pretty cool you've used the death road. What's it like in real life, is it as scary as it looks on tv? It's always kind of interested me.

You've certainly travelled a lot too, friend!

Welcome. Hopefully your next journey is away from the mental unrest.

01-14-2014, 04:36 PM
The first time around it was pretty scary and I totally tensed up but after that I traveled about 40-50 more times on that road and you lose all fear.

01-14-2014, 04:56 PM
The first time around it was pretty scary and I totally tensed up but after that I traveled about 40-50 more times on that road and you lose all fear.

A lesson about our condition. We all should learn!