View Full Version : Why the afternoon?

01-14-2014, 11:35 AM
Hey everyone.

I need some advise and maybe a few tips to help me help myself with something that some of you may think is fairly trivial, but I'm having a really hard time coping with. Here goes...
My sons school is around a two mile drive and I'm basically ok with driving him there each morning (a few nerves, but I handle them).
It's the afternoon pick up that is literally killing me!
I am a nervous wreck everyday, thinking of all the traffic, the crowds of people, the noise. Walking into the yard has become impossible, so I wait at the gates for him, but even then I am struggling. Every afternoon is horrid and Nine times out of ten I will either be on the verge of panicking or have a full blown attack. I don't know why this has become a trigger for me. All I want to do is be there when my little boy comes out of school. It's making me really sad. Any advise is really appreciated. X

01-14-2014, 11:45 AM
This may sound trivial too...but,

take a nap an hour before you go...then get up and have some tea, make the drive...Just a thought.

It sounds like you're just tired to me....:)

01-14-2014, 12:04 PM
This may sound trivial too...but,

take a nap an hour before you go...then get up and have some tea, make the drive...Just a thought.

It sounds like you're just tired to me....:)

I wish this were the case Eman! I get enough sleep at night. I'm actually really lucky that my anxiety rarely kicks in a night. It enjoys run amock throughout my body in daylight hours!
It's more that I'm really frightened of fainting, blacking out, having a heart attack... While waiting for my son - all the usual bullshit that anxiety makes us think! X

01-14-2014, 12:11 PM
Okay here I go again. Find a relaxation mp3 download it, put your headphones on and relax while you go get your son. All the time noticing your breath, slow and easy. Sit up straight. I got an mp3 at Brain Sync (see I told ya). lol Brainsync works for me very well. If nothing else get the free stuff there, Kelly Howell is the Brain whisperer. Read up, and cheers. Peace Let me know how you do please. Also no I don't work for or receive any monies for reporting about brain sync, just so you knw.