View Full Version : I hate going out

01-14-2014, 11:06 AM
I get in such a state about leaving my house I really wish I wasnt like this I have a 6 and 7 years old and they always ask me to take them to the cinema or the park but I cant face it. I went to the dentist today which I hate and now I have a headache and feel so exahusted I feel like im going mad!! The spaced out feeling and head aches etc just make me think what if I have somthing serious wrong I only went to the dentist because I had white spots on my gums and thought the worst! My headache is like from my nose and eyes! Arghhhhhhh

01-14-2014, 11:40 AM
Have you got anyone you can confide in and talk about how you are feeling and maybe ask
for a little support?
My mum helps me a lot when she can.
I know exactly how you feel about going out!
What is it that scares you?
When I first started having panic attacks, I couldn't even walk to the end of my street !
I 'm nowhere near better, but I find that taking baby steps, like going for a short walk everyday, helps with my confidence and also keeps the depression at bay.
Inbox me if you want a proper chat. X

01-14-2014, 01:05 PM
Have you got anyone you can confide in and talk about how you are feeling and maybe ask
for a little support?
My mum helps me a lot when she can.
I know exactly how you feel about going out!
What is it that scares you?
When I first started having panic attacks, I couldn't even walk to the end of my street !
I 'm nowhere near better, but I find that taking baby steps, like going for a short walk everyday, helps with my confidence and also keeps the depression at bay.
Inbox me if you want a proper chat. X

I nearly faited in a shop and since then I feel scared I dont really have family near my partner is there but I dont think he understands how I feel :( x

01-14-2014, 01:30 PM
I'm so sorry you feel this way...I get stressed too about going out, more so recently and as I've gotten older. I'm not sure why but it does put a damper on my life for sure, as it sounds like it does for you too...

01-14-2014, 01:37 PM
I'm so sorry you feel this way...I get stressed too about going out, more so recently and as I've gotten older. I'm not sure why but it does put a damper on my life for sure, as it sounds like it does for you too...

Yeah it does I dont even like my partner leaving me to go to work :(

01-14-2014, 01:55 PM
Agoraphobia.. a branch off the giant tree that is anxiety.
One of the most debilitating branches as well because it really makes it difficult to recover.. I was homebound for months. Got insane panic attacks as soon as I'd leave my building. Mine has reversed itself now and I prefer being out and about while staying at home makes me super panicky..

01-14-2014, 02:41 PM
Agoraphobia.. a branch off the giant tree that is anxiety.
One of the most debilitating branches as well because it really makes it difficult to recover.. I was homebound for months. Got insane panic attacks as soon as I'd leave my building. Mine has reversed itself now and I prefer being out and about while staying at home makes me super panicky..

Its a horrible feeling always got headaches to and keep going hot then cold I feel like im ill :, (

01-14-2014, 02:54 PM
I get that way too when my anxiety is bad, but just go, cause you have no other options when you feel that bad anyway, you're not gonna feel better being at home, just guilty for not taking your kids out, it's nothing you can't handle, panic is only the body reacting to stress. You'll feel better when you get out, avoidance gives it power, and makes it worse, the feelings of anxiety, while horrible will pass. Panic only stays in your system for like 40 mins, it reached its peak within (I think 10 mins).

01-14-2014, 03:11 PM
I get that way too when my anxiety is bad, but just go, cause you have no other options when you feel that bad anyway, you're not gonna feel better being at home, just guilty for not taking your kids out, it's nothing you can't handle, panic is only the body reacting to stress. You'll feel better when you get out, avoidance gives it power, and makes it worse, the feelings of anxiety, while horrible will pass. Panic only stays in your system for like 40 mins, it reached its peak within (I think 10 mins).

I try taking little walks but its such a relive to get in xx