View Full Version : Dumb ?? Can u use someones albuterol inhaler ?

02-13-2008, 09:50 PM
Ok i had a breathing treatment and it helped at the hospital and it had albuterol in it, would it be safe to use someones albuterol in haler??

02-14-2008, 10:52 AM
I have asthma and I have an albuterol inhaler. Albuterol isn't dangerous and using someone's inhaler won't kill you or anything. That being said I would suggest either getting a prescription for it (if you have asthma or other breathing problems) or not using it at all. If you become used to having a rescue inhalor you will feel like you need it more than you really do. (this is a problem for some asthmatics)

One thing that might be helpful is to get a peak flow meter. A lot of doctors give them away to patients for free (drug companies manufacture them to advertise their medicines). They are helpful because sometimes you might feel like you're more short of breath than you actually are. I have this problem; my doctor told me that the nerves in my lungs are more sensitive than most people's. What this means is that I will feel short of breath when I'm really only short 5% (in terms of overall lung function). Most people wouldn't be able to tell if they were short 5% but I feel out of breath. I use the peak flow meter to determine whether I really need to use albuterol or not. This can be extremely helpful for people with anxiety and asthma or or breathing problems.

I've read some of your other posts - and responded to a few - and it sounds to me like we have had pretty similar experiences. My anxiety makes me feel like I'm going to die and a lot of it centers around fears of disease (anything from heart disease to cancer and everything in between) It's important for you to remember this when you are feeling anxious about stuff. I too have worried about COPD (which, unless you've been smoking 3 packs a day since you were 5, is impossible for a 19 year old to contract); hell I've worried about having almost every serious thing out there, this month alone I've worried about Melanoma, Blindness, MS, DVT, and Pulmonary Embolism (the latter 2 mostly because I saw a commercial about DVT and the next day my leg started to hurt). I know that it's different for you because you have been having breathing problems, but it's important to remember that anxiety and breathing problems (especially shortness of breath) are related. Anxiety can make you feel like you're short of breath; in fact it's one of the more frequent symptoms of anxiety, especially panic attacks.

I would suggest that you talk to your doctor about your breathing tests, if he thinks you have asthma then get an albuterol inhaler, if he doesn't then you probably don't need one. Ask him if he has any peak flow meters that you could have (The kind I'm talking about are relatively small, portable things). Also, make sure that both your doctor for your anxiety and your pulmonary doctor (or GP, I'm not sure where you had your lung function tests preformed) are aware of each of your issues.

Anyway I hope this was some help to you. Sorry if I rambled. Message me if you have any questions.


05-17-2008, 09:38 PM
Ok i had a breathing treatment and it helped at the hospital and it had albuterol in it, would it be safe to use someones albuterol in haler??
If the albuterol helped you alot then you might have some breathing condition. I would see a breathing doctor. I use my inhaler as needed. I would prefer to use it every day but they say the more you use it the less effective it becomes so I use my peak flow meter like the person above said.

I also have allergies causing chest tightness and it is hard to tell if it is asthma or allergies when it happens so I treat my self for both when needed.

From what I heard from others is that albuterol does not help them breathe better during an anxiety attack. So if it worked you might be on to an answer.

Check for allergies too. I dunno about using your friends inhaler. Not a great idea. I used an inhaler with steriods and it actually made my breathing harder because I have reactions to steriods. There are also inhalers sold over the counter that have epinephrine in them. That will surely work but can scare the heck out of you when you heart beats 3 times faster. Repeated uses of the wrong inhaler can also cause heart attacks or bronchal spamisms making the situation worst. Don't just use your friends inhaler unless you know exactly what is in the mix of medication. Inhalers can be very safe but they are all different and just because they look the same doesn't mean they have the same medication in them. I would suggest going to a doctor to ask. I was told I can not use epinephrine inhalers either. I use albuterol with out steriods and they work amazingly fantastic for me. They might give releif for as many hours but they work just as well. I have also tried other inhalers that did nothing for me. I would ask for free samples if you can. Some cause headachs or dizzyness, even numbness for a few minutes. That usually wears off after 3-4 minutes. This is another reason why not to take a friends inhaler. You can tell I am excited because it changed my life and besides it keeps me breathing. :)

To test for side effects from an inhaler you can try them when you are feeling fine. You won't breathe any easier if a problem is not existing at the time but the side effects will still be there. I found out that my inhaler caused extreme hyperness if I held my breath for 20 seconds. Now I only hold the medicine in for 5 seconds. To test you can hold your breath for a few seconds and blow out only 1 puff. If you feel fine that agrees with you. A side effect will be so slight this way. Even my inhaler has me feeling a little strange for a few minutes but I don't mind because it goes away so quickly.

Many inhalers take at least 5 minutes to kick in. Good luck. :)