View Full Version : anxiety making me sick!

01-14-2014, 07:17 AM
My anxiety is making me sick and I dont know what to do. Well first off my left leg has been bothering me alot lately. I was going to the gym and I think I messed up my Achilles tendon. The pain is in my leg and goes up the back of my leg. Sometimes I feel like I have muscle spasms. I went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound to make sure it wasn't a bloodclot that came out negative but its getting to the point im scared. The pain isnt unbearable and I wouldn't even call it pain its more uncomfortable. But of course with anxiety it doesnt help because I think something is more seriously wrong. Im making myself sick. Any suggestions? Please help

01-14-2014, 08:10 AM
I'm curious to know what you are fearing it may be?

Not sure of anything that could be threatening, although I'm sure it hurts

I'm sure that will pass pretty quickly if you go to the gym and are in good shape

01-14-2014, 09:33 AM
My advice from similar past experience is to take a vitamin, and try motrin too. I have had leg pain due to vitamin deficiency..Once I had a leg twitch for like 3 days straight. seriously non stop, it was scary but Turned out to be totally benign. Hope you feel better soon!

01-14-2014, 03:14 PM
I am afraid it might be a bloodclot. I know I had gone to the hospital and the ultrasound came back negative but I think im scared that they missed it or something. ..ughhh I hate feeling like a hypochondriac. I have leg pain and sometimes I have the twitching and like muscle spasms is what it feels like...I should be taking more vitamins. ..thank you guys for replying. Im just scares

01-14-2014, 03:25 PM
It's most likely not that. You do know what it is though. It's our anxiety talking, saying okay what's next? Then we ride that train a while and in the end find we don't even like train rides so we get off. Been there, did it and I do have the t-shirt. You're healthy, young, and alive! Be there, don't miss it. See it? Peace ;)
When I start my woman asks me how's that left big toe? She thinks it's funny how I can switch my attention when I want to without a second thought. I think it's funny too, but it has shown me a lot about me, the toe question that is. lol Hmmm I am not even a doctor nor do I play one on TV. :D

01-14-2014, 03:26 PM
Hi Nikki, my name is Kristina and I am new to this website. I have suffered from anxiety since I was in my teenage years I am 25 now and a mother of one. I absolutely loose my mind when I get sick or think something is wrong with me and always have this feeling come over my body that I am going to die and I think the worst. Right now I have been struggling a little more than usual I took a Plan B pill on wed. of last week and have had really really bad reactions to it. Vomiting, always using the bathroom... Most due to my ANXIETY!!!! I am on Remeron 45 mg and Klonopin nightly. Lately I have no control over my anxiety I had a ct scan done today and all it showed was a cyst on my left ovaries and some fluid,,,but, of course Im thinking the worst...scared im going to end up in a hospital the nausea and D I still experiencing is still pretty horrible....! So I just want you to know that I know what you are going threw!

01-14-2014, 04:44 PM
Thanks guys!! I really appreciate the feedback. Kay I know what you mean...I have been dealing with anxiety for almost 10yrs now...I was doing great until about a year when I was in a really bad relationship and then all of a sudden my anxiety just went haywire. I hate feeling like I am going to die all the time. Anything that is wrong with me I automatically think the absolute worse possible. It flippin sucks!!! I wish anxiety never existed life would be so much better without it. Oh and btw im 33 and have a 12yr old son :)

01-14-2014, 04:55 PM
I am afraid it might be a bloodclot. I know I had gone to the hospital and the ultrasound came back negative but I think im scared that they missed it or something. ..ughhh I hate feeling like a hypochondriac. I have leg pain and sometimes I have the twitching and like muscle spasms is what it feels like...I should be taking more vitamins. ..thank you guys for replying. Im just scares

They didn't miss anything because the doctors and hospitals want there to be something wrong so you can be a cash cow!

01-14-2014, 05:11 PM
I do agree with you Nixon. I guess im just being paranoid or something :/ I hate it

01-14-2014, 05:17 PM
Paranoid and this forum are somewhat synonymous.

Your anxiety is just getting the better of you now.

Nothing more, nothing less

But everyone here will keep you heading in the right place