View Full Version : results from hospital

01-14-2014, 04:33 AM
So I had an echocardiogram and it didnt go so well apparantly the left side was a little compressed. Turns out I have a mild pectus excavatum so my breast bone is slightly inverted and is pressing on my heart so the one side is compressed.
He said its not dangerous or life threatening..
I checked in the mirror and yeah.. it does seem like the middle bit of my chest is a bit concave. Weird that none of the other doctors noticed it before and it wasnt noticed on my previous echo.
Duno how to feel about this or how it will affect my anxiety..
: (

01-14-2014, 04:56 AM
If the Doctor said it is not dangerous, then hopefully this will set you at ease after you have digested the news.

With a diagnosis of anything, whether it is benign or not, there is always some anxiety, especially with the unknown.

It might help to know more about it but wary because there will be a lot of information about extreme cases that might scare you.

PS - I had a friend in High School who had this. He was very business minded & I always joked he was suited to business because he was a heartless b*****d. :p

Perhaps I should tell him what it is now I know!

01-14-2014, 05:06 AM
Yeah - naturally I Google pectus excavatum as soon as I got home. There wasnt anything too scary about it since mine is mild and my chest looks nothing like the pics theyve put up on the internet. But when the nurse who was doing my echo stopped and called the doctor saying there something wrong. Maaaan. I had such a bad feeling of dread come over me. It was so so so scary.
Its something I will have to live with. its my body and I will love and accept any of my deformities : )

01-14-2014, 05:17 AM
That's great news that it's nothing dangerous or serious. Hopefully, that will give your mind some relief. The thing is you've lived with this your whole life without noticing it until the doc pointed it out, right? If it's not causing any physical distress, you just have to think of it like a freckle, or a birthmark, or a left toe that's bigger than a corresponding right toe. We all have our marks and little imperfections that make each of us unique. Just try to visualize it that way and not give it much thought. Sounds like you're unsure about it, but I hope you won't get caught up worrying about it. I'm sure if the doc thought it was anything at all, he or she would've recommended corrective measures.

01-14-2014, 05:32 AM
at first i was really freaked out.. but now i've had time to process it and im thankful its not something major. It has cleared up a couple of things for me. Am breathing sighs of relief.
Thanks for the reassurance guys : )

01-14-2014, 05:38 AM
at first i was really freaked out.. but now i've had time to process it and im thankful its not something major. It has cleared up a couple of things for me. Am breathing sighs of relief.
Thanks for the reassurance guys : )Anytime. This is great to hear you're relieved. If you start doubting, come back and read this thread again.