View Full Version : Triggers

02-13-2008, 09:40 PM
I get the same thing with the chills... and the heart palpitations... that'll always gurantee me a panic attack. Sometimes though, there is no trigger that i know of... i could be just doing dishes or listening to someone talk... then like a stick in the wheels... adrenaline rushes through me and then more and then more... then i start pacing around comtemplating phoning the ambulance... but I refuse and try to calm myself down... rubbing my chest and drinking water... my heart ends up in my throat... i feel like passing out... i have thoughts of dying right there on the spot because of my heart stopping... it's very scary, i've had them steady for more than a year and it still scares me big time.

02-14-2008, 12:27 AM
I have the same thing bro. Exact same thing. Just i dont get chills and sometimes my hands go numb cuz of the nervousness. But, we just gotta think...if we've gone this long...and every time it's happend...we've lived...where gunna live again...only thing that can happen is we pass out and wake up. and it's even ahrd to pass out when you got anxeity attacks due to the blood rushing.