View Full Version : Pelvic Ultrasound - freaking out

01-13-2014, 01:11 PM
Anyone had one of these ? I'm 32, having period trouble and have one tomorrow . Do they tell you if something is 'there' or not on the day?

I have major health anxiety so this is a big deal for me.

01-13-2014, 01:18 PM
Iv'e had lots of UltraSounds, the specialist performing the scan will tell you if he/she finds anything iffy. Don't worry it's a cakewalk..:D

Just lay back and think of England..

01-13-2014, 01:35 PM
Iv'e had lots of UltraSounds, the specialist performing the scan will tell you if he/she finds anything iffy. Don't worry it's a cakewalk..:D Just lay back and think of England..

Hi mist,

Thanks for your reply. Just never had anything like this before and I'm frightened I have cancer. Hopefully if anything it's just a cyst or fibroid.

01-13-2014, 01:38 PM
Why do you think you might have Cancer? Do you have any lumps or bumps?

Any blood when urinating or pooping?


Cancer is a pain in the butt crack man..

01-13-2014, 01:50 PM
Why do you think you might have Cancer? Do you have any lumps or bumps? Any blood when urinating or pooping? Vomiting? Cancer is a pain in the butt crack man..

Hi mist,

I have heavier periods and bit of spotting. Some pelvic pain, nausea and back pain too.

01-13-2014, 01:54 PM
I've had many pelvic ultrasounds. In the US the tech won't tell you if anything is wrong I think they can get into trouble for that. Don't know how it works where you live though if you're not in US. I've had all the symptoms you have and I have adenomyosis. It's not life threatening at all but very painful as you've probably already discovered. Basically it's endometriosis of the uterine muscle. Many times endometriosis is outside the uterus and adeno is inside. Don't worry I'm sure if they see anything it's minor. I've been going through this for years :).

01-13-2014, 02:05 PM
Hi mist,

I have heavier periods and bit of spotting. Some pelvic pain, nausea and back pain too.

As long as you have no blood in any of your bodily fluids, except the obvious, it unlikely you have Cancer, your symptoms don't match.

Cancer symtoms are kind of unlike anything else iv'e experienced. It's very difficult to explain it to someone who hasn't had it, but your body seems to know something is very wrong and lets you know in some very odd ways.

Try not to stress about it, apart from the gel being cold and messy it's all good.

Just ask the specialist while he or she is doing it, "See anything of concern?"

If you get chatty with them they are usually pretty happy to walk you through what they are seeing, if anything.

01-13-2014, 04:37 PM
I had a scan a few weeks ago back pain tummy pain heavey periods etc I was so scared I know how your feeling but try not to worry sometimes they tell you but sometimes they send to your gp. Xx

01-13-2014, 05:03 PM
I had one back in October, and much like yourself I was very worried about it. I would have intermittent pain in my right and left lower abdomen and a slightly irregular period...my cycles were longer than usual. So I want for the ultrasound and the tech end up doing the "transvaginal" version cause I hadn't had enough water in my bladder...sorry if TMI. Anyway, the tech who did mine told me on the DL that she didn't see anything, which of course was a huge relief.
Good luck...try not to worry too much, it is most likely nothing to worry about.

01-15-2014, 04:26 AM
Hey girls,

Thanks very much for your supportive replies. I went for the ultrasound and the woman said I have some fibriods - which are very common in women over 30 (I'm 32). Something like 50% of women will have them in lifetime. I felt fine yesterday but feel paranoid today as I wonder how they can tell from looking at the scan that they are fibroid tumours and not cancerous ones ?

01-15-2014, 05:02 AM
Hey girls,

Thanks very much for your supportive replies. I went for the ultrasound and the woman said I have some fibriods - which are very common in women over 30 (I'm 32). Something like 50% of women will have them in lifetime. I felt fine yesterday but feel paranoid today as I wonder how they can tell from looking at the scan that they are fibroid tumours and not cancerous ones ?

Because they are medical professionals trained to tell the difference. And you have no cancer symptoms..:D

You would know if you had cancer..

01-15-2014, 07:21 AM
Because they are medical professionals trained to tell the difference. And you have no cancer symptoms..:D You would know if you had cancer..

Thanks Mist. How are you today ?

01-15-2014, 07:39 AM
Mists right, they do this stuff in their sleep! :)

Stacey, is that your brother in your pic with you? You guys look remarkably similar!!

Take care, have a relaxed day!

01-15-2014, 07:54 AM
Next step is cone biopsy, done in 5 minutes. They check, but in the possibility that is cancerous is slim to none. Do not worry, you will be ok:))

01-16-2014, 04:20 AM
Mists right, they do this stuff in their sleep! :) Stacey, is that your brother in your pic with you? You guys look remarkably similar!! Take care, have a relaxed day!

Hi jessed03, yes it's my brother ! 12 years younger than me :) x

01-16-2014, 09:48 AM
I have had lots of pain over the last 2 years and i had an ultrasound in 2012 which showed nothing and the pain got worse so i had another ultrasound again in Dec 2013, which also showed nothing. They think i could have endo as it doesnt show on an ultrasound. Im waiting for a hospital appointment to come through for the hospital and im waiting for that which is worrying me . Im glad you managed to get it done and got through it.x

01-16-2014, 05:58 PM
I have had lots of pain over the last 2 years and i had an ultrasound in 2012 which showed nothing and the pain got worse so i had another ultrasound again in Dec 2013, which also showed nothing. They think i could have endo as it doesnt show on an ultrasound. Im waiting for a hospital appointment to come through for the hospital and im waiting for that which is worrying me . Im glad you managed to get it done and got through it.x

Hi majored

Thank you x

My friend has endio, they couldn't pic up on ultrasound , but picked up on other test. She has heavy periods, clotting, constipation and pain. It can vary from person to person and is very common.

Hope you get your appointment soon is they can diagnose and then you'll know for sure.