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01-13-2014, 11:27 AM
Does anyone take aspirin? Does it have any effect on anxiety?
I have this new anxiety theory that all the adrenaline in me has made my blood thick and that I must take aspirin to thin my blood so it doesnt clot : ) thanks anxiety! Another wonderful thing for me to worry about.
Apparantly there are health benefits to taking an aspirin every now and again.

01-13-2014, 12:00 PM
I dont know adrenaline actually causes the blood to thicken, does it?

When my blood pressure got pretty high for a bit, I was taking a low dose aspirin everyday

It didn't do anything to cause any anxiety though

01-13-2014, 12:07 PM
Do not take any medicine unnecessary, please. Aspirin can cause damage to stomach tissue, and the theory that with anxiety your blood gets thick is ...is not true.

01-13-2014, 12:16 PM
I certainly wouldn't advise you taking aspirin without consulting your physician. You are a young women and relatively active I would presume. I doubt that you are at risk of developing a blood clot. I cannot comment on how adrenaline would affect the blood clotting process as I am not sure.
Taking aspirin could result in other problems...stomach ulcers, risk of bleeding (on the brain), etc. So, definitely DO NOT take it without first seeing your doctor. I am quite confident that he/she will tell you the same thing.