View Full Version : Took Ativan 30 minutes ago...maybe need another?

01-13-2014, 04:40 AM
Ok so I've been in a total panic over the whole withdrawing from school thing and took an ativan at 6 am. I've given it over 30 minutes and I'm still pretty much freaking out inside. It may be a little better but not much...what does everyone think....ok to take another? My doc said I can take 2 or 3 a day and it's ok, but IDK if that will be enough today. I'm going to call his office today just to ask, but I'm trying to get through the next few hours until I can make a few phone calls...

01-13-2014, 06:26 AM
It'll be ok Mason,...we'll get you through this rough patch friend.

Make this day a good day!


01-13-2014, 07:20 AM
Thanks E-Man,

I went to workout for awhile and felt better, but now the panic is back. I called and set up an appt with my doc for Wednesday, so that's good. I'm going to ask about a beta blocker since you mentioned it works for you. I feel like I need something scheduled for anxiety, not just as needed like the ativan is. I've always been an anxious person, and situations like this just make it go out of control so fast. Thank you for all the help...you are making a big difference in how I am coping with all of this stress!

01-13-2014, 09:51 AM
I am pretty sure the space you take from one Ativan to the next is like 6 hours or something (I could be wrong) I use Ativan as my absolute last resort, because it's powerful and puts me to sleep, I haven't used it in more than a year now cause since I use it as my last resort for when I can't calm myself well enough, I don't want it to lose it's effectiveness in calming me down.

I've also heard it's addicting, so I try to keep a bit of distance from it.

I think you should go out for a walk maybe, work on some sort of task for a while til you can calm yourself.

01-13-2014, 10:45 AM
I use Ativan as needed. I would not be able to function on certain days without it. On days that I don't have work I can usually get by with 1mg . On work days when anxiety spikes I can go as high as 4mg throughout the course of the day. It's just to get you through the roughest periods in your life. Anxiety is like a seesaw, sometimes your down in the dirt and sometimes you are feeling up in the sky. The Ativan just gives you a boost to get you out of the dirt.

01-14-2014, 01:34 PM
Thanks...I like that analogy...it does help to get me out of the dirt at times.