View Full Version : What Pi**es Me Off

01-13-2014, 03:07 AM
I don't know why i just thought of this but..

About a year ago i was at La Hopital getting some blood taken for my diabetic HBA1C and while i was waiting in the waiting room i was privvy to a conversation that to this day urks the crap outta me.

I was sat there minding my own business when an older woman appears in the waiting room.

She struck up a conversation with some guy next to her and started saying how she was there to have some blood taken.

She proceeded to explain how she has had perfect health her entire life but that now her life was over, that god had forsaken her.

She continued that some people deserve ill health by the way they live their lives but that because she was a good christian that she should not be there.

She started being abusive at nurses asking how dare they make her wait with everyone else.

She started saying that she doesn't deserve this to be happening to her and that now she was going to die along with everyone else there.

Bear in mind everyone is there just to give a blood sample..LOL

Anyway, she caused such a rucus that the security threw her out.

Don't know why i just thought of that or even why i shared it.

If you ever read this lady, your one crazy old bat..Bwahaha!

01-13-2014, 04:14 AM
Wow, awesome....that would have totally thrown me off for the entire day if I saw it...

01-13-2014, 04:20 AM
I was just like, some people have such easy lives blessed with perfect health and then they get a cold or need a routine blood test and they think they're dying and feel all sorry for themselves wanting sympathy..etc

Just hits a nerve with me..LOL

01-13-2014, 04:37 AM
It would hit a nerve with me too...I often imagine myself taking one of my shoes off and smacking the offending person across the head with it LOL. I don't mean this in a violent, "I'm going to hurt someone" way, more like a comic strip running through my head as I deal with the stupidity of people throughout the day...

01-13-2014, 04:46 AM
I often imagine myself taking one of my shoes off and smacking the offending person across the head with it LOL


01-13-2014, 05:29 AM
I am sooo glad I wasn't there because I would have had to say something!!! My boyfriends granparents are christians but they never preach to anyone else about religon or think that they are better than anyone else because of their religion... wow!!!

01-13-2014, 05:57 AM
If she's a Christian, why was she so bugged about dying

Doesn't she believe she's going to paradise?

01-13-2014, 07:27 AM
LOL true that!

01-13-2014, 07:44 AM
Unfortunately people like that are everywhere. It is not so bad. I have a neighbor, religious one , who is trying to convince me that evolution is a lie..... We tend to complain not knowing what suffering other people go through. Mist it was just a stupid old woman, forget it:))

01-13-2014, 09:30 AM
I think the lady forgot to take her meds..

I don't know the right word for how she was acting? Insane righteousness? I don't know, but people like that really irritate me, acting like they are above everyone else (whether they are religious or not) ..I probably would've had a word or two with her, but she was more than likely not of sound mind.

01-14-2014, 10:00 PM
You know, it could be that it wasn't just a "religion" thing. Perhaps the woman had a mental disorder. Sometimes people may look totally "normal" but have a mental problem and talk rather "crazy". It is a good thing that security escorted her out. But, as one who suffers from a mental problem myself (my anxiety) I try not to judge others when they seem somewhat "off". Sorry for all the ""'s. I think I would have just sat there shaking my head and smirking myself. I think it's funny. She was probably a Catholic. Being raised a Catholic, we are led to believe that we are the true Christians and that we are the only ones who are going to heaven. Needless to say I'm not a current practicing Catholic. I don't think I have a fast track pass to Heaven. Therefore I guess I don't agree with the Catholics. No offense intended to any here who may be practicing devout Catholics. To each his/her own.