View Full Version : Breathless feeling at night?

Austin Sowell
01-12-2014, 10:29 PM
I don't know why but recently I have felt out of breath at night, not during the morning or afternoon or any other time just when it starts to get dark, randomly. It's been happening for a couple days now and I'm only 16 (in shape) so I don't think it's heart or lung related. Some nights I go to bed at 11, some nights 2.3.1 no real schedule. I've always felt really sleepy when I get home from school and take a nap even on weekends when I just sit around I'll get sleepy around 4-5 in the afternoon.
I think my fatigue may be due to depression. Don't really have friends at school because I have bad anxiety. I used to think it had to have been my heart or diabetes, but everytime I've went to the doctor my blood tests came back fine and physicals are good.
Could this be a mental thing? I mean once I fall asleep I'm usually fine occasionally I'll have a nightmare and wake up. It's a recurring thing some nights I can breathe fine, others I can't because I'll just worry to the point where I can't fall asleep and feel like I'm dying. The shortness of breathe comes before the "I feel like I'm dying" just to be clear. What could be causing the shortness of breath? and who should I see about this kind of thing?

01-13-2014, 02:55 AM
Since you've been to the Dr it's safe to say it's anxiety. Panic attacks do not have to have multiple symptoms. Sometimes or even frequently you will get limited symptom attacks..where just one or two things happen. One of my symptoms...was shortness of breath. Try to relax...all is fine:)

01-13-2014, 06:23 AM
Welcome Austin!!

You're at the right place friend....:)