View Full Version : Looking For Alternative Self Medication

01-12-2014, 10:10 PM

So i saw the doctor to try and get some help, perhaps some medication. However due to my history of drug addiction and other substance abuse he was not prepared to prebscribe me any medication, i understand his point of view, i do have a very addictive personality and don't blame him for making that call.

But neither did he offer up much in the way of advise as to what else i can try. I am trying to be positive and see this as an opportunity to explore alternative methods of coping that i may previously might not have considered.

I am open to pretty much anything and any ideas from you guys are welcome.

My main methods of coping at the moment are working out at home when i get the time and meditation but i will admit that i struggle with meditation at the moment.

I have Insomnia at present too which is a real bitch, so i don't have a whole lot of energy.

I guess i'm just looking for some suggestions from people who either cannot or choose not to go down the pharmaceutical route.


01-13-2014, 02:31 AM
Hey Frankie,

Yea i saw the same GP as last time, i did request when i made the appointment to see a different GP and was told in no uncertain terms that i would see whoever was available on that day.

I took a letter with me that said everything i wanted to say because i get nervous and find it a bit difficult talking to authority figures and he kind of skimmed through it.

I don't know, he seemed a bit annoyed that i was there again and just asked me if there was anything actually wrong with me and the purpose of my visit.

Told me to try and reduce my stress levels and gave me a leaflet for NHS direct for some reason..

Mental health team might be a way forward, thanks for the suggestion.


01-13-2014, 02:39 AM
Your doctor sounds an utter dick MiST wow!!

I just wanna say, there's better help out there, even though it can be hard to find.

The thing with natural sups, is they're better for people with low drug tolerance. I had some addiction problems, I ended up taking huge amounts of 5htp just to get some affect. In the end I just went medicinal.

Have you looked at panic cureds thread in the sticky? He has a supplement plan, it's pretty good, I dunno how strong a thing you're looking for.

01-13-2014, 02:51 AM
I can't find that sticky..got a link?

I have a friend who uses Rescue Remedy..she says it's good but i'm not sure if that would be for me.

My tolorence to drugs is high, i mean i was pumped full of chemotherapy, steroids and radiation and on the other side of the coin i was taking more than just a little weed..etc

Perhaps pharma is the way to go but i can't get the GP's to give me anything..

I have been clean and sober for over three years now and one think that scares me more than anything is that i turn back to my old habbits as a coping mechanism.

I have been told that if i relapse then that could be it for me.

To put it in perspective, i was at a party last year and someone thought it would be funny to put vodka in my pepsi! Spent 5 weeks in hospital over that little joke!

01-13-2014, 05:29 AM

01-13-2014, 10:57 AM

There's the thread. It's quite a hard process to take supplements to correct anxiety, as you have to take quite a few, and kind of specialist ones.

When you went to your doctor for a little something something, were you talking about anti depressant meds or benzos? Benzos I can understand, I have suicidal history on my file, I doubt I'll ever get a benzo or sleeping pill prescribed ever again, but antidepressants aren't addictive at all, and have virtually 0 abuse potential.

Stuff like codeine pain killers that you can buy in boots have more addictive properties than ADs.

Confirmed by the Royal (pain in the ass) psychiatry college association.


I hope you get someone that understands mental health man, this guy sounds a clown.

That sounds rough about even that amount of vodka causing those problems! :eek:

01-13-2014, 11:04 AM
I'm quite drug tolerant too. Had a bit of an infatuation with painkillers at one point.

Sups helped my anxiety calm a little, and were a good tool, bit I couldn't have relied on them over stronger stuff. I'm not sure if you'd be the same. A little passionflower would probably be laughed at by your body after chemo

01-13-2014, 11:16 AM
I don't know, he seemed a bit annoyed that i was there again and just asked me if there was anything actually wrong with me and the purpose of my visit.

In my experience, GPs are utterly useless. It's not that they are incompetent or negligent, just they deal with such a large volume of patients who have nondescript ailments or little wrong with them, that they make assumptions about other people too. That & he probably thinks you are showing drug-seeking behaviour or something... tosser.

Mental health is a serious issue & not one that any GP should take lightly.

The NHS is a great system but the care you are offered or given can be very hit & miss.

Try getting a second opinion. You should be able to book an appointment with a particular Doctor, you might have to wait longer but there is no reason why not. If they won't let you, make a formal complaint to the Practice Manager.

As Frankie said, be persistent & push for a referral to your local Mental Health service. Only they have the expertise to assess your condition & the appropriate course of action.

Good luck!

01-13-2014, 11:17 AM
Yea, when i was in La Hopital for Pancriatitis they gave me morphine injections in my stomach every 30 mins..it was having no effect which kinda blew their minds! Drug resistence sucks..

Oramorph worked though, that shit is the gold standard of the drug world..LOL

Funny thing though, my immune system is fooked and can't even fight off a cold.

01-13-2014, 11:44 AM
Funny story...

When I was 12, I broke both bones in my left arm which left it hanging at 90 degrees.

I required surgery to clean it out & put metal plates in. I was then in hospital on a drip, with Morphine on one of those clicker things for a full week.

At the end of the week, my Dad was reading the statistics for how often I'd used the Morphine & exclaimed: "Over 100 times in one day, that seems excessive!", to which the Nurse politely pointed out that was the total for the whole week.

Oramorph huh? I always wanted to try Oxycodone back when I used drugs recreationally but never got around to it.

I don't do drugs anymore though - when they trigger Schizophrenia which then happens to clear up, that's a rather good incentive not to use them! Drugs are bad M'kay!

01-13-2014, 12:25 PM
Oxys amazing. Softens your pain!

Don't do drugs though kids. My only drug now is life. (Lol)

The mental health team were the only way I made any progress. GP just wasn't getting it done for me, stayed inside his safety zone too much, was reluctant to actually help me.

Met an amazing Italian psych through the MHT who fixed me up.

01-13-2014, 12:37 PM
My only drug now is life. (Lol)

The appropriate response to that would seem to be...

Amen! ;)

01-13-2014, 12:39 PM
Funny how what works for one, doesnt for another

Probably depends on the therapist you end up with

My therapist(s) didn't help a bit

My doc gave me the right drugs to calm down

All the mental progress had to come from my own doing

01-13-2014, 12:42 PM
When I take narcotics,...I rip shit apart. IDK why, they just piss me off severely..I have some ideas for (herbal) stuff if you want them????....I would send you some but apparently customs highjacked some Vit C I was sending to Jesse!!! GAWDDD!!! :)

01-13-2014, 12:47 PM
When I take narcotics,...I rip shit apart. IDK why, they just piss me off severely..

I suggest you stay away from PCP then LOL :p

01-13-2014, 01:08 PM
Customs suck! Great at finding Vitamin C, fail hard at finding illegal imigrants..LOL

01-13-2014, 01:43 PM
Vitamin C Hunters!!!......illegal immigrants? What?...where....I don't see any, they're so hard to spot.

01-13-2014, 01:44 PM
I suggest you stay away from PCP then LOL :p

I learned my lesson on the narcotics...I have to take cocaine to calm me down..:)

01-13-2014, 01:47 PM
I learned my lesson on the narcotics...I have to take cocaine to calm me down..:)

I feel ya..most days im a nervous wreck..http://storage.coolfeed.co/2012/10/Funny-Cat-Images-24-GIFs-coolfeed.co-24.gif