View Full Version : Disorientated deeling when walking

01-12-2014, 07:53 PM
Does anyone else get this feeling? I feel like my vision gets funny and just feel really really disorientated and weird. I pretty much have this symptom ALL the time. I have trouble focusing my eyes a lot of the time too :(

01-12-2014, 10:13 PM
I got it to. I already had bad vision and now its getting worse.

01-12-2014, 10:25 PM
Not to be funny rhar, I'm being very serious, but do you wear glasses. I'm in my early 40's, and I had to get a pair of glassed to read, drive, and do a lot of things in. And... some medications make my eyes very blurry. I have to be really careful. May be a dumb question, but just curious. D.

01-12-2014, 10:34 PM
Hi dorrie, no I don't wear glasses and I've had my eyes tested recently. :)

01-13-2014, 04:54 AM
I get that feeling to when I'm walking feels like I can't focus on anything and I'm going to fall over so I avoid going out now because I feel so off balance and can't even walk properly. I had my eyes tested and I need to wear glasses but by wearing them it makes me feel worse!

01-13-2014, 12:32 PM
I get that feeling to when I'm walking feels like I can't focus on anything and I'm going to fall over so I avoid going out now because I feel so off balance and can't even walk properly. I had my eyes tested and I need to wear glasses but by wearing them it makes me feel worse!

It's such a shitty feeling isn't it :(
Do you feel spaced out too?
I've also now been worrying something is wrong with my heart as it does weird things when I'm almost drifted off to sleep..

01-13-2014, 12:53 PM
It's such a shitty feeling isn't it :( Do you feel spaced out too? I've also now been worrying something is wrong with my heart as it does weird things when I'm almost drifted off to sleep..

Yep I feel spaced out a lot. I constantly think there's something wrong with my heart I think its not pumping properly when I'm walking but I've been the the doctors and hospital and had ECG 3 times and it always come back fine and I have a fast heart rate because I'm anxious and they can never get a proper blood pressure reading beacuse I'm so anxious. Most nights when I fall asleep I can feel my heart and get flutters and thuds but doctor says its all the adrenaline from the anxiety. I just wish I could walk to the shop without all of this fear

01-13-2014, 04:46 PM
Yep I feel spaced out a lot. I constantly think there's something wrong with my heart I think its not pumping properly when I'm walking but I've been the the doctors and hospital and had ECG 3 times and it always come back fine and I have a fast heart rate because I'm anxious and they can never get a proper blood pressure reading beacuse I'm so anxious. Most nights when I fall asleep I can feel my heart and get flutters and thuds but doctor says its all the adrenaline from the anxiety. I just wish I could walk to the shop without all of this fear

I'm so sorry you feel that way, it sucks :(
I hate the off balance feeling. Feels like there's something really wrong with my brain! Kills me

01-13-2014, 04:47 PM
I feel like I'm going to faint a lot too

01-13-2014, 05:05 PM
Yeah I can't stand the off balance feeling, i feel faint a lot to. Just wish I could walk normally!!

01-13-2014, 05:10 PM
Yeah I get this feeling of spaced out and like my legs are going different way to what I actually want to! Feeling like im going to fall to!

01-13-2014, 08:02 PM
I have it constantly it's hell!!!
I'm always so tired and on alert to every thing that is happening in my body!!

01-13-2014, 10:44 PM
Do you guys have these feelings most of the time.
I feel like I can't concentrate on anything!! Especially work!!!

01-14-2014, 03:21 AM
I have it constantly it's hell!!! I'm always so tired and on alert to every thing that is happening in my body!!

I feel the exact same!

01-14-2014, 03:44 AM
I feel the exact same!

It's so awful isn't it... I feel like I'm dying of something. Do you get dizziness too?

01-14-2014, 03:48 AM
It's so awful isn't it... I feel like I'm dying of something. Do you get dizziness too?

Yep I'm dizzy most of the time and even more dizzy when I'm walking which sets me off in a panic and then I get thoughts I'm dying

01-14-2014, 05:00 AM
I feel like a drunk when I go out I probly dont walk like it though but its awful! Whem I hold my daughters hand she says im squeezing it and I dont even realise

01-14-2014, 04:08 PM
First day back at work after 3 weeks off.. Keep getting the shakes and feeling panic coming on.. Arrgghhhhhhhhhh god I hate this shite :(
Keep telling myself to relax, you aren't dying of a brain disease but it just feels so god damn real

01-14-2014, 04:18 PM
First day back at work after 3 weeks off.. Keep getting the shakes and feeling panic coming on.. Arrgghhhhhhhhhh god I hate this shite :(
Keep telling myself to relax, you aren't dying of a brain disease but it just feels so god damn real

Aww sending you a hug im sat here with a head ache thinking the worst! :( xx I try telling my self to relax but never can sure my muscles are tenseing with out me knowing! X

01-14-2014, 04:28 PM
Thank you :)
It truly sucks. Was just talking to someone and had the "oh shit I feel unsteady and faint" then panic button goes off. Just wish I could switch it off!!!

01-14-2014, 10:39 PM
Me to I wish there was a button would make going out and doing house work much easier! :(

01-14-2014, 11:21 PM
I've had a full day of waves of anxiety attacks at work. Just so over it :(