View Full Version : Anyone feel this way?

01-12-2014, 06:27 PM
This is one of the most difficult triggers I have dealt with. It seems that if I get a muscle pain or a pin that I have no idea why it is there. I cannot stop thinking about it then I begin to think the worst things. Right now I have a little pain on the top of my leg that is freaking me out. I can touch it and it hurts if I push on it but no matter what I keep over thinking about it. I have felt this way before when I had pain in my arm. It seems unknown pains cause me to feel anxious, worried and affraid.

Anyone else put themselves through this? What do you do to get yourself out of this thinking? Anyone out there that can provide experience or insight. Really feel scared.

01-12-2014, 06:44 PM
You are in the right place. Keep posting. Are you afraid you have an illness? Have you seen a doctor or have you simply self diagnosed (nothing wrong with that in my opinion sometimes). The pain you describe I assure you just about anyone could have. Does it go from place to place or is it always pain in the same spot? Thanks for sharing. Peace

01-12-2014, 07:17 PM
The pain just started it is not bad pain and when I touch the area or walk or flex the muscle it hurts. I have been to the doctor but not about this. Ever since early last year I was going to the doctor every 3 month. I got a whole workup in the ER because of my panic attacks. They said I am fine. I just have an issue with pain now. I never did before the panic attacks. I also never obsessed about things like I do now. I know I am healthy but it is something that freaks me out. When I get the pains in my arm or leg or foot wherever it may be I automatically think clot. It is just my mind that makes me freak out. It is something I need to work through. I just get scared and start thinking I am going to die. I was fine all day until the pain caught my attention and then boom. Wish I could just turn it off.

01-12-2014, 08:05 PM
Moralfe, you are not alone. If I get a strange feeling in my head I automatically assume I have a brain tumor. If I get a pain in my arm...heart attack. If I get a pain in my chest, lung cancer. You have had a complete work up, you are healthy, you just need to quit obsessing on something being wrong.

Could you perhaps have accidentally walked into something and just have a bruise? I bump into things all the time so a bruise would not be out of the question for me. Perhaps you just simply pulled a muscle or tweaked a nerve or tendon. I'm sure it is not what you are thinking it could be.

You just need to keep positive thoughts in your head. Try to dismiss negativity and keep telling yourself you are fine. That's all I can offer as far as self-help.

01-12-2014, 08:15 PM
Pain in the muscle maybe be just pulled muscle :)

01-12-2014, 08:15 PM
Reneek, you just explained me. I used to think the same thing with my arm. I just know it is the tension I get in my left trap that causes the pain and I tend to hunch over so I get check muscle pain. I think I did hit my leg yesterday but it did not bother me until tonight and I just obsessed about it so I make myself feel sick. It just scares me. I wish I could just let go and not care. Thank you for your encouraging words.

01-12-2014, 08:53 PM
I would try to follow reneek advice plus a heating pad:)) It will pass