View Full Version : Scary heart palps!

01-12-2014, 12:59 PM
Someone please help me!!! I had a great day yesterday and am relaxing on couch today with my daughter and I'm getting these scary heart palps out of no where.... Boom boom boom back to back shaking my whole chest!!! I'm so scared it's just me and her . Should I go to doctor? My heart rate is in the 80s but the adrenaline is pulsing through my body , can someone please talk with me?

01-12-2014, 01:02 PM
Someone please help me!!! I had a great day yesterday and am relaxing on couch today with my daughter and I'm getting these scary heart palps out of no where.... Boom boom boom back to back shaking my whole chest!!! I'm so scared it's just me and her . Should I go to doctor? My heart rate is in the 80s but the adrenaline is pulsing through my body , can someone please talk with me?

Hello there :) it's just your anxiety Hun I've had this for years,I know it's really
Scary and more so when it's you and your daughter,I've had loads of tests over the years and my heart is fine and I'm
Sure yours is to,just breath slowly don't over breath as we all do this when we get panicky
You are going to be ok

01-12-2014, 01:48 PM
Did you totally freak out when this would happen?

01-12-2014, 01:48 PM
This is overtaking my life

01-12-2014, 04:02 PM
Is Anyone out there :(

01-12-2014, 04:06 PM
Hi Blessed, are you still having the scary heart palps?

01-12-2014, 04:13 PM
They went away now they are back. I feel dizzy and light headed which also is a part of my anxiety. My heart feels rumbly in my chest and I'm totally freaking sorry

01-12-2014, 04:23 PM
Don't apologize, it's okay.. I've had a rough bout of heart worries too. And anxiety is always there to make lots of doubt.

Soooooo, maybe reading these threads again will help you?



You will be okay, Blessed.. :)

01-12-2014, 04:32 PM
Thank you. It's amazing how quickly I forget such good advice when these symptoms smack me in the face again. I'm so sick of being scared all the dang time

01-12-2014, 04:45 PM
Totally understandable.. that's why I posted them :) ..It personally helps me so much to read or hear assuring, great advice. Hopefully you are doing better? Got something to distract you?

01-12-2014, 04:56 PM
Working on our upcoming trip. On the computer it's helping some , thanks so much for your concern

01-12-2014, 06:11 PM
Try and remember what you were thinking about at the time you got the heart palps, probably you were already in an anxious mood (without realizing it), your thoughts may have been racing.

Recognizing the triggers to your attacks is key. Once you catch onto them, you'll stress a little less.

You might wanna try some kind of antidepressant. They can reduce symptoms that come with all that adrenalin, I mean, they won't prevent you from having anxiety and even attacks altogether, but they definitely do reduce symptoms.

01-12-2014, 06:24 PM
I'm on Prozac 10mg I may need to increase

01-12-2014, 08:04 PM
Now my heart beats three times then stops, three times then stops, three times then stop I am scared out of my mind!!!!!

01-12-2014, 09:07 PM
I took an Ativan to calm down still having heart palps but not as bad . I just don't understand how to fix this I just want to cry

01-13-2014, 07:38 AM
E-man where are you I'm sorry to bother but I'm really struggling right now???? I have convinced myself these palps are going to harm me. Last night really done me in

01-13-2014, 09:15 AM
Is anybody out there lol

01-13-2014, 09:18 AM
Hello again, Blessed... I take it you are still in distress over these heart palps? Do you have anyone with you to help calm you down?

01-13-2014, 10:55 AM
Hello again, Blessed... I take it you are still in distress over these heart palps? Do you have anyone with you to help calm you down?no I'm at work, feel faint heart rate is up a little I am just a wreck right now. I guess y'all think I am nuts but I'm just so scared

01-13-2014, 10:59 AM
Blessed, I can't remember now, do you take/have you tried beta blockers?

01-13-2014, 11:00 AM
Hey Blessed!

No, we don't think yer nut....I'm the one that nuckin futs!!

What beta-blocker does the Doc have you taking????? OR any heart medications at all???

DEFINITLY need one IMHO...

It would realllllllllllllyyyyyy help to "normalize" these palps=omg=am I going to die thoughts...becauseYOU'RE NOT!!!

They're more of an annoyance than anything, or frustrating,...or in your case=panic promoting....they aren't going to do a damn thing to you...

E-Man...:) (relax, calm down, and yell at someone to go get you some green tea)....HEYYYYY!!!! GREEENNN TTTEAAA!!!!

01-13-2014, 11:03 AM
I've tried beta blockers for two years very small dosage but quit several months ago. I am just so scared of taking meds

01-13-2014, 11:09 AM
This is the exact same thing that happened to me today. Those damn crazy beats all day scaring the living daylights out of me. When they happen I just think to myself that its just my heart sorting out its rhythm. There are so many things that can cause our heart to have slight rhythm disturbances.. not drinking enough water, spicy foods, oily food, over eating, eating too fast, caffeine, feeling stressed, tired and anxious etc etc. Sometimes the heart just needs to reset. It happens to all our muscles. But we dont freak out over our leg muscles cramping, twitching and aching. Because its not a vital organ.
Super scary nonetheless.. but they always pass.

01-13-2014, 11:33 AM
I've tried beta blockers for two years very small dosage but quit several months ago. I am just so scared of taking meds


Get those BeTa BlOcKeRs back out!!!!! They're helpful!!!! not the Devil!!!!! :)

01-13-2014, 11:36 AM
I totally Agree with E man beta-blocker are really good for sorting this out I've been taking them
On and off
For years and they really work well

01-13-2014, 11:41 AM
Well what kind should I ask for I want a very low dosage if I have to take them. I've tried atenolol

01-13-2014, 11:48 AM
I take atenolol but you have to take it EVERY SINGLE DAY and also alot of people here have success with propanolol because it also has some anti-anxiety anti OMG my heart like effects...here's a link for you Blessed..PLEASE READ IT AND GET SOME AND TAKE THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY....


01-13-2014, 11:51 AM
On propanol 10mg up
To three times a day but you can go lower
Or much higher if you need to :)

01-13-2014, 11:52 AM
I was thinking the same thing Eman when I opened this thread. A bit of help from a beta blocker, and as things calm a little, some effective CBT practices to deal with the fears you have - I see a lot of possibility of you being helped a lot by that strategy.

Take it easy my dear.

- Anxiety Hunter

01-13-2014, 11:55 AM
Will my heart be ok until the doctor puts me back on one, I mean is it very very important to do this second . I know if I could calm down It would help

01-13-2014, 11:58 AM
No, do it whenever you feel comfortable/ decide to with your doc.

Your heart and you are fine now. You're very uncomfortable but fine. Given the info I've seen you give, I'm more worried about myself dying today than you ;)

This too shall pass dear. Ride it out, be positive about the future and making some changes

Edit: I meant no you don't have to do it right now. Not no you won't be ok! :)

Dr Mercula goes upto 160 beats per minute during workout and says it's healthy. Your heart can handle a heck of a lot more than you give it credit for. Right now it kinda just thinks you're going for a jog.

01-13-2014, 11:58 AM
Will my heart be ok until the doctor puts me back on one, I mean is it very very important to do this second . I know if I could calm down It would help

Oh yes of course it will,just get booked in when you can and they will
Help you :)

01-13-2014, 12:08 PM
Thank you. I would sit down and cry right now but I only get an hour for lunch. I'm so discourage right now I just don't understand

01-13-2014, 12:19 PM
Thank you. I would sit down and cry right now but I only get an hour for lunch. I'm so discourage right now I just don't understand

Your going to be fine,we have all had this,I know it's really one scary but it will pass

01-13-2014, 12:36 PM
Yes this will pass,...
Just make an appointment for next available.
The beta blockers will block the beta...
The beta is what is CAUSING the heart palps...
Basically, its the adrenal system causing this, beta's block this from happening so frequently, if at all....

You're going to be fine, you must take a beta to stop this B!!!!.....:)

01-13-2014, 12:43 PM
I got really dehydrated, just realized I hadn't drunk anything for 2 days. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I can feel it in my throat, hurting my throat.

Heart palps are so annoying!!!!

01-13-2014, 06:21 PM
What can I do to convince myself that these palps will not harm me. Seems the only time I don't notice then now is when I exercise. Can they weaken your heart? Can palps cause a heart attack In an otherwise healthy heart? Should I ask for any other tests . I'm sorry to be such a pain but I need help. I have no tears left today I've cried them all out and am begging for some help thank you all

01-13-2014, 06:29 PM
I got really dehydrated, just realized I hadn't drunk anything for 2 days. My heart is pounding out of my chest. I can feel it in my throat, hurting my throat.

Heart palps are so annoying!!!!

What's going on with you Jesse? You feak me out .......:( I got attached to people, sorry

01-13-2014, 06:35 PM
What can I do to convince myself that these palps will not harm me. Seems the only time I don't notice then now is when I exercise. Can they weaken your heart? Can palps cause a heart attack In an otherwise healthy heart? Should I ask for any other tests . I'm sorry to be such a pain but I need help. I have no tears left today I've cried them all out and am begging for some help thank you all
Blessed you are feeding your monster. Again and again!! Why you doing it to yourself. I do know a fear and I am living with anxiety for my whole long life. You are not going to die, you got sound advice from so many people in a few treads you made about heart palps . Go to doc and ask for help. Just listenning your heart causes the heart palps, you program yourself. I am sorry you are dealing with it. I am on beta blockers and I still get it. There is not miracle cure , just deep breathing, and calming myself down with the meds or the mediation.... but you are the only one who can change it.
You need to take charge of that, not people here, you are the only one who can do it:))) Good luck honey:)

01-13-2014, 06:45 PM
Blessed---I feel for you sooo much... Years and years of this junk and I finally started a beta blocker a year and a half ago and it has changed my life. It sounds like you've already seen a doctor about your concerns which is hugely important. As long as you are comfortable with your doc and feel they've listened to your concerns and done the necessary investigation, then you should rest assured that what is happening is benign. I take metoprolol ER succinate 50mg at bed time. I will say that at first they prescribed too high of a dose and I became very itchy on my hands and feet. We then tried verapamil (calcium channel blocker) and that did nothing. I almost think it made it worse. Then we went back to the metoprolol at a lower dosage and it's been good from then on. I have had only two episodes that I can think of since. One which was hormone related the other exercise induced.

01-13-2014, 06:49 PM
But I want to add that I have been where you are so many times. I know those feelings and thoughts. I took antidepressants, benzos, and then beta blockers and the beta blockers are now the only thing I have to take daily and it's because I want to because I know what a difference it has made.

01-13-2014, 07:05 PM
I'm just so scared of meds even though I used to take atenolol

01-13-2014, 07:09 PM
I know you have to be getting aggrevated with hearing from me and I'm so sorry to be a pest. But how many daily palps would be considered abnormal?

01-13-2014, 07:26 PM
I think many of us that have anxiety also have anxiety over medicine and I'm one of them.... Seriously....when it came to taking my first beta blocker I worked myself into a panic over it... I guess just the thought of a heart medicine. But in reality it has helped me a ton. Are you feeling better today?

01-13-2014, 07:35 PM
Today has been horrible I have cried all evening. One heart palp after another

01-13-2014, 07:38 PM
When you stopped taking beta blockers did you taper off of those? Did you say you took them for almost two years? May I ask why you stopped taking them?

01-13-2014, 08:09 PM
Jessed said something about heartbeat, I go as high as 150 when I do cardio, and I am still alive and kicking. I did it for two years 5 times a week. My beta blockers is Micardis, it is a good medication and does not give me side effects, I was on half of does for like 8 years or so... someone said about drinking water and eating good food, it all influence our hearts and the heartbeat changes as often as Blood pressure :)

01-13-2014, 08:40 PM
BETA BLOCKERS and the beta blockers are now the only thing I have to take daily and it's because I want to because I know what a difference it has made.

Blessed dear, get over this fear,...asap. And, begin your recovery asap.....I take atenolol PLUS 9 other things each day, and guess what? I'm still here! Buggin all of you!!! With yay's and bahaha's and rolleyes and all that dumbshit...to make you smile, be happy, and also to attempt to enforce and to get you to instill SOME sense of power and control over this crazy ass shit!!! Your heart, will be the least of your worries if you take these as directed...then, you can focus on dinner, the lawn, making a giant quilt by hand that says THE ANXIETY HUNTERS, or maybe just,...embracing life and enjoying your life.

Sound good?

Yes...yes it does.

Endure On Man....:)

01-13-2014, 09:01 PM
Something else to consider, shallow breathing causes palpitations all the time

I think most, if not all with anxiety are shallow breathers

Breathe normally, not deep, just normally with your stomach rising and falling and see if that stops them

01-13-2014, 09:06 PM
Something else to consider, shallow breathing causes palpitations all the time

I think most, if not all with anxiety are shallow breathers

Breathe normally, not deep, just normally with your stomach rising and falling and see if that stops them

Most western people are shallow breathers, to breath you need to use the diaphragm

01-13-2014, 09:19 PM
Massively legit advice about the breathing!

01-14-2014, 08:50 AM
[QUOTE="SSMommy;146467"]When you stopped taking beta blockers did you taper off of those? Did you say you took them for almost two years? May I ask why you stopped taking them?[/QUOT. i was on such a low dosage I didn't feel like they were benefiting me any plus my heart rate was going really low which was scaring me even though they said it was normal and I felt dizzy all the time once I lost about 10 or 15 pounds so I don't know I'm just so scared of taking medicine I guess that was my main reason above all

01-14-2014, 08:53 AM
i was on such a low dosage I didn't feel like they were benefiting me any plus my heart rate was going really low which was scaring me even though they said it was normal and I felt dizzy all the time once I lost about 10 or 15 pounds so I don't know I'm just so scared of taking medicine I guess that was my main reason above all

01-14-2014, 08:57 AM
So I just can see I do have a real fear of taking medicines so I guess my question is is that life-threatening to me if I don't choose to take the beta blockers? I really want to accomplish this on my own without the help of additional meds but right now I'm just really struggling. I called my doctor and explain to them what these heart palps were feeling like and they looked back in my chart and assured me that it was probably some type of trigger such as I'm what I was eating or drinking or caffeine or fatty foods and told me to just calm down and give it a few days and if it did not getting any better they would be willing to put me on another heart monitor but They feel it is anxiety related. Thanks to everyone that you advice is helping so much!

01-14-2014, 09:07 AM
Yes, it is life threatening...BECAUSE 862 posts, consisting of 18 months of your life, regarding these worries, concerns, fears,, of your heart rate....will continue to worsen you anxiety and therefore threaten your life in wayyyyy more consistently negative ways,....than just takiing a tiny tablet to help regulate your heart (AND YOUR LIFE AS A WHOLE).......

This reluctance, this fear, these feelings,..thoughts,,, will do MORE damage to you than any little beta blocker will Blessed and it ALSO affects, infects, and spreads to everyone around you, every single day...you're impacting others, with your own fears.

You don't need another damn heart monitor...your anxiety will not stop running through your veins...you need this medication.




01-14-2014, 09:48 AM
I totally understand you , and it makes complete sense. My husband says he feels like I have improved since being off the meds and doesn't agree that I should give them another go. I never do anything without his blessing and I see his point too. E man is there at chance I could improve as a person without them if I learned to change my thought process or is this my only hope. I still continued to have palps while on the beta blocker. Believe me I'm just as aggrevated with myself as you are :(

01-14-2014, 10:01 AM
I totally understand you , and it makes complete sense. My husband says he feels like I have improved since being off the meds and doesn't agree that I should give them another go. I never do anything without his blessing and I see his point too. E man is there at chance I could improve as a person without them if I learned to change my thought process or is this my only hope. I still continued to have palps while on the beta blocker. Believe me I'm just as aggrevated with myself as you are :(

I'll answer as Eman seems to be off on one of his wild adventures.

The answer is yes. You can improve without any meds, your fear is more to do with a certain thing (heart), so if you can rationalize that, and desensitize yourself to that fear, then of course you can improve.

But can you do those things?

I don't know, only Blessed knows. When you have one of your attacks, can you overcome that, or does it get you everytime? Can you stop rising to fearful thoughts? Remember that sales example I wrote to you, in that really long post? Can you do what that post suggests?

If you feel you can, that you can rise above that fear when it comes, and not give into it's poisonous ideas, then for sure you will get better no meds.

If you doubt you can, or are worried you can, you could end up wasting a lot of years fighting something. Time is valuable, kids dont stay young forever, neither do we.

Beta blockers will probably make the job much easier if you feel it is too hard right now.

For the record, I do think you've improved. Inftact, I can see you have. But our goal is to have you able to live again without fear ;)

Be well dear.

01-14-2014, 10:05 AM
You guys are awesome, thanks so much. Make a deal with ya Eman..... I'm going to give it EVERY effort that when these attacks come, I accept them, understand them, then dismiss them. I will give this a couple months. If no relief or improvement I will speak to my doctor about a beta blocker. Don't know what i would do without y'all's help and support. God bless you all!

01-14-2014, 10:06 AM

If what we have seen here is an improvement,..then I whole "heartedly" believe that your life, your husbands life, your family's lives, would still improve with the addition of that tiny little pill that you're so petrified of,,,you're either petrified of these heart palps every day, or a tablet that relieves that heart palp. Which makes more sense????

It is going to be virtually impossible to change this frame of thought, because it is engrained into your mind, and burnt into your memory banks soooooo...everytime in the future that your heart does anything at all,....you're right back to square #1....PANIC!!! OMG!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! AM I GOING TO DIE!!!!....no. you're not.....

You NEED the medications to "re-train" the chemical transmission nerve pathways that you have created...

THEN>>>>> maybe, in the future,....think about tapering them down. Even with an added AD, or something else to help "control" this anxiety too...

After all, it is your "thoughts" that trigger them...BOOM!

This is all up to you...if your husband thinks that OMG I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE everyday is an improvement, then so be it...Is it fair to him?

I am not aggravated with you, I'm just trying to help you to be able to really "see" what needs to happen because years of this, will do more harm to you than any tablet will.


01-14-2014, 10:10 AM
Rapid, shallow breathing at the level of your chestcan sometimes lead to excessive lowering of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream. This results in symptoms very similar to those of a panic attack, including light-headness, dizziness, feelings of unreality, shortness of breath, trembling, and or tingling in your hands, feet, or lips. These symptoms, ;in turn, may be perceived as dangerous and may stimulate a bona fide panic attack.
No i am not that good, I use The anxiety and phobia workbook:))
I think it could be one of the reasons for you Blessed:)) Think about it, to learn proper breathing is as easy as one, two, three ;))

01-14-2014, 10:10 AM
You guys are awesome, thanks so much. Make a deal with ya Eman..... I'm going to give it EVERY effort that when these attacks come, I accept them, understand them, then dismiss them. I will give this a couple months. If no relief or improvement I will speak to my doctor about a beta blocker. Don't know what i would do without y'all's help and support. God bless you all!

Thats a good compromise.

I'm with Eman, I want you to try this, but ya know, you have your life, and fears, and relationships that I don't, so I know it's different living it than just saying it.

Blessed. Rate your anxiety 1-10 right now. Then come back in a couple of months, and see how you feel, rate it again. If it hasn't improved, you'll consider the pill, ok?

01-14-2014, 10:11 AM
I agree to,I've been on and off them for years I have never ever had any side affects when I'm on them or coming off them,u take them from time to time,I like you had so many palpitations and there for I had so many tests on my heart and there was nothing wrong with my heart and you will
Be the same,I do highly recommend beta blockers as they will help you load and there's nothing to be scared of I promise you

01-14-2014, 10:15 AM
I agree to,I've been on and off them for years I have never ever had any side affects when I'm on them or coming off them,u take them from time to time,I like you had so many palpitations and there for I had so many tests on my heart and there was nothing wrong with my heart and you will
Be the same,I do highly recommend beta blockers as they will help you load and there's nothing to be scared of I promise you

Blessings to you Em #1...

01-14-2014, 10:18 AM
Blessings to you Em #1...

Just as another example how good they are I was 17 when I had my first panic attack and they was all I took for years on and off up untill
Last year and then I went on the setraline to so I'm living proof they work well :)

01-14-2014, 10:25 AM
Thats a good compromise.

I'm with Eman, I want you to try this, but ya know, you have your (***life, and fears, and relationships***) that I don't, so I know it's different living it than just saying it.

Blessed. Rate your anxiety 1-10 right now. Then come back in a couple of months, and see how you feel, rate it again. If it hasn't improved, you'll consider the pill, ok?

She affects everybody, everyone, everywhere...and it leaves them all feeling helpless. Just like a posted thread lastnight about another member struggling and the comments that people would make to her like "get over it, let it go, move on, it'll be ok, it could be worse, etc, etc" and that's because we tend to force others to try to understand how we "feel" but there is no other person in this world that will ever truly know how we "feel" except ourselves. Even with a 3000 word explanation, they still have no clue....

If you think you can just do this, feel them, ignore them, dismiss them,...then you're a truly Blessed and powerful individual and I hope that you can dig deep inside and find this strength to overcome this fear = irrational thought = irrational behaviors = irrational thinking = now what?....It has been such a hard cycle friend...And has proven to be a hard cycle to break thus far.

We all care, we all want to help you see this through...

I've said (stated) my thoughts of this issue Blessed....

And, we'll all still be here tomorrow for you too.....:)


01-14-2014, 10:27 AM
Just as another example how good they are I was 17 when I had my first panic attack and they was all I took for years on and off up untill
Last year and then I went on the setraline to so I'm living proof they work well :)

And thank you once again,...your posts are very reassuring to not only Blessed, but others with this same type of issue and condition too, it's just a "disorder" that needs "order"....:)
