View Full Version : getting angry at others because of anxiety

01-12-2014, 12:29 AM
I went on a road trip with my brother to visit my family and the whole car ride I was getting the worst phys symptoms. I was just constantly uncomfortable and almost having a nervous breakdown (which I kind of did). My brother scares the hell out of me with his driving. He always goes 85 on the freeway which I think is too fast and he switches lanes and tailgates like a madman. So I guess my discomfort was justified but I kind of went off on him and yelled at him. I could have asked him nicely to drive a little less chaotic but I instead lashed out. I felt pretty bad and I was tearing up because I NEVER act this way I'm usually very passive.

Has anyone ever took their anger out on someone because of their anxiety? If so what did it feel like afterwards?

01-12-2014, 01:10 AM
I'm a dealer at a major Las Vegas casino and sometimes I bite my tongue so hard it hurts. My anxiety kicks in and then I have to deal to drunk people acting belligerent all night long.

At home I find myself constantly having to practice breathing so that I don't snap at my wife. Anxiety strips our patience down to the bare minimum. Things we could handle normally become things we snap at and get angry with. It just takes practice, I'm having to practice every minute of the day.

01-12-2014, 04:43 AM
I can definitely can understand how you feel. When I get anxious, I snap so easily at people, especially my family. Normally I do not like conflict of any kind, but when I feel really anxious, I feel like I'm going to explode. If I end up snapping, I always feel guilty like I should have been able to control myself better. I keep trying, and it has gotten better as I've gotten older (I'm 36 now), but it still happens. Mine happens with driving or riding with someone, especially when there is bad traffic, and also in any crowd. At least now I know this and try to prepare ahead of time, but it doesn't always help. Over the Christmas holiday I had an anxiety/panic episode standing with my family in a long line at Starbucks where I snapped at them. I felt guilty again afterward and discouraged because although I tried, the anxiety still surfaced.

01-12-2014, 04:52 AM
I can fully understand why your on edge,it's because your so frightened and anxious that your intolerance of things is really low,others don't understand how scary it is when you get like this

01-12-2014, 07:44 AM
OMG Son...YES! I have anxiety that is held together with something as thin as a hair,...then I also have a disorder called IED = Holy s**t!!!....

Yes, I do this,...but then always end up having to apologize for my behaviors.

E-Man :)

01-12-2014, 12:31 PM
I went on a road trip with my brother to visit my family and the whole car ride I was getting the worst phys symptoms. I was just constantly uncomfortable and almost having a nervous breakdown (which I kind of did). My brother scares the hell out of me with his driving. He always goes 85 on the freeway which I think is too fast and he switches lanes and tailgates like a madman. So I guess my discomfort was justified but I kind of went off on him and yelled at him. I could have asked him nicely to drive a little less chaotic but I instead lashed out. I felt pretty bad and I was tearing up because I NEVER act this way I'm usually very passive. Has anyone ever took their anger out on someone because of their anxiety? If so what did it feel like afterwards?i get short with my family as well and I feel like crap afterwards. I get so wrapped up in my a anxiety that I lash out without even thinking. I am constantly on edge. Don't beat yourself up it happens to all of us . I'm Not proud of it and I am defiantly working on it

01-12-2014, 02:09 PM
Oh wow. I had no idea this happened to others with anxiety. I'm normally polite and really sweet and compassionate (that's what people tell me), but things set me off and here comes the anger. (part of the reason for my forum name "bittersweet"). Like today, I had an electrical issue with my house. $300 and 2 hours later, it's resolved, but in the meantime I exploded on a bunch of people. Honestly they deserved some of it (BAD time to make unreasonable requests of me!), but not that kind of rage. And I'm left with an awful stomachache and Xanax back in my system, and guilt and embarrassment.
I'm working on it - tackling the anxiety in a big way, and trying to be assertive... not furious or overly cooperative. I need to forgive myself for my past actions - but NOT forget how the actions were inappropriate.

01-13-2014, 03:47 AM
Yep, ditto that...I end up with a stomachache and feeling horrible. Before this new doc, I had nothing to take and just had to suffer with all those horrible feelings. Now I have ativan, which helps some of the time. I apologize for my behavior, but for some reason that doesn't really make me feel better. The guilt and embarrassment are almost unbearable...and I beat myself up inside for days afterward. I try to forgive myself, but I'm super critical of everything I do.