View Full Version : Hello new to this site and need help bad

01-11-2014, 11:22 PM
Hi i suffer from anxiety, stress and depression and to top it all off i am a hypochondriac. The bad kind who is so afraid to go to doctors so i don't. I suffer from most of the physical symptoms of anxiety but for the past two weeks i have been having new ones all sorts of stomach disturbances they are feeling gassy and i have diarrhea with an upset stomach (nausea) This is new to me but i been under a lot of stress and been in a state of Anxiety and worry since August over personal problems. On new years eve day they had to rush my brother to the hospital i drove to the hospital and meet them there which made me very nervous and my worry and anxiety was threw the roof. A day or two later after i started feeling bloated and diarrhea and nausea. I do not have a fever or chills or anything like a cold or flu. I am now so worried that i have serious illness and search the medical sites and come up with all these deadly diseases which is making me feel even worse. Is it just a coincidence that it happened right after this whole hospital deal and this is just Anxiety or do you think i am sick ?

I am just at my wits end,i know sooner or later i will have to see a doctor if this does not go away and that in return is causing even more worry and anxiety. I am sorry for rambling on like this but i just have no where to turn and found this site. I am looking for a voice of reason other then my Anxiety and worry state of mind. Thanks

01-12-2014, 12:32 AM
I am going through the exact same thing as you. I'm almost positive it is anxiety and you are in no immediate danger but you should still get checked up because it will not only answer your health questions but you probably will feel a lot better. I haven't gone yet but once I get med insurance off I go!

01-12-2014, 01:06 AM
I'm going through it too. My breakdown started in November and hit hard. I suffer from many of the same afflictions as you . If you can't make it to the doctor than you should read up as much as you can. One of the most valuable books being 10 best ever anxiety management techniques. It is filled with valuable and vital information in dealing with out problems. But most of all remember, you are not alone.

01-12-2014, 07:47 AM

No, you're not sick...but all it takes is (1) traumatic event to begin this terrible cycle and situational anxiety issues....then it grows from there.

I will return here shortly to go over some ideas for you....


01-12-2014, 06:04 PM
Thanks all for getting back to me. I just feel very bad right now these physical symptoms are the worst. Thanks Enduronman i will check back for updates from you.

01-12-2014, 06:43 PM
I suffer from anxiety, stress depression hypochondriac. afraid to go to doctors Is it just a coincidence that it happened right after this whole hospital deal and this is just Anxiety or do you think i am sick ? I am looking for a voice of reason other then my Anxiety and worry state of mind. Thanks

1. This is a tough issue to address. It is consuming you. It is all anxiety, and it is all in your mind, thoughts, and spinning things over and over in your head.
2. There are 3 dozen other people that had arrived here in the month of december, that had all of these same symptoms, ailments, idealogies, about what to do, how to go about doing it, where to do it...
3. Some of them took what advice that they found useful, and just did it. They made those changes, they took those scary steps, they began to take control of their own lives back from these Demon Disorders. And, there are as many as 12 of them that are doing quite well, within 3 weeks.
4. Much time was spent, and or lost, wondering if this would ever go away, stop, leave them alone...it won't. The more you sit and wait, the stronger this illness and following illnesses become. It doesn't WANT you to do anything about it, that's how it feeds, strives, lives, survives, within you.
5. If you're truly at wits end, then make the next move..take that first step, make that first phone call...that's all it takes.
6. Call the Doc, make an appointment, take your notes, and begin this recovery process because it is wayyyy easier than this hell you are presently stuck in.
7. The voice of reason: It's a mental disorder, not a deadly disease that is incurable so you are blessed and you will see this through too...because you have that desire too.

Ramblng is a good thing, it lets small percentages of the fears out, and it begins to open the doors so you can throw them out...so keep rambling if you wish, there is no time limits or speed at recovery either,...that's up to you friend.

Anything in there look useful to you?...I surely hope it does, we want to see you recover. It's how we recover...

E-Man.. :)

01-13-2014, 04:57 PM
Im having the same stomach issues and going to see my doctor tomorrow. I have severe health anxiety and I think Im making myself more sick. I have had Ibs in the past and gerd but this is worse/ different. Everytime I eat my stomach feels bloated..I also have a gnawing feeling..not sure if you have experienced that. Feel better soon!

01-13-2014, 11:49 PM
Im having the same stomach issues and going to see my doctor tomorrow. I have severe health anxiety and I think Im making myself more sick. I have had Ibs in the past and gerd but this is worse/ different. Everytime I eat my stomach feels bloated..I also have a gnawing feeling..not sure if you have experienced that. Feel better soon!

Yes i am having all the symptoms you are. I do have bloating after eating a little meal like i been eating a huge meal. And yes also have the gnawing feeling along with nausea, not to the point of vomiting (yet) and hoping it does not come to that but it comes and goes. Good luck with the doctor's appointment. I am working on that i have anxiety issues going to the doctor and don't unless i am on the floor. I have had so many bad experiences with doctor's it takes a lot for me to go. Please let me know how you made out.

01-13-2014, 11:52 PM
Thanks E-man for your words and for the help with this.