View Full Version : How's everyone?

01-11-2014, 11:21 PM
Was wondering if anyone/everyone goes through daily symptoms?

Does your anxiety come and go, or do you always have it and what symptoms do you suffer from?

How do you cope with it? On your own, or medication?


01-11-2014, 11:30 PM
Was wondering if anyone/everyone goes through daily symptoms?

Does your anxiety come and go, or do you always have it and what symptoms do you suffer from?

How do you cope with it? On your own, or medication?


My symptoms are a constant, with me daily. I don't think i suffer from "attacks" as some here do.

My symptoms are to many to list, but suffice it to say i have all the classics. Heart palps, difficulty breathing, feelings of dread, Insomnia..etc

Not currently on medication but it's gotton to the point for me where i feel i need somethig.

01-11-2014, 11:37 PM
My symptoms are a constant, with me daily. I don't think i suffer from "attacks" as some here do.

My symptoms are to many to list, but suffice it to say i have all the classics. Heart palps, difficulty breathing, feelings of dread, Insomnia..etc

Not currently on medication but it's gotton to the point for me where i feel i need somethig.

I don't know why I started to think, "Is anxiety an every day feeling, or once in a while? Maybe I have something else."

I just thought I'd clear my mind & ask questions about what everyone goes through.

I had been doing fine all day, but I don't know why I feel like I'm going to freak out at night time, always! Right now I'm really sleepy and I'm a little scared of going to sleep.

I have different symptoms, but one I can never shake is feeling "high". Like I am not here. It's so irritating!

I was on medication, but due to being pregnant now, I can't take any. Sometimes I feel like just taking half to calm me down, but then I refuse to do so!

01-11-2014, 11:44 PM
I don't know why I started to think, "Is anxiety an every day feeling, or once in a while? Maybe I have something else."

I just thought I'd clear my mind & ask questions about what everyone goes through.

I had been doing fine all day, but I don't know why I feel like I'm going to freak out at night time, always! Right now I'm really sleepy and I'm a little scared of going to sleep.

I have different symptoms, but one I can never shake is feeling "high". Like I am not here. It's so irritating!

I was on medication, but due to being pregnant now, I can't take any. Sometimes I feel like just taking half to calm me down, but then I refuse to do so!

Bedtime is a tough one for quite a few, whether it's the fear of not waking up in the morning or a fear of not being able to sleep..

When i say my symptoms are a constant, what i mean is some, not all my symptoms are present all of the time and indeed they do seem worse at certain times, perhaps this is what an "attack" is?

I think for me my physical symtoms are being over shadowed by my mental state which is troubling.

Have you tried any natural remedies or medatative practices?

Congratulations by the way..:D

01-12-2014, 12:15 AM
I get symptoms every day, unfortunately. I am always in a constant state of discomfort and it really sucks. I try to deal with them but it gets overwhelming sometimes to the point where I lash out at others.

01-12-2014, 12:38 AM
Hwy lizard0921, first of all I want to say that EVERYONE IS DIFFEENT, and I don't feel like anyone should be judged for what means they have to take to get the help they need. Some people believe in herbs, teas, and those things. I, however have such extreme anxiety, and panic attacks, that I am currently being medicated for it. My doctor prescribed me Klonopin for mine, and I must say, it has been a life saver. Before, I would have to leave the grocery store because of a panic attack. Not the case anymore. I don't plan on being on it forever. Just for now!! Hope this helps some. dorrie

01-12-2014, 12:43 AM
I am symptoms all day every day.
And as we've discussed in messages I get that "high" feeling daily too. I have it right now...
I have dizziness and vision not focusing all the time too

01-12-2014, 02:25 AM
Ps I don't think anyone was being judged here????

01-12-2014, 04:11 AM
I also have constant anxiety. Way too many symptoms to list, but a constant fear of dying, heart palpitations, brain "fog", dizziness, etc.

I take medication but also find that working out getting rid of my "nervous energy" helps me.

Anxiety isn't any fun, hang in there!

01-12-2014, 07:26 AM
I can't feel ma legs.....

No but seriously, if it were not for my medications...there would be BIG trouble....you already know how many I take, and that does NOT count vitamins, and supplements...:)

01-12-2014, 08:32 AM
Hello rhar, Sometimes I word things the wrong way, and I hate it. I meant to say something more along the lines of "I don't think you will be judged at all by anyone here, as everyone deals with things differently". It came out completely wrong. My bad. Sorry. D.

01-12-2014, 10:56 AM
orphangirl, Have you ever been diagnosed with PTSD? I'm just asking because you mentioned a constant fear of dying. Have you lost anyone close to you? I was diagnosed a couple of times with PTSD, due to losing a few immediate family member's, and sometimes I struggle with the same issue. I've lost a sister, my mother, my father, my uncle who was my father figure growing up, all by the age of 25. I worry all the time that something will happen to me, but more importantly my children or my husband. It's a dreadful feeling to live with, and a lot of people don't understand it, unless they have experienced that kind of loss too. I currently have to take medicine for my anxiety, it is so bad. I hope not forever. But the pounding in my heart is so powerful and strong, I just can't take it. I have a prolapsed valve in my heart, and had to take medicine for a while, because my heart rate would get so high. So I definitely understand what you're going through. I'm here, if you ever need an ear. Take care, Dorrie