View Full Version : Advice for anxiety + depression in school??

01-11-2014, 11:16 PM
Hey everyone, hope you're all doing okay ^_^

School starts again for me in 3 weeks... need I say more? XD I've only been aware of my anxiety and depression for a few months when they got really bad, and in that time my performance at school dropped.
I'm sure many of you agree, or can understand, that school is a living nightmare a lot of the time :( I get very anxious on public transport, in exam halls, and during assemblies (they often induce panic attacks), people make me feel depressed/anxious of judgement, I don't cope with stress well, and everything is an effort .__.
Lucky for me, it's my last year! Unlucky for me... that means exams.

Does anyone have any advice for how to cope with depression and anxiety during school? I'm really dreading it, and I'm trying to find ways to make it a more pleasant experience, or at least less of a terrible one :'D

Thanks for reading! x

01-12-2014, 04:29 AM
Good morning!

I'm right there with you...trying to find a way to cope with anxiety and depression while I am in school. I've been using all my coping skills learned through counseling over the years, but still feel panic just thinking about starting school again. I have also been taking more of my anxiety medication, which helps but only temporarily. Have you tried any medication for either the depression or anxiety. I find being on medication helps take the edge off, not cure it entirely. Good luck! It's nice just to know there is someone out there experiencing something similar!

Thanks for sharing!

01-24-2014, 02:54 AM
Good morning!

I'm right there with you...trying to find a way to cope with anxiety and depression while I am in school. I've been using all my coping skills learned through counseling over the years, but still feel panic just thinking about starting school again. I have also been taking more of my anxiety medication, which helps but only temporarily. Have you tried any medication for either the depression or anxiety. I find being on medication helps take the edge off, not cure it entirely. Good luck! It's nice just to know there is someone out there experiencing something similar!

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the reply :D (sorry for my late one...). It *is* good to know that we're not alone :D
I am trying medication, and it definitely helps me as well.
I'm just hoping to get some holistic/behavioral tips - I'm sure you probably are as well.

Any advice appreciated guys! ^_^ x