View Full Version : pulse checker

01-11-2014, 11:15 PM
Unfortunately I catch myself checking my pulse more than anyone should, on days where I don't I always feel better than days where I do it constantly. Sometimes when I check it I feel like I can't feel it or it isn't there...does anyone else feel that? Or is it just me

01-11-2014, 11:20 PM
It's not something i do. What are your concerns regarding it? Have you ever been told you have any heart conditions?

01-12-2014, 12:40 AM
Unfortunately I catch myself checking my pulse more than anyone should, on days where I don't I always feel better than days where I do it constantly. Sometimes when I check it I feel like I can't feel it or it isn't there...does anyone else feel that? Or is it just me

I find myself doing the same thing, all the time.

01-12-2014, 03:13 AM
Ab123 I do it all the time! I don't know why but I'm always doing it and not even realising ! X

01-12-2014, 06:26 AM
ALL THE BLOODY TIME. I dont even realize im doing it anymore. Either on my neck my wrist or my hand over my heart on my chest..

01-12-2014, 06:35 AM
ALL THE BLOODY TIME. I dont even realize im doing it anymore. Either on my neck my wrist or my hand over my heart on my chest..

01-30-2014, 11:48 AM
I've been having palpitations when I wake up in bed and it seems that my pulse has been elevated for the past few days while having gas/bloating issues (?). It got up to over a hundred at work, reached the 90s a few times, and now it's down to 67, which is normal for me at rest. I've tried to avoid taking my pulse the past day, so I don't know if that's playing a role in the dropoff. It did seem that whenever I took my pulse earlier in the week, my heart rate would pick up the moment I put my finger on my neck!

This week has been really strange. It felt like the world was going to end for me and now I seem to calming down. But I dread the idea of this happening again.

01-30-2014, 11:51 AM
check mine with an iphone app far too often

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 11:56 AM
I was obsessed with checking my pulse but I have stopped doing it luckily. One thing I have noticed though is that when I'm really anxious I get a strong pulse in my abdomen and leg. Weird.

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 11:58 AM
It felt like the world was going to end for me and now I seem to calming down. But I dread the idea of this happening again.

I've felt the same this week. Tuesday and Wednesday were really bad for me and I thought I was going to explode with worry. Today, luckily, has been better but like you I dread it coming back :(

01-30-2014, 12:00 PM
I do this all the time too. Horrible habit. I have no heart condition and I am only 31 years old but fear having a heart attack. Wish I could stop too.

01-30-2014, 12:05 PM
Unfortunately I catch myself checking my pulse more than anyone should, on days where I don't I always feel better than days where I do it constantly. Sometimes when I check it I feel like I can't feel it or it isn't there...does anyone else feel that? Or is it just me

[ mèddi táysh'n ]

1.emptying or concentration of mind: the emptying of the mind of thoughts, or the concentration of the mind on one thing, in order to aid mental or spiritual development, contemplation, or relaxation
2.pondering of something: the act of thinking about something carefully, calmly, seriously, and for some time, or an instance of such thinking
3.serious study of topic: an extended and serious study of a topic

This was a very revealing statement to me. Can anyone else see this anxiety, worry, depression, etc. as a form of meditation? Not in the sense of being good for us, but still, a deep concentration of the mind on objects as body, heart, head, hands, etc. The results are so damn powerful they cripple us all. Can there be a way to use this powerful tool to calm us,
help us? Yes I believe so. I think if you look at it from a viewpoint of what do I prefer question, instead of what don't I want to happen, or why me? You see even when we say I don't want this or that the subconscious, only see's that we are focused on, that being the very thing we DO NOT WANT. It's not as smart as we think. Can we use this to create body/mind
habits to serve us rather than tear us apart? Meditation like anything else can hinder or help us, which do we prefer, NOT what do we not want? Peace

01-30-2014, 02:30 PM
I've felt the same this week. Tuesday and Wednesday were really bad for me and I thought I was going to explode with worry. Today, luckily, has been better but like you I dread it coming back :(

I don't know what's worse the actual discomfort or the doom you feel.

01-30-2014, 02:45 PM
check mine with an iphone app far too often me too!!! I have really tried to stop doing this near as much. Are these things even accurate???

01-30-2014, 02:52 PM
me too!!! I have really tried to stop doing this near as much. Are these things even accurate???

Bang on! A nurse even agreed with me.

a l i c i a
01-30-2014, 09:47 PM
Unfortunately I catch myself checking my pulse more than anyone should, on days where I don't I always feel better than days where I do it constantly. Sometimes when I check it I feel like I can't feel it or it isn't there...does anyone else feel that? Or is it just me
I feel like this all the time! I'm obsessed with my heart. I've had all the testing I can really have done except a heart cath and my doctor doesn't want to do that unless he absolutely had to. He hasn't found anything. I'm convinced something is wrong with my heart though. There have been times where I can't find my pulse and I'll be at the doctor and they will tell me it's really high so I know it's just me but I still freak out about it. I hate feeling my heart racing and I hate when I can't feel it. I know exactly what you mean.

01-30-2014, 09:56 PM
Unfortunately I catch myself checking my pulse more than anyone should, on days where I don't I always feel better than days where I do it constantly. Sometimes when I check it I feel like I can't feel it or it isn't there...does anyone else feel that? Or is it just me

Ok, so count me in on this. Although, I must say that it comes and goes with me. I definitely catch myself checking every so often. Even more, anytime I go the market where there is a blood pressure/heart pulse machine, yes, you'll find me there checking on things!

Slammed Vdub
01-30-2014, 10:34 PM
I used to do this all the time, even before i had anxiety. I used a spot in my palm that i could feel my pulse. I dont know why i did, but it was like the pulse comforted me... letting me know i was alive.

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 12:31 AM
I don't know what's worse the actual discomfort or the doom you feel.

I can almost handle the physical symptoms I'm getting. It's the doom and catastrophic feelings that are the hardest to cope with I find.

01-31-2014, 12:42 AM
I've had palpitations and heart worries with anxiety in the past, but I never got on the kick of checking my pulse. Sounds like people who get addicted to checking their blood pressure all the time with home blood pressure cuffs. I use my dad's on occasion when I'm visiting my parents, but not something I do frequently. How do you get on this habit? And how do you know what's "normal" at any given time? Doesn't one's pulse rate fluctuate pretty frequently? And especially if you're anxious. Is it a "comfort" activity? I know I have comfort things that help calm me down if I'm having an attack. Just curious.

02-01-2014, 11:22 AM
I've had palpitations and heart worries with anxiety in the past, but I never got on the kick of checking my pulse. Sounds like people who get addicted to checking their blood pressure all the time with home blood pressure cuffs. I use my dad's on occasion when I'm visiting my parents, but not something I do frequently. How do you get on this habit? And how do you know what's "normal" at any given time? Doesn't one's pulse rate fluctuate pretty frequently? And especially if you're anxious. Is it a "comfort" activity? I know I have comfort things that help calm me down if I'm having an attack. Just curious.

If you have a phobia for heart problems such as we have, you begin to take your pulse and/or your blood pressure much more than is necessary to convince yourself that you're okay. The catch is that these readings can go UP from the anxiety.

I myself only check my pulse. I was tempted to buy a blood pressure meter but I know that I would wear the thing out (and my arm) if I had it. Pulse only requires a finger so it's a habit I've struggled to get out of.

I saw on a program recently that Glenn Gould, who was a very famous Canadian pianist, was worried about all kinds of ailments, especially in the heart. He had not one, but three blood pressure meters: one made in North America, one from Germany, and one from Japan. His logic was that if his blood pressure came up the same on all three meters it was definitely an accurate reading.

02-01-2014, 12:05 PM
I do this often, yea sometimes I can't feel it. Right now all is feel is my heart beating in my head. Why oh why does this happen?????