View Full Version : Another Attack.

01-11-2014, 08:47 PM
I had my first panic attack on the 9th which was two days ago. The next day I was feeling a bit better so I went to school and then had a panic attack during my first period class. Today I fell asleep around seven and then ended up waking up with a panic attack around 8:40. I went to the hospital yesterday and turns out I am dealing with dehydration, anxiety, and an UTI. My doctor said that the UTI probably caused me to have a panic attack, and since I'm still seeing things funny my mother said it was probably from the UTI too. I'm taking medicine for the infection and hopefully in a couple of days I will start feeling better. After going to the doctor yesterday I could control my anxiety a bit and made myself stop freaking out, but then we went to the store today and I started freaking out again. Then after waking up from the panic attack I'm a little nervous about going back to sleep even though I know I should. I know that I shouldn't think about the panicking and the infection, but it calms me down to type it out and vent a little.

Lord Jazzinho
01-11-2014, 08:56 PM
My nan had UTI's they made her imagine all sorts, she could not separate dreams from reality but when they cleared up she was fine.

01-11-2014, 09:00 PM
My nan had UTI's they made her imagine all sorts, she could not separate dreams from reality but when they cleared up she was fine.

I can tell the difference, but they look sort of the same. I'm not really imagining stuff, though. I just remind myself that it's real, haha. And I still have a few more days of high dose pills so I'm hoping it'll clear up soon. It makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who goes through it. I guess that's what I'm really scared of.

Lord Jazzinho
01-11-2014, 09:43 PM
UTI's Can be very serious so I'm told I've also been told that severe constipation can make a person go mad and I'm not joking with this. We tend to think of our head\mind as being separate in some way but its just another part of the same body and to varying degrees what happens to one part of the body effects all of it :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-11-2014, 09:46 PM
P.S Cheers for being the first person to speak to me on here :) asides that question I ask about cats and dogs lol

01-12-2014, 02:17 PM
P.S Cheers for being the first person to speak to me on here :) asides that question I ask about cats and dogs lol

Haha. I prefer cats.o.o
Any who, I have my first job training today, so I'm a bit nervous, but I'm trying to calm myself. I get freaked out because of my vision, but I know that it will get better when the UTI goes away. I only do it at times. Inside my house I'm alright, but when I go outside the lighting is different and everything. I know I'll do just fine though. I'll be too focused on learning my job to worry about it. Wish me luck! And I'm glad. Talking to others makes me feel more at ease.