View Full Version : arghhh worried!

01-11-2014, 01:35 PM
Okay so i turned my back for 2 seconds & my 11 month old daughter had put a lighter in her mouth. It was out of reach but she managed to grab it! I'm really worried, do yous think she will be okay?

01-11-2014, 02:40 PM
She'll be just fine. No issues there. Kids find their way into everything.

If she lit a cigarette, then we would be talking something different

01-11-2014, 05:39 PM
Okay so i turned my back for 2 seconds & my 11 month old daughter had put a lighter in her mouth. It was out of reach but she managed to grab it! I'm really worried, do yous think she will be okay?

I agree with Nixon Rultz! I hope I got that right! Lol! I have a younger child and two older ones. One time my 19 yr old managed to take the back of my ear ring off and stuck it inside his ear. I took him to the ER. They tried suctioning it out. Couldn't. Took him to an Ear nose and Throat Dr. The next day. He couldn't get it. Had to go back to the ER and have it surgically removed because it was right beside his eardrum causing pain!! When they got it out, they were all laughing because he said his dog put it in there. Kids will be kids hon. But there's nothing wrong with ever asking. That's your baby. Take care. Dorrie

01-11-2014, 05:47 PM
Sounds like you're little one is just fine and quite normal. Everything goes in mouth at that age. Sorry you're worried, but your child is fine. My son filled his nose holes full of was gummie bear things when he was a little one. :D He's all good today. Peace

01-11-2014, 05:50 PM
Yikes! i'm guessing no teeth at 11 months? Baby's have a vicious bite..

As long as she didn't fracture the lighter and inhale or somehow swallow some of the butane gas i would think shes fine.

Seriously though, keep shit like that well out of reach of your little one..lock ligthers in a draw if you must have them in the house.

It only takes a second for disaster to strike, as you know.

Close call.