View Full Version : Anxiety, is a blessing in diguise

01-10-2014, 05:44 PM
Now as much as I feel like crap right now, it's that time of the month, I'm moody, in agony, depressed and ANXIOUS! I have taken to time to realize, anxiety is indeed a blessing. How the HELL is this suffocating child a blessing, you may find yourself asking? Well, think about it. When did anxiety start for you? How far have you come? How many lessons have you learnt about yourself and your health? How strong are you?
See, we suffer almost everyday, remember the life we had before anxiety.. I can almost garentee.. It wasn't a healthy one. Did you excersize, eat healthy, meditate? Where you mindful of your body and how it reacted? Did you ever think you could overcome something so server? Well guess what, here you are. Some may say, my god amber what are you talking about my life has hit rock bottom.. Think about it. How many panic attacks have you had? You've lived yer? You've manage to get through it, and later been able to smile about something, that is strength, and courage your passed self probably wouldn't think you could do it.

Anxiety has taught me so many lessons, Infact the road leading toward anxiety taught me a lot. I have the ability to work hard for what I want, concure a heartbreak, give up my Beautiful dog as much as it hurt, he deserved a better life, live by myself, live with relatives, pay my way, become healthy, be positive, deal with death, live in complicated housing, go overseas, fall in love again, break down my wall, forgive, save money, set goals and stick to them, finally be happy, deal with anxiety and depression, an ofcource learn so much about myself. Accept what I can't change, and work in what I can.

This time last year, I did NOT see any of this coming.. It was by far the hardest most life lesson learning year of my life so far. But guess what, that just means 2014 is my year to pick up the peices, achieve greatness and happiness. It will be a MASSIVE year for me. So far I know I'm gettin married and moving away from my family and friends to a different country. This is HUGE and that Dosent include the unknown.

I have always not dealt well with change, I need to have plans in place.. Always trying to manage my future. This has bit me in the ass.. Not because the universe changed my plans, but because I had the expectations.. I tryed to control the uncontrollable. I've learnt that no matter how hard you try, nothing is set in stone. This is SCARY! Why live a healthy and happy life when the future is unknown? It all comes down to love, cheesy isn't it? Seriously though, Hebrew language the word love is HAV, which means give. Amber why are you telling us this, think about it. What is love? Alot of people have the thought concept of love which is finding someone who completes us, gives us what we need, love, affection, showers us with it. If you really want a long loving relationship, you must give and not expect. You must learn about yourself and love yourself, GIVE TO YOURSELF. So how does this all tie into the healthy lifestyle an the unknown future. Simple. Ofcource in the process of being healthy, you are loving yourself, FOR NOW. But it is for the people around you. Healthy body and mind = happiness, happiness I which comes out in your moods and willingness to give or LOVE!

Be a healthier happier person, not only for your present self, your future self or well being. But your the people around you. Be greatful for the blessings you have, the food on your plate, your joints, muscles, you can walk, run, jump. Your motor skills.. You have SO much to give yourself, the people around you and the world!
If something, god forbid, happened to you tomorrow, next month, next year, whenever.. Would you want the memory to be anxious full of doubt and worry unhappy.. No, every day on this earth is a blessing and happiness within itself.. You just need to know where to look. The world is such a beautiful place, I find myself in suburbia.. I look at the sky and feel at peace although its manic everywhere else.. The grass, the trees, the breeze, the sun.. The stars, the noise.. Everything.. Is beautiful.. Buildings, bridges, houses.. People put in hard work to achieve these things, appreciate that. People, big, small, young, old, disabled, healthy.. All have a story to tell, all have their own demons.. Take a moment to appreciate that.

Learn yourself, love yourself, love your surroundings and the people surrounding you..
Anxiety is a blessing, it makes you who you need to be, teaches you lessons, makes you see how strong you are.. You are blessed, see it for what it is

01-10-2014, 06:26 PM
Amber , I wish I was as mature as you are in your age, maybe I would not waste years of my life for stupid things. Yes, you are right, we must accept and love ourselfs to be loved. Love brings the love. Usually we fall in love with what we wish to be. We falling in love with the person, who does not exist, then broken heart and all suffering it brings....
I admire you Amber:) You are a fantastic young women, very inspiring even to oldies like I am:) Thank you

01-10-2014, 06:36 PM
Very nicely said, Amber.. certainly worthy of another video.. :)

I find that through hardships, you come out stronger in the end. That's why I'm thankful all the a-holes in my life. They make me a better person.

01-10-2014, 07:23 PM
Now as much as I feel like crap right now, it's that time of the month, I'm moody, in agony, depressed and ANXIOUS! I have taken to time to realize, anxiety is indeed a blessing. How the HELL is this suffocating child a blessing, you may find yourself asking? Well, think about it. When did anxiety start for you? How far have you come? How many lessons have you learnt about yourself and your health? How strong are you?
See, we suffer almost everyday, remember the life we had before anxiety.. I can almost garentee.. It wasn't a healthy one. Did you excersize, eat healthy, meditate? Where you mindful of your body and how it reacted? Did you ever think you could overcome something so server? Well guess what, here you are. Some may say, my god amber what are you talking about my life has hit rock bottom.. Think about it. How many panic attacks have you had? You've lived yer? You've manage to get through it, and later been able to smile about something, that is strength, and courage your passed self probably wouldn't think you could do it.

Anxiety has taught me so many lessons, Infact the road leading toward anxiety taught me a lot. I have the ability to work hard for what I want, concure a heartbreak, give up my Beautiful dog as much as it hurt, he deserved a better life, live by myself, live with relatives, pay my way, become healthy, be positive, deal with death, live in complicated housing, go overseas, fall in love again, break down my wall, forgive, save money, set goals and stick to them, finally be happy, deal with anxiety and depression, an ofcource learn so much about myself. Accept what I can't change, and work in what I can.

This time last year, I did NOT see any of this coming.. It was by far the hardest most life lesson learning year of my life so far. But guess what, that just means 2014 is my year to pick up the peices, achieve greatness and happiness. It will be a MASSIVE year for me. So far I know I'm gettin married and moving away from my family and friends to a different country. This is HUGE and that Dosent include the unknown.

I have always not dealt well with change, I need to have plans in place.. Always trying to manage my future. This has bit me in the ass.. Not because the universe changed my plans, but because I had the expectations.. I tryed to control the uncontrollable. I've learnt that no matter how hard you try, nothing is set in stone. This is SCARY! Why live a healthy and happy life when the future is unknown? It all comes down to love, cheesy isn't it? Seriously though, Hebrew language the word love is HAV, which means give. Amber why are you telling us this, think about it. What is love? Alot of people have the thought concept of love which is finding someone who completes us, gives us what we need, love, affection, showers us with it. If you really want a long loving relationship, you must give and not expect. You must learn about yourself and love yourself, GIVE TO YOURSELF. So how does this all tie into the healthy lifestyle an the unknown future. Simple. Ofcource in the process of being healthy, you are loving yourself, FOR NOW. But it is for the people around you. Healthy body and mind = happiness, happiness I which comes out in your moods and willingness to give or LOVE!

Be a healthier happier person, not only for your present self, your future self or well being. But your the people around you. Be greatful for the blessings you have, the food on your plate, your joints, muscles, you can walk, run, jump. Your motor skills.. You have SO much to give yourself, the people around you and the world!
If something, god forbid, happened to you tomorrow, next month, next year, whenever.. Would you want the memory to be anxious full of doubt and worry unhappy.. No, every day on this earth is a blessing and happiness within itself.. You just need to know where to look. The world is such a beautiful place, I find myself in suburbia.. I look at the sky and feel at peace although its manic everywhere else.. The grass, the trees, the breeze, the sun.. The stars, the noise.. Everything.. Is beautiful.. Buildings, bridges, houses.. People put in hard work to achieve these things, appreciate that. People, big, small, young, old, disabled, healthy.. All have a story to tell, all have their own demons.. Take a moment to appreciate that.

Learn yourself, love yourself, love your surroundings and the people surrounding you..
Anxiety is a blessing, it makes you who you need to be, teaches you lessons, makes you see how strong you are.. You are blessed, see it for what it is

Now there is some real truth and wisdom. WOW Thank you. Peace

01-10-2014, 11:27 PM
Damn and you're only 21. You've sure learnt a heck of a lot of lessons in your life GBeng.

Some nice posts coming from those Aussie fingers lately :)

01-11-2014, 12:42 AM
Thank You everyone. With pain comes wisdom, overcoming the pain and experiences I've had in my short life I've come to see the world for what it is.. I'm always trying to better understand and help myself.. Become a stronger, and better person. As everyone is, I'm a complicated person.. So many aspects are out together to make me who I am.. Not one single person is the same.. That is why there are no quick fixes for general population.. It's all trial and error, pushing and comforting..

01-11-2014, 12:54 AM
Interesting post. For me i think i could have learned most of lifes lessons without needing to deal with anxiety too and it certainly hasn't contributed to my life in a good way.. It has had no positive impact on my life in any way whatsoever.

Everyone views an experience in a different perspective, a good example is police at a crime scene interviewing multiple people. Although all the people witnessed the same single event, their individual perceptions of the event will vary widly.

I'm happy you see it as a positive experience though, i have had a few experiences that many would regard as negative but in my eyes i feel they have shaped me into the man i am today and have taught me much about life, death and human nature.

Nice post..:D

01-11-2014, 12:58 AM
That's the same as me, I see my trauma as a blessing and people look at me like I'm ducking nuts haha

01-11-2014, 01:00 AM
Yeah I guess with you Mist, life was like that annoying Math teacher that kept going on and on through break time, despite everyone knowing the material.

Too much lesson!

'Enough suffering already! I get it!!'

01-11-2014, 01:03 AM
Yeah I guess with you Mist, life was like that annoying Math teacher that kept going on and on through break time, despite everyone knowing the material.

Too much lesson!

'Enough suffering already! I get it!!'

LOL mate, and i hated maths too..:P

01-11-2014, 03:39 AM
Amber Ggrhdgnrghzmehzo

When can we expect your next YouTube vid?

I'm not even joking, you should narrate relaxation exercises and post them on here. You have such a relaxing voice. The ones on YouTube are so crap for certain things like progressive muscle relaxation. Heck, if you narrated some, I'd listen and follow along. It could be a huge success as they help sufferers IMMENSELY!

01-11-2014, 08:18 AM
Really? I was thinking about popping this post up on YouTube tomorrow. Maybe add some other stuff depending how it ties in. You think I should narrate relaxation excersizes? Could be good to do. I was also thinking if putting up some other life lessons and knowledge I have on YouTube one day.. See how I go. I'm usually into comedy, but since being a sufferer I've kinda lost my sense of comedy abit.. I was an aspiring comedian, did stand up and everything.. But anxiety has put that in hold for awhile.. I still am comedic towards friends and family but not really online. Ill find my way back one day I'm sure.

01-11-2014, 08:28 AM
Amber Ggrhdgnrghzmehzo

When can we expect your next YouTube vid?

I'm not even joking, you should narrate relaxation exercises and post them on here. You have such a relaxing voice. The ones on YouTube are so crap for certain things like progressive muscle relaxation. Heck, if you narrated some, I'd listen and follow along. It could be a huge success as they help sufferers IMMENSELY!

I went to Brain sync. Dude those are some awesome quick acting brainwaves, Talk about changing your frequency. Let me know if you've ever checked that out. Let me know if you try it.

01-11-2014, 09:04 AM
I'm a big fan of them. I tried hypnosis, but I could spot the commands, and couldn't relax. I like that these combine alpha/theta brain waves, and meditation. That's gonna make some pretty nice things happen.

I've used bilingual beats for sometime now, and have had some remarkable things happen, which just weren't coincidence. I like the idea of using non invasive things like these for relaxation.

I'm using different bilingual beats to do stuff away from relaxation now, but if I wanted relaxation and a more peaceful state, I'd certainly go back to them, their guided meditation they have is really cool.

01-11-2014, 09:13 AM
@Amber - you should definitely do them, you have a really peaceful voice. So many people complain of muscle aches, so narrating Progressive Muscle Relaxation could change their life.

Guided visualisations are popular on here too, I've seen quite a few people talk of enjoying them. Either would be good!

01-11-2014, 09:52 AM
Another item I found very interesting is the holotopes. Have you seen these? Peace

01-11-2014, 10:07 AM
I actually haven't Gene. I'll take a look.

01-11-2014, 11:53 AM
I am a sound engineer for a number of independant game development companys. I can write and record the backing tracks for you and also generate the required frequencies.

I could also develop a website to promote the tracks. Not sure even Youtube supports 44.1kHz audio which is what you want for this.

01-11-2014, 11:57 AM
Now as much as I feel like crap right now, it's that time of the month, I'm moody, in agony, depressed and ANXIOUS! I have taken to time to realize, anxiety is indeed a blessing. How the HELL is this suffocating child a blessing, you may find yourself asking? Well, think about it. When did anxiety start for you? How far have you come? How many lessons have you learnt about yourself and your health? How strong are you?
See, we suffer almost everyday, remember the life we had before anxiety.. I can almost garentee.. It wasn't a healthy one. Did you excersize, eat healthy, meditate? Where you mindful of your body and how it reacted? Did you ever think you could overcome something so server? Well guess what, here you are. Some may say, my god amber what are you talking about my life has hit rock bottom.. Think about it. How many panic attacks have you had? You've lived yer? You've manage to get through it, and later been able to smile about something, that is strength, and courage your passed self probably wouldn't think you could do it.

Anxiety has taught me so many lessons, Infact the road leading toward anxiety taught me a lot. I have the ability to work hard for what I want, concure a heartbreak, give up my Beautiful dog as much as it hurt, he deserved a better life, live by myself, live with relatives, pay my way, become healthy, be positive, deal with death, live in complicated housing, go overseas, fall in love again, break down my wall, forgive, save money, set goals and stick to them, finally be happy, deal with anxiety and depression, an ofcource learn so much about myself. Accept what I can't change, and work in what I can.

This time last year, I did NOT see any of this coming.. It was by far the hardest most life lesson learning year of my life so far. But guess what, that just means 2014 is my year to pick up the peices, achieve greatness and happiness. It will be a MASSIVE year for me. So far I know I'm gettin married and moving away from my family and friends to a different country. This is HUGE and that Dosent include the unknown.

I have always not dealt well with change, I need to have plans in place.. Always trying to manage my future. This has bit me in the ass.. Not because the universe changed my plans, but because I had the expectations.. I tryed to control the uncontrollable. I've learnt that no matter how hard you try, nothing is set in stone. This is SCARY! Why live a healthy and happy life when the future is unknown? It all comes down to love, cheesy isn't it? Seriously though, Hebrew language the word love is HAV, which means give. Amber why are you telling us this, think about it. What is love? Alot of people have the thought concept of love which is finding someone who completes us, gives us what we need, love, affection, showers us with it. If you really want a long loving relationship, you must give and not expect. You must learn about yourself and love yourself, GIVE TO YOURSELF. So how does this all tie into the healthy lifestyle an the unknown future. Simple. Ofcource in the process of being healthy, you are loving yourself, FOR NOW. But it is for the people around you. Healthy body and mind = happiness, happiness I which comes out in your moods and willingness to give or LOVE!

Be a healthier happier person, not only for your present self, your future self or well being. But your the people around you. Be greatful for the blessings you have, the food on your plate, your joints, muscles, you can walk, run, jump. Your motor skills.. You have SO much to give yourself, the people around you and the world!
If something, god forbid, happened to you tomorrow, next month, next year, whenever.. Would you want the memory to be anxious full of doubt and worry unhappy.. No, every day on this earth is a blessing and happiness within itself.. You just need to know where to look. The world is such a beautiful place, I find myself in suburbia.. I look at the sky and feel at peace although its manic everywhere else.. The grass, the trees, the breeze, the sun.. The stars, the noise.. Everything.. Is beautiful.. Buildings, bridges, houses.. People put in hard work to achieve these things, appreciate that. People, big, small, young, old, disabled, healthy.. All have a story to tell, all have their own demons.. Take a moment to appreciate that.

Learn yourself, love yourself, love your surroundings and the people surrounding you..
Anxiety is a blessing, it makes you who you need to be, teaches you lessons, makes you see how strong you are.. You are blessed, see it for what it is

Inspiring, profound, and I love this post!!!...I want you in The Anxiety Hunters van!!......:D

01-11-2014, 12:00 PM
Lol Frankie

01-11-2014, 12:05 PM
Oh yeah! That was our forum motivational Amber pic. Let's see if I still have them!

01-11-2014, 12:09 PM
I don't have it anymore! Eman, do you have it?

01-11-2014, 12:24 PM
I guess I can make it again.

Ambers face just goes so well with anxiety!

01-11-2014, 12:31 PM

01-11-2014, 12:32 PM
Hahaha yay he saved it.

01-11-2014, 12:46 PM
My anxiety just went up a notch! Quick pass me some Roo meat, i need to calm my nerves..:D

01-11-2014, 01:07 PM
Hahaha yay he saved it.

YAY!!! (burning rubber now).....:)

01-11-2014, 01:08 PM
My anxiety just went up a notch! Quick pass me some Roo meat, i need to calm my nerves..:D

OH GAWD!!! You're gonna get her all jacked up about the roo B que!!!! She has 32 baby ones in her back yard!!....LMAO!

01-11-2014, 01:09 PM
That "anxiety is too strong" pic cracks me up!!!!! not gonna make it!!! :)

01-11-2014, 02:07 PM
Who even has these kinds of pics freely online to use in edits!! You're awesome Amber!! :D

01-11-2014, 02:18 PM
LMAO ^^^ Only our friend Bambler!! :)

01-11-2014, 05:04 PM
Hahahaha the van? Does it have candy?

01-12-2014, 12:21 AM
I'm only coming if there is lollies in this van

01-12-2014, 04:49 AM
Ditto! LOL

For me personally, I agree! I've had enough and learned enough, now how about a little peace in this mind of mine, eh?

01-12-2014, 04:53 AM
Our brains are like Spongbob..

The more they soak up the heavier they get to lug around with us..

Yea, i'm wearing Spongbob trousers right now!

01-12-2014, 07:32 AM
Gotta love sponge bob. Hey, if you don't like something.. CHANGE IT.. Nothing is impossible.. It will be hard and you wil need to learn some stuff and equip yourself with the right tools but you can get there.. Everyone has their days.. Take back your life, don't let anxiety or depression run your life. This is YOUR life..

01-12-2014, 07:35 AM
Gotta love sponge bob. Hey, if you don't like something.. CHANGE IT.. Nothing is impossible.. It will be hard and you wil need to learn some stuff and equip yourself with the right tools but you can get there.. Everyone has their days.. Take back your life, don't let anxiety or depression run your life. This is YOUR life..

If it was just me and MY life i would be fine. It's the other people in my life that bring the shit..i can't change other people.

01-12-2014, 04:59 PM
No you can't, but you can change the perspective of how much they influence you. Surround yourself with positivity

01-12-2014, 05:04 PM
No you can't, but you can change the perspective of how much they influence you. Surround yourself with positivity
Agree with Amber, it is the key:))

01-13-2014, 05:32 PM
It really is key