View Full Version : Anxiety about flying

01-10-2014, 05:34 PM
Good Lord willing my family and I will be taking a vacation in February which requires flying. This will be my third flight. My husband has flown many times, our two children have never flown. They have the same tendencies as I when it comes to freaking out and panicking etc. My last flight (our honeymoon) I had severe anxiety , it started when I was walking down the narrow hallway to board the flight. Once on the plane, realizing I was boarded and unable to get off I started screaming and balling my eyes out, embarrassing huh?! My hubby tried to console me and everyone was looking at me like I was nuts. Once we took off I reached for my phone to call my dad cause I was so upset, my hubby informed me my phone wouldn't work so I started crying again, ridiculous and very embarrassed. How can I keep calm during this upcoming flight , if my children see me panicked they will absolutely come un glued. I want this to be a great trip , not one filled with panic and worry. Thanks in advance!!!

01-10-2014, 05:37 PM
I am very interested in the advice you get as I have the same anxiety of flying.

01-10-2014, 05:48 PM
I have the same problem, my first sever anxiety attack was around flying but not due to the flying itself.. But still I'm terrified to fly.. I am traveling a few times this year 15 hour flights there and back. Keep in mind, when I was on that plane it was my first panic attack, i didn't know what it was, I was ALONE.. Be brave dear, it won't last forever.. Distract yourself.. Tell hubby he needs to care for the children as much as he can so toucan stay calm.. Although caring for the children may help distract you.. But children can feel nervous energy.. So unless you are very calm.. Let hubby do the work. Watch movies.. This helps me loads!! If you have any calming remedies.. Maybe use that.. Breathing techniques help loads..

01-10-2014, 06:08 PM
I have the same problem and flying back home lasts 8-9 hours. I have such terrible fear that i have to be somehow sedated. I take two ativans 1mg under the tonuge and have a drink or two. I do not drink, but it was the advice from.......doc:))) it is the only way I can survive the long fly....:)

01-10-2014, 06:58 PM
Thank you all so much !

01-11-2014, 01:57 AM
Where are you going Blessed, anywhere nice?

Nothing wrong with being sedated during flights, like Dahila said. Everyone needs to relax a little. If a benzo can give you that, hey! That's why they're there!

A lot of people need something for flying. Whenever I fly from Heathrow the bars and mini pubs are always full of people searching for a little Dutch courage to fly. My dad who I've never really seen scared of anything had to have a few pints of beer to help him relax before he flew 10hours to LAX. Not much difference between a few drinks and a pill. Both are all about that GABA after all.

There are of course reassuring statements you can learn, to use in the days leading up to your flight, which will be helpful. You want to try and keep the anxiety at a manageable level, rather than allowing it to build up over some time, and become exacerbated when the flight reaches it's peak. Flying is far safer than driving in a car afterall!

The thing about fear of flying is that it's so hard to desensitize to, as how often do you get to go on a plane and practice! If you wanted to do some visualisations of flying, I could find you a script. There was a young guy trapped in Dubai, as he was too scared to come home by plane. His therapist used lots of visualization with him, and got him home.

Then once you're on the flight, the usual anxiety coping strategies come into play 'This fear will pass', 'THIS IS JUST ADRENALINE'... 'Im OK' etc. and then like Amber said, distraction, if possible. Distraction is always a big weapon in the fight against ze anxiety.

Mothers are incredibly powerful influences. If your kids see you pretty ok, it will reassure them immensely too :)

01-11-2014, 08:21 AM
Thank you, we are traveling to Wyoming about a four hour flight. How much ativan can I take lol

01-11-2014, 08:49 AM
What dose do you have, Ativan is short lived.... I would take 4 hours before flights and when you are about to go to the plane, another one, so you are calm ;)))

01-11-2014, 10:03 AM
What dose do you have, Ativan is short lived.... I would take 4 hours before flights and when you are about to go to the plane, another one, so you are calm ;)))mine are only 0.5 mg

01-11-2014, 10:03 AM
What state do you live in again Blessed, I forgot :o

01-11-2014, 10:03 AM
The most I've ever taken at a time is two. I have taken 4 over an entire day if it was a rough day

01-11-2014, 10:05 AM
What state do you live in again Blessed, I forgot :oGeorgia :)

01-11-2014, 10:08 AM
Georgia :)

I'll have to get on that midnight train and come see you sometime lol

01-11-2014, 10:33 AM
Lol .... So stupid question can you take ativan with a glass of wine or is that a big no no?

01-11-2014, 10:48 AM
What time frame are we talking between the two?

01-11-2014, 11:00 AM
The same time lol???

01-11-2014, 11:03 AM
Well, it's not known to be dangerous at that amount, but it can increase the effects of alcohol, and may cause palps, which I know you don't like, kinda best not to mix them :)

01-11-2014, 11:19 AM
Well, it's not known to be dangerous at that amount, but it can increase the effects of alcohol, and may cause palps, which I know you don't like, kinda best not to mix them :)ok I was just checking for the trip. I'm scared to mix anything

01-11-2014, 03:20 PM
if you take two do not take drink, she told me to take one and a drink , this is what she does. Imagine doc taking ativan before flying.....

01-11-2014, 03:38 PM
I am such a nervous flyer!! Only about take off and turbulence though.. I have to grip on to my partners arm during take off! I have always been like this though so not because of my recent anxiety!! If you find any way to help calm nerves… please share!!

01-11-2014, 06:29 PM
I guess the Ativan sounds like it would work. I am not familiar with that medicine. Sounds good though. If you wanna try brainwave/subliminal/guided technology Brain Sync has lots of mp3's. I know I say this quite often but these have helped me immensely to relax far beyond my expectations. As far as wine with Ativan, probably best not to mix. Just another option. Headphones on the cell phone or laptop and you're set. And no I don't work for Brain Sync but I should be paid as much as I tell people about it. :D Peace and happy trails.

01-11-2014, 06:40 PM
I don't love to fly and I think about it a bit prior to departure

Once in the air, I'm fine.

If something goes wrong at that point, you're fu$ked!! LOL

01-11-2014, 06:47 PM
Georgia :)

I live in GA too! I thought I was the i was the only southerner on here!

01-11-2014, 07:28 PM
Good Lord willing my family and I will be taking a vacation in February which requires flying. This will be my third flight. My husband has flown many times, our two children have never flown. They have the same tendencies as I when it comes to freaking out and panicking etc. My last flight (our honeymoon) I had severe anxiety , it started when I was walking down the narrow hallway to board the flight. Once on the plane, realizing I was boarded and unable to get off I started screaming and balling my eyes out, embarrassing huh?! My hubby tried to console me and everyone was looking at me like I was nuts. Once we took off I reached for my phone to call my dad cause I was so upset, my hubby informed me my phone wouldn't work so I started crying again, ridiculous and very embarrassed. How can I keep calm during this upcoming flight , if my children see me panicked they will absolutely come un glued. I want this to be a great trip , not one filled with panic and worry. Thanks in advance!!!

Blessed! I agree with everyone who says to keep your mind busy. You can keep your headsets on the whole time now, so it may help to just close your eyes and listen to music. My anxiety was at its worst when I took my first flight 9 years ago. I had a small freak out when we pushed back, but I just started intently reading a magazine and it helped calm me down. I would def suggest have a drink (1) in the airport before your flight and take a pill. ( I took 3 Xanax by the time I got to my gate). I know we don't need to turn to alcohol, but in that case I would.
And BTW, I have been a flight attendant for 8 years now AND I live in Georgia!

01-11-2014, 09:48 PM
Blessed! I agree with everyone who says to keep your mind busy. You can keep your headsets on the whole time now, so it may help to just close your eyes and listen to music. My anxiety was at its worst when I took my first flight 9 years ago. I had a small freak out when we pushed back, but I just started intently reading a magazine and it helped calm me down. I would def suggest have a drink (1) in the airport before your flight and take a pill. ( I took 3 Xanax by the time I got to my gate). I know we don't need to turn to alcohol, but in that case I would. And BTW, I have been a flight attendant for 8 years now AND I live in Georgia!wow small world huh? Thanks for all the advice!!!

02-14-2014, 09:59 PM
Ok tomorrow is my flight and unfortunately I have got myself into a whirlwind panic attack tonight and this is not what I need going into the airport tomorrow. Would love it if someone could calm me down. My heart is fluttering and having palps but I know why. I'm so worked up. I just want to enjoy this trip with my family

02-15-2014, 07:45 AM
Anybody got any good advice for a scared lil lady such as myself? I got the lump in my throat this morning feel like I'm going to throw up blah blah blah somebody either shoot me or calm me down please!!!! This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip for my family and I don't want to mess it up because I'm freaking out like a little girl

02-15-2014, 07:52 AM
Once you board the plane and take off, you'll be fine now take the strength that you have mustered up and enjoy this time with your family Jeana!! Think of THEM rather than YOURSELF....Look at them, gotta maintain for them. Have a great trip!!

Yer not a little girl anymore!!!...


02-15-2014, 09:23 AM
Safe and happy travels Blessed!

02-15-2014, 09:57 AM
Thank you guys!!!

02-15-2014, 12:38 PM
Ok it's me again and yes I'm whining I'm whining I'm soooo whining. My heart rate is Over 130 and I haven't even made to the airport. I've been trying to distract it's not working . Can you have a heart attack from being scared to death THIS IS STUPID!!!! Why can't I be normal suck it up and enjoy ????

02-15-2014, 01:35 PM
You friggin weeeenniiieee!!!....LOL! HAVE FUN!!!! YAY!!! :)

02-16-2014, 08:06 PM
Blessed! How was your flight?! You made it!

02-16-2014, 08:32 PM
I hope she made it, and she has so much fun that her heartbeat is down:))) I hope so ;)

02-23-2014, 05:57 PM
Blessed!!!? Please let us know how your trip went!

02-23-2014, 06:00 PM
Blessed!!!? Please let us know how your trip went!

Here you go Penny!! She did great and overcame the fears too!!.....



02-23-2014, 06:09 PM
Thanks Eman! I haven't been on in a while.