View Full Version : Does anyone else get tension headaches?

01-10-2014, 02:29 PM
My neck hurts so much. Sometimes I can't concentrate from the pressure I have. It only goes away whenever I take my meds. Other than that, I will have it every day. I sometimes feel like my head is going to explode and I can't focus. It even makes my eyes hurt, and whenever I close them, my eyes feel rested. Thank you! I'm just in need of some advice to reassure me.

01-10-2014, 02:51 PM
get some Voltaren Gel from your Doc or rub some pain cream on your neck every day friend...I get this all the time but I have pain cream....:)

01-10-2014, 03:00 PM
I bought some Icy Hot ointment that helps somewhat, but whenever I don't apply it, I feel like my body is numb or just feels so weird so then I start to get scared. I feel like I can't walk because I will pass out. :(

01-10-2014, 03:04 PM
drink something sweet then!! raise yer blood sugar so you can walk....please!....:)

01-10-2014, 03:06 PM
But I've been having this symptom for 2 years since I've been suffering from anxiety :(

01-10-2014, 03:10 PM
Don't EVEN tell me that you havent been to a Doc and gotten some meds to help with this....grr grrrr....:)

01-10-2014, 03:14 PM
Yes, I was on Zanax and they did help but I'm pregnant so I can't take medication :(

01-10-2014, 03:40 PM
Drink some green tea then!! And dont tell me that it isnt safe for the baby either...myth! It'll relax you abit. Cuz if youre freaking out, so is the baby....:)

01-10-2014, 03:44 PM
Lol, I do have teas for relaxing. I shall do that then. I just dislike feeling so off.

01-10-2014, 03:45 PM
Well, I'm guessing that having a baby in there has got to be abit taxing on all of your systems,..so just have some calming tea's and chillax...:D

01-10-2014, 03:47 PM
I think so too. I can't wait to see my Ob/Gyn to clear all my doubts. I have been feeling dizzy since I've become pregnant. I even get heart palpitations at night that I can't sleep.

01-10-2014, 04:05 PM
You know why????...its because youre worrying about things, that arent going to even happen!...so there!.....:)

01-10-2014, 04:43 PM
I am just a worried person. I don't even feel like leaving my house :( Thanks for listening.

01-10-2014, 04:44 PM
um..you WILL leave your house...Just let me know when youre ready to learn how to do that, and I'll tell ya. :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-10-2014, 10:01 PM
I had anxiety related head aches for a time hover they were nowhere near as bad as the ones you describe. I have however had headaches like this and found that they were caused by muscle nots at the base of my skull, not its true that bad posture stress and anxiety can cause this type of tension for the cure to massage my head and neck with my thumbs (if its muscle knots this can be very uncomfortable verging on painful) and then seeing chiropractor. Hope this helps

01-10-2014, 10:38 PM
You are pregnant, start to enjoy the bliss, There is something about being pregnant, and to carry a new life so close to the heart. I think is is just hormones now, on the beginning they are kind of crazy, after first trimester, it is going to be easier. I had two children having major issues with anxiety, but I was not on any meds, I even did not take a pill for headache.
When you have tension headaches try to rub your temples in circular motion, put warm compress on forehead , drink herbal tea, ginger is good for that. The first three months i believe many woman suffer with headaches, really bad ones....

01-10-2014, 10:47 PM
I get tension headaches all the time. Sore neck, the works. I bought a hand-held massager and I break that sucker out and use it often. It really does help tremendously.

01-10-2014, 10:52 PM
I get tension headaches all the time. Sore neck, the works. I bought a hand-held massager and I break that sucker out and use it often. It really does help tremendously.

Even without pregnancy:)) Just kidding, it does help, there is many ways to help with tension headaches, i know at least 51:)))

01-11-2014, 10:46 AM
I usually now take a Tylenol to calm it down because I feel like my head is going to pop. I've been very emotional that when I cry the tension isn't there anymore. I know I'm overly stressing myself out, and always worried which I should just take one day at a time. Last night, I finally got out of my house after a week of being home not feeling good. I think because of being pregnant I've been feeling a little dizzy. I was telling myself to remain calm whenever I felt like a rush come in me. It's mostly in the head and that's when I feel my whole body wanting to freak out, but I did a good job trying to handle myself. Thanks to E-Man for his great support though♥ and thank you guys also! I have my fiancé massage my neck from time to time. Anxiety is a motha.f.er but I hope after the first trimester I feel a tad bit better. I pray to God!

01-11-2014, 11:06 AM
YAY!!! And you did a spectacular job lastnight at that!! Out walking, talking, browsing,...and time "out" with your husband was amazing for me to hear about and be a part of Lizrd...and what the heck is your name???....You WILL make it out of there, just like a couple of these other gurly members have done.

We're all proud of you!!

Make today a better day too...


01-11-2014, 11:50 AM
I even got to sleep comfortably without waking up in the middle of the night :) I feel proud of myself. I hope I can have more good days like this. I know I got to be strong!

My name is Elizabeth♥

Thank you once again. I so saved that message. I kept reminding myself that I will be ok! And so will everyone else.

01-11-2014, 11:53 AM
You have every reason to be proud...it's YOU and your strengths that are making this happen Elizabeth!! And you slept too!! You will have many, many more good days and night because now your climbing up this hill, rather than continuing to tumble down it....

What a great post!!...YAY for you!!! :)

01-11-2014, 12:18 PM
I also try to maintain sane and be strong for my 3 year old son whom means the world to me. Let's see what today has in stores for you, me and everyone else. Let's make it a good Saturday! I will be getting ready to get my day started and will let you guys know how it went. I hope you have a good day Eman! :)

01-11-2014, 01:22 PM
And you as well friend!! Keep moving forward....it's alot funner!


01-11-2014, 08:43 PM
I get tension headaches all the time. It does not help that I have bad posture and I work on a computer all day. I tend to hunch over so I get pain in my chest and I have a lot of tension in my let trap which causes my arm to hurt and my neck. I also tend to put my jaw in weird positions that causes tension also. It sometimes gets so bad that I freak myself out a bit. I know how you feel. I usually lay on the floor for a while and it helps release some of the tension.

Lord Jazzinho
01-11-2014, 08:50 PM
Chiropractic will defiantly help you moralfe not that I am a chiropractor but I put off going for years cos of my agoraphobia and suffered with this sort of pain but chiropractic sorts it out in about 10 minutes it's not cheap but it is effective

01-11-2014, 08:57 PM
Thanks Lord J. I was thinking about going to one. My therapist recommended that I got to one and get regular massages. I get the massages but I am really thinking about going to one.

01-11-2014, 09:08 PM
I was thinking about getting massages. I have gone before and they said I have a lot of tension that it goes to the back of my scalp and that's what causes the head tension. He said my back was very tensed and I needed to get massages like 3 times a week. It is pretty pricey, but I would love to go to one regularly.

01-11-2014, 09:09 PM
When I do my own techniques. For example, rotate my head, round & round or side to side. I get dizzy. Does that ever happen to any of you?

Lord Jazzinho
01-12-2014, 08:53 AM
Headaches and physical pain is usually to do with muscle knots and spinal misalignment. If you probe the painful areas with your thumbs you will probably find saw spots they may also feel hot, these are most likely to be muscle knots by applying pressure to the spot with your thumb and rubbing the affected area you can over a week or two, depending on how bad they are get rid of them. For headaches I would check where the neck meets the skull so basically the whole back of your head, the neck itself and where the neck joins the back. Chiropractic is for realigning the the spine and that removes the knots and stops them coming back. Removing the knots with your thumbs however should give you some relief from the headaches. Also when the headaches are really bad I've found that cold packs reduce the pain quite significantly, I use the the gel packs for laptops that you put in the fridge. Ice packs may be too cold.

01-12-2014, 09:25 AM
I bought this ointment for muscle tensions or pain called Icy Hot. I have my husband massage my neck and it does help for the time being. If I'm up for too long then I'll start feeling the pain coming in slowly. Thank you for your advice, but what do you mean, "check where my neck meets my skull, the back of the head?" Like get checked by a doctor, or have a chiropractic massage me there? Thanks for the advice!♥

01-12-2014, 11:28 AM
Hi Elizabeth... Sorry to hear you're having a rough time right now. Pregnancy sure does a number on us!! I highly recommend checking into prenatal massage! You DESERVE it. And they are wonderfully relaxing when done by a skilled professional. It releases all those feel good hormones and that's good for you and your little baby on board. I currently suffer headaches which nobody has been able to see any cause for and massage has been one of my biggest reliefs because it helps loosen up all of those muscles that we Tense in our day to day routine. I had a major surgery a year ago and unfortunately I think the pull on all of my thoracic muscles has added strain to the spine which is causing tension. This makes certain movements harder than others. Needless to say I have personally explored different solutions and massage was the greatest relief for me because I believe it's related to muscles. It's possible that chiropractic would help if it was pinched nerves. Hope you post back if you find something that helps! To add to this, I slept on a heating pad for about a year due to chronic pain and was told by the massage therapist and the chiro that I should stop doing that :(.

Lord Jazzinho
01-12-2014, 01:45 PM
No check by rubbing the boney area of the back of your head with your thumb, If you find knots (sore spots) it may a good 2 or 3 days of massage to get rid of them, if they bruise it can take a bit longer, massage for muscle knots is painful to be quite honest, Its not relaxing at all (I blame Hollywood lol). I also forgot to mention that my mother was a physiotherapist and she taught me about all this.

01-12-2014, 08:07 PM
Does anyone else get eye pain too? Like in the back of their eyes?!

01-12-2014, 08:07 PM
Sorry if too many questions. I just want to know if it's something that anxiety can cause from maybe the tension headaches or maybe it's eye strain?

01-12-2014, 08:12 PM
No one will definitely get judged. Everyone has fheir own symptoms. Medication is a good thing that we can have. I used to be on them. Too bad I can't take them anymore. I wished all of you felt better, but there's somethings that we have to try to be strong about and keep on moving on. Keep pushing forward. My son is my motivation. I try my best to stay sane. Although, sometimes I feel fed up with this feeling and want to cry. I definitely need to seek for help. Like a therapist, maybe? And some massages. Maybe they can help somewhat.

01-13-2014, 05:00 AM
I get tension headaches to and I feel dizzy a lot and my neck and head are so tence all the time that when I walk anywhere I feel like I'm going to faint or fall over and I'm forcing my legs to move, I also feel of balance like a magnet is pulling me to walk more to the right hand side or pulling me down I hate it. I don't no if its all the tension in my head or I'm really ill