View Full Version : Anxiety while pregnant

01-10-2014, 01:26 PM
Hi all,

I just recently found out Im 7 weeks pregnant, I have suffered from severe anxiety in the past but recently have been doing well.

The other night and tonight I had the awful dread feeling in the pit of my stomach for no apparent reason (which is how I remember my anxiety problems starting before) and it really scared me that it might be coming back all over again!!

Does anyone have any tips/ideas or presonal stories on this? Would appreciate any help at all.

Thanks for reading :-)

01-10-2014, 02:16 PM
Congratulations! Is this your first baby? A little anxiety is to be expected i would have thought. I'm not a woman but the thought of something growing inside me makes me pretty anxious..:D

01-10-2014, 02:25 PM
Congratulations! I'm pregnant & have been suffering from anxiety for 2 years now. I have been having some more crazy symptoms myself. I've been trying to remain as calm as I can :(

01-11-2014, 08:16 AM
Thanks guys, yeah this is my first also had to give up smoking when I found out which could be a factor too..
How far along are you lizard? Im not too bad today hoping taking each day as it comes will do the trick!
Im here anytime if you need to chat, is this your first?