View Full Version : squeezing pain in heart

01-10-2014, 11:26 AM
Hi there.

I have a lot of trouble with anxiety and have often experienced pain/numbness on the left side of my body, including my face, arm, and leg.
I was told by my pdoc that this was anxiety related.

Recently, I significantly cut back on smoking cigarettes. I went from about 25 per day to about 8-10.
Since this change, I get a squeezing pain in my heart and a weird feeling on the left side of my face, arm, and leg.

Could this be from anxiety related issues (because I'm not smoking enough to decrease my anxiety) or a more serious condition?

I've done a little internet research and many people have felt this way (a heartburn feeling) when they cut back on smoking.

Is this severe anxiety, nicotine withdrawal, or a more serious condition?


01-10-2014, 12:07 PM
You need medications and therapy friend..yes, partly from quitting smoking too, and you may also have heartburn or ger as well.....

Go see PDOC again and tell him to remove his head from his......and help you..


01-10-2014, 12:15 PM
I went through nicotine withdrawal (from 30 to nil) and I did not had any heart problems or heartburn, rather the opposite from day first. You are doing pretty good cutting on them. Eman advice is the one you need, the doc and the talk:) good luck :)

01-10-2014, 12:16 PM
Hi Dahl!!! :) :) ......:D