View Full Version : driving-panic disorder

01-10-2014, 09:12 AM
Hey guys! After 5 long months, I've kind of almost just possibly gotten over my panic attacks, unless I get a really weird symptom. I still have anxiety to get over, but the one thing I still get really panicky over is driving! I do it, but its a hellish experience. I don't even necessarily get panic attacks in them either, it's a very psychological experience and usually any weird symptom that I get at some point in the day I don't freak over, but in the car it's another thing. Also dp plays a roll and everything looks weird and can make me freak out. A sharp head pain is the beginning of a brain anneurism, a weird head rush is a stroke, or chest pain heart attack. I feel like im gonna lose control of my car or pass out and get into a serious car accident. I used to love driving and being alone and listening to music, now it's the more stressful part of my day. My wife and I plan to go to Florida this month and I have to get over this since I'm the one driving. Anyone can relate or have any advice? Thanks!!

01-10-2014, 09:15 AM
May I ask, why are you afraid of driving? I was in a bad car accident and that's what triggered my anxiety. I can't be in a car for too long, or else I will start to freak out.

01-10-2014, 09:16 AM
And not one time has any of that ever happened to me. I'm such a logical person but I can't figure this one out. But like the panic attacks and other things, it'll go eventually. Already gotten over my ocd and panic attacks for the most part. More anxiety to deal with but it's nice to have the tables turned. All of you guys can do it, it just takes a LOT of patience, trust, and support! :)

01-10-2014, 09:24 AM
Well I have severe health anxiety as you can assume from my user name! Lol been dealing with panic disorder for 5 months and never got to see a doctor because im poor and have no health insurance. And as crazy as it sounds, I think the panic attacks are a underlying health condition and eventually I'll pass out behind the wheel, and j have tons of irrational health fears that can make me panic. I also had a panic attack behind the wheel and it freaked me out. But after my doctor rules out anything and I tackle my health anxiety. I think driving will be enjoyable again. Never been in a car accident ever. Hopefully never as well. Sorry that you were in one!!

01-10-2014, 11:19 AM
I too have health anxiety. I start thinking that this & that was wrong with me even after my doctor or better yet "doctors" have told me I am fine. If your anxiety behind the wheel isn't because of anything dramatic that happened to you, then I'm sure you shall be ok! I drive because I have to, but I will avoid freeways as much as I can. Even if it's the faster way to get somewhere, I will still take the street. I have had a panic attack before while driving and I have to pull over to get some fresh air and I carry a water bottled with me to calm me down. Anxiety/panic attacks are some pretty tough stuff to overcome. I hope you feel better in no time and have a safe trip :)

01-10-2014, 12:10 PM
This is how my anxiety started....I had issues driving to and from my job. I now have been working from home full time for over two years now. I would get vertigo while driving, which isn't good when yoy are going at highway speed.

It started to get the point where I couldn't even drive locally. One day I just decided that if I didnt do something about it, I would become homebound. I started driving again. I would push myself to go a bit further each time....pulling over when I had the dizzy spells....I finally am now to the point where I can get on the highway again. It has taken me a long time to get back to where I am now...but I honestly wished I would of nipped it in the bud as soon as it started because the anxiety spread into other areas of my life.

Dont stress too much about your trip. If you need to pull over, dont worry about it, just pull over and relax for a bit. Find some good music to sing along to and pass that time with some good conversation.....I've done a long drive to Florida too....plenty of time to have good conversation.

01-10-2014, 01:40 PM
Thanks guys for the responses!!! Everything is getting better . Health anxiety is hard to crack. You should check out this book called "Health anxiety: it's not all in you're head" just started last night and it's marvelous!!

01-10-2014, 01:41 PM
And wow I could not imagine driving dizzy!! Luckily I don't get any dizzy spells!.....yet. lol

01-10-2014, 01:42 PM
Appreciate the support guys!!! :)