View Full Version : Had doctors appointment this morning! Grrr

01-10-2014, 05:36 AM
I had a doctors appointment this morning to ask about getting a full body examination just to put my mind at rest! My doctor said there's no point because i'm absolutely fine... she said I had blood tests in September for my major organs and everything came back fine.. which I do understand but I've never had my heart checked or anything like that and it would just be nice to get a second opinion! I may just go private, which means it's going to cost a fortune but I believe it will put my mind at ease and help me move to the next step of getting over anxiety!!

I also had my chest checked because I have had a bit of a cough! She listened to my chest and asked if I smoked.. I said socially.. she said well you shoul stop smoking all together becaus ethat's probably while you have had a bad chest for a while and the mucus won't go.. she said that if in a month it doesn't improve then I should book an appointment with the nurse and have a spirometry examination?? Anyone had this??

I just feel like the doctors are fed up with me and juts dismiss me and put everything down to anxiety! Any opinions in regards to going private with the full body examination??

01-10-2014, 06:04 AM
I know the feeling! I get the feeling my doctor looks at my notes before i walk into his room, see's ive got anxiety and just braces himself for some rubbish im about to tell him. Sad really but I suppose doctors can't dismiss everything on anxiety because it's on there head if anything is seriously wrong, it's there job to assume the worst. I'm sure you're absolutley fine though, i had everything severe chest pains, heart feeling like it'd skipped a beat, palpitations, dizziness.. i was all set for every heart disease going, went for my ECG, all clear, it was just my anxiety.

I had a good full body examination with BUPA, they offer full on tests then give you a booklet in at the end with all your results in. It's quite expensive, I think i paid around 800 quid for mine but the examination i had was the full works, ECG, stress ECG, blood tests, grip tests, eye sight tests, hearing tests everything. I had it done when i first got anxiety hoping it'd settle my fears a bit and it did alot to be fair. It says i cant post links cause ive got under 25 posts but just google bupa then go on health assessments.

01-10-2014, 06:18 AM
I know!! It's really fustrating, because they don't know what is feels like!! But the NHS don't really know how to deal with mental health, they just supply meds because thats all they really can do! Yep.... I get all that as well, no so much the chest pains though.. but I would really like to have an ECG!!

Oh really?? Yeah that is expensive but it it worth it!! I think I am going to definintely look into it!! Thank you!!!

01-10-2014, 07:51 AM
I'd "cut out the middleman" and see if you can talk with a therapist. Docs are good at finding physical issues. I bet you are fine and this is not "his deal" but most would offer some checks to "meet you half way". It's anxiety..... not your heart. Talk with a counselor/therapist. I've been there and just don't want to see you chase you tail convinced it physical. Alankay