View Full Version : Swallowing difficulties

01-10-2014, 05:10 AM
Anyone else hv trouble swallowing their food. I hate eating at times cos Im monitoring my swallow, and at times food feels like it is stuck in throat then i hv to swallow it down carefully...cant even explain myself..... :(

01-10-2014, 05:14 AM
Sometimes have a slight sensation of my throat slowly closing up but i just swallow normally and the sensation goes away. I have read here though that the symptom your describing is experienced by a few other people so your definitely not alone.

01-10-2014, 08:07 AM
Sometimes have a slight sensation of my throat slowly closing up but i just swallow normally and the sensation goes away. I have read here though that the symptom your describing is experienced by a few other people so your definitely not alone.

Thx for ur reply

01-10-2014, 08:19 AM
Yeah it's scary!!

01-10-2014, 08:23 AM
I have the ping pong ball in my throat for over 40 years, they said that they do not know what it is. I am still kicking, but I have no problem swallowing, just when I am very anxious it is more noticeable:))

01-10-2014, 11:44 AM
Hi, i also have the hard to swallow thing at the moment. Ive had it a few times in my life even when i didnt know i was stressed, i was told it was called Globus Hystericus. I know im anxious as i have a hospital appointment in a few days time as well as having a white lump inside my left tonsil which i have worried about. I had to go to the doctors on Wednesday and the doctor had a look in my mouth and couldnt see anything stuck and wasnt worried about the white lump. I have also noticed i have a lot of saliva as well which means i swallow more. As far as i can work out you get stressed which causes your throat to go tight. You panic that there is something stuck and this causes your brain to produce saliva. You keep swallowing to get rid of the saliva and in turn this causes the lump to stay tight. So the whole thing just keeps going round. At times it feels like i have a sweet stuck and ive had to put my finger there to make sure . My white lump has been there for about a month, the lump in my throat has been there about 3 weeks but it comes and goes and ive had the saliva issue about 10 days.

01-10-2014, 12:01 PM
Anyone else hv trouble swallowing their food. I hate eating at times cos Im monitoring my swallow, and at times food feels like it is stuck in throat then i hv to swallow it down carefully...cant even explain myself..... :(

Sharon this may or may not apply. My brother just had his throat stretched, when he told me that I laughed. I researched it to find it's very common. He's back to 100%. He is prone to depression and anxiety. I know from my own experience, blockages occur. Some call them chakras, We have energy centers in our throat, root, crown, heart, and others from what I see. Here's hoping you a quick release of tension in your throat. Peace

01-10-2014, 12:09 PM
not everyone knows how to relieve chakras GeneAllen

01-11-2014, 03:32 AM
thx everyone...no lump feeling...just i get scared to choke wen i eat sometimes.
it mainly happens in restaurants.
i do hv constant mucus too, cld be related.