View Full Version : Is this OCD or Schizophrenia?

01-10-2014, 12:01 AM
Ok I'm new to this. Never actually posted on a forum in my life and I apologize if this is in the wrong topic.

For a good while now I have suffered a lot of anxiety. It started with my health after one day I thought I was having a heart attack and from then I was anxious. Never was before.

Fairly recently though I have shown signs of OCD. Checking my Cooker and lights in a certain way before I leave. If I touch something I have to count to 5 to make it "right" in my head.

But this is where I get highly stressed and extremely scared.

I have a voice in my head telling me that if I don't arrange something properly, someone who I know and love will die. Or if I don't count to 5.
I understand this is an OCD symptom? However, randomly the voice which I know is all in my head comes out of nowhere and just tells me to kill a member of my family. Panic attack starts immediately but I calm down.

It also pops up saying that people are watching me which again I know is nonsense but it scares me so much and causes so much anxiety I fear I am going to just snap and completely lose it.

What is the difference between an OCD thought and Schizophrenia?

Long post I'm sorry but I have a lot to ask.

01-10-2014, 12:50 AM
Bless your heart. That certainly is a bit to deal with. Are you currently getting professional help? It certainly sounds like you're suffering from OCD and possibly a bit of schizophrenia, but that would be impossible for a non-professional to tell. If you aren't getting professional healthcare at the moment, I'd strongly recommend it. There are many good therapies combined with medications to help get you back on track. I have an aunt who suffers with a lot of what you describe. Her's was brought on by post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the sudden accidental death of her son. Not sure if you've experienced a traumatic event? Even if not, the right behavioral health professional can help tremendously. It did wonders for my aunt. In the meantime, I'm sure there are others on here who deal with some of the same things and might be able to offer you some more in-depth support or guidance. I know that first big panic attack can be really stressful and traumatic. There are lots of good people here who are supportive and good listeners as well. I hope you find encouragement and take comfort in knowing you're not alone on the journey. -Jeff

01-10-2014, 01:38 AM
I agree, get some help. I used to hear voices, not telling me to kill people, but messed with my emotions.. Sometimes I'd 'blackout' and my other personality would take over.. Got me in alot if trouble, fights, sleeping around, drugs, drinking all sorts. I suffer with PTSD, my 'other personality' was anger I held in since I was young and my traumatic event bought it out.. Kind of sent me loopy, but with medication and therapy and lifestyle change its all gotten alot better. Have faith, don't kill anyone, get help.. It will fall into place.

01-10-2014, 02:22 AM
Hello there this is called intrusive thoughts or pure O they fuel the anxitey no end And really make you panic,it's very scary,I to have this,tho I don't count etc so I don't think mines a OCD but sod knows,are you on any meds? If not go to your doctor and explain to them what's going on and they will put you on the right path to get you well again :) lots of people have this and everyone even tho they don't have anxitey etc has intrusive thoughts but they brush them away,fighting them makes it worse,you have to accept the thoughts and let them go again,I'm not saying accept as your going to do them but accept them for what they are and that's just thoughts,scary they are yes,no one has acted on a thought well that's what I read,and because you are scared of the thought and that you don't enjoy having them says a lot,the only person your hurting is yourself as it like a stuck record in your head going around and around day in day out
Hope this has helped :)

01-10-2014, 02:24 AM
Thanks for your reply's. The thing is though. These thoughts and anxiety only really start when I'm by myself. When kept busy and concentrating on something they just fade away.

And when they do happen I would never act on them. I would never ever hurt my family or anyone else. It's just the anxiety the thoughts create is so intense it feels like I am going to lose it at that moment and the fear of what if I do hurt somebody is in my head. It's horrible.

I mean right now as I type this I am ok but the panic attack I had earlier when I had this thought of hurting my family with the voice telling me to do it, that's what led me here to sign up and get some advice.

In case you are wondering. I acknowledge the voice is in my head. It's my brain creating it for whatever reason. I don't think it's coming from an external source. Does that help at all?

Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

01-10-2014, 02:30 AM
Thanks for your reply's. The thing is though. These thoughts and anxiety only really start when I'm by myself. When kept busy and concentrating on something they just fade away. And when they do happen I would never act on them. I would never ever hurt my family or anyone else. It's just the anxiety the thoughts create is so intense it feels like I am going to lose it at that moment and the fear of what if I do hurt somebody is in my head. It's horrible. I mean right now as I type this I am ok but the panic attack I had earlier when I had this thought of hurting my family with the voice telling me to do it, that's what led me here to sign up and get some advice. In case you are wondering. I acknowledge the voice is in my head. It's my brain creating it for whatever reason. I don't think it's coming from an external source. Does that help at all? Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

I call this the what ifs lol
With anxitey there's always oh what if this and what if that grrrrr so gets on my nerves
You won't hurt anyone,belive me I have the same
So many people on here have the same thoughts,you have come
To the right place for advice,meds will help you tho have you been to a doctor ?

01-10-2014, 02:36 AM
I've never had those thoughts. But I think it's your brains way of dealing with the stress. You know when you're upset and punching something sounds like it would help? Kind if along the same lines but your brain is coming up with a very dramatic scenario. Just tell yourself that your brain is feeling the stress and is trying to relieve That stress..and yes please see a mental health doctor. That can at least ease how you feel about your thoughts, best of luck:)

01-10-2014, 02:46 AM
I haven't seen a doctor but I will make an appointment. Lets just hope I don't go crazy before then! That's a joke :). Humour is allowed here right? :P

01-10-2014, 02:55 AM
I haven't seen a doctor but I will make an appointment. Lets just hope I don't go crazy before then! That's a joke :). Humour is allowed here right? :P

Humour for sure is good :)

01-10-2014, 02:59 AM
1001% OCD. No where near schizophrenia :)

OCD is all about release of tension often created by anxiety, whereas schizophrenia is about pure delusion.

Every OCD thought or urge you have, you can notice, is about releasing some kind of tension - whether through more thinking, or rumination, or actions.

Schizophrenia isn't really tension based, it's more along the lines of 'Aliens are talking to me'

01-10-2014, 03:15 AM
Yes, thanks Jesse for articulating better than my been-awake-for-too-long brain. I really do believe it is ocd also..hopefully that can ease your mind a little:)

01-10-2014, 03:26 AM
Yes, thanks Jesse for articulating better than my been-awake-for-too-long brain. I really do believe it is ocd also..hopefully that can ease your mind a little:)

You're welcome..Uh. Do you have a name? :)

01-10-2014, 03:32 AM
Alaina. Like uh lay nuh. Lol

01-10-2014, 03:36 AM
Alaina. Like uh lay nuh. Lol

Oh ok. Hey Alaina. I was gonna guess Abbie. Cos of the AB thing. ab said fast sounds like Abbey. :)

01-10-2014, 03:56 AM
That makes sense, I didn't even really think about it when I made that. I've never done a forum thing before.

01-10-2014, 05:07 AM
My boyfriends sister suffers from schizo-defective disorder.. which isn't schizophrenia but she also has severe OCD as well and always gets up and checks that she has locked the door every night loads of times to check she has locked it properly etc etc... She hears voices in her head but it's not because of her OCD...She actually hallucinates seeing and hearing things, hears people talking about her, shouting at her... I definately think the voices you are hearing are intrusive thoughts and really don't think you have schizophrenia!! I would get it checked out though just to put your mind at rest!! But I really think its just OCD which I can imagine is really not nice!!

Hope this helps and if you ever need to talk to someone about it, feel free to inbox me!

01-10-2014, 07:54 AM
Definitely not schizophrenia. Anxiety can cause so many disturbing thoughts, especially OCD!!! Everyone has them from time to time. The difference with us anxiety folk is we take it to the next level and worry the heck over it. I think we've all at one point been scared of possiblly being crazy or having schizophrenia . However a large majority of the population won't get it. It runs in families and youd likely show signs you're entire life. Usually diagnosed in childhood. But you should def see a counsler, get diagnosed and it'll help a lot. Trust me! :)

01-10-2014, 08:36 AM
I have the same opinion as others OCD not schizophrenia, doctor is needed as soon as possible, You need some relieve:)