View Full Version : Need advice

01-09-2014, 08:07 PM
Hi everyone I always felt like I have some sort of anxiety when it comes to work; I'm always panicking of making a mistake or something else stupid lol. I just wanted to come on here to get advice though it might sound stupid lol. I have been at my job for 7 months;my boss is amazing. I have a bachelors degree in accounting and do payroll and billing. It's not my dream job but it's good experience for now. As much as I love my boss, I really don't want to stay here forever but the payroll manager is always telling me how I'm going to have to take over when she retires and everyone keeps talking to me like I'll be here the next 30 years. I really don't like doing payroll; it's very nerve wracking I'm always worrying that something went wrong lol but I enjoy everything else I do. But I would really like to advance myself in the future. It's not like I'm leaving tomorrow but I always worry how I'll tell them when the time comes. I feel like they'll get mad and feel I wasted their time since it takes forever to train for payroll. Especially the payroll manager; she just talks to me however she wants and I let her because I'm so nervous. Some days are hard for me working with her. But thank you for listening and I hope this doesn't sound too dumb lol!

01-09-2014, 08:23 PM
Hey in today job market doing payroll is not so bad. do not worry now, enjoy the experience :))

01-09-2014, 08:25 PM
Try not to worry about expectations people put on you. They are probably thinking it's a compliment on your job performance when they want you to stay on forever. Maybe they've had bad luck keeping people in the past... Could be because of the payroll mgrs attitude. Just concentrate on doing the best you can and let other people deal with their own crap that they are trying to put on you. You are not obliged to stay there any longer than you want to and you don't deserve to be treated poorly. When you find a better job it's your feelings that matter, not theirs. Take deep breaths and use the training as a learning experience and a stepping stone. If your anxiety gets bad talk to your Doctor. We'll all have tough co-workers, try and find some topics you can both talk about and try and steer the conversations awsy from whatever crap she's giving you.

Hope this helps :)

01-09-2014, 08:28 PM
Thank you...it makes feel better when I can get advice from people on here. I appreciate it!