View Full Version : fluttering in the chest

02-12-2008, 11:53 AM
so ive been suffering anxiety attacks for a while now. i feel i am on top of most of it now, and if i feel one coming on it goes away very quickly.

the first symptom i had of anxiety was a flutter in my chest or what felt to me like a missed beat.

over the last 3 - 4 weeks ive been generally anxiety free, apart from these fluttering which i seem to be getting quite regularly now but they dont come to anything. i take my pulse after these feeling and my heart beat seems normal.

does anyone experience these flutters and does anyone know exactly what it is? ie skipped heart beat etc or is it nothing to do with the heart?

any response is appretiated. thanks

02-12-2008, 12:18 PM
Hey, davie. I also have these. And alot of people due. They are common and you cannot die from them. They are caused by caffien and stress. And even when your relaxed sometimes they will not go away. But, these are part of anxiety. So, don't worry. And I hope you get better!

02-12-2008, 04:01 PM
thanks for your reply.

appreciated and i hope you are ok too :goodjob:

02-12-2008, 05:16 PM
yup no problem i hate some heart palpatations just today.. had a small anxiety atack over it. but, hey we'll all get through this.

02-14-2008, 08:30 PM
I have them too. I have them with no stress. However, I had an EKG and they didn't see anything wrong with me. I guess everybody has these from time to time. No big deal. Our heart beats so many thousand times a day, it misses a beat every now and then.

02-14-2008, 09:58 PM
you know i actully never thought of that..lol. Ron, our heart does beat so many times a day. It's not perfect...nothing is. It has to beat iregular. even if ur heart beats iregular for a whole day. just take it calm so u dont over do urself (faint) so, just go slow.

02-14-2008, 10:03 PM
Haha, I know. That's one way that I got over it. I always worried that it wouldn't go away or I would die running. But running was something I couldn't give up. I had one of my best friends die on the track running. That's where part of my fear comes from. But it was one in 2 million thing. Very very very rare. But it is normal to have those palpations or irregular beats.

02-14-2008, 10:27 PM
I am sure its anxiety related, if it is then you have nothing to fear. Simply go to your doctor and get it checked out, request an ekg if you haven't already, if that comes out normal then there is most likely nothing wrong with you. If you want to get more test then go ahead, if they come out negative for anything then you are perfectly healthy.

I can assure you what you have isn't dangerous, it is very common.

02-14-2008, 11:18 PM
Yes, no matter what I'd go take testes...just to make sure. You can't take it lightly. Becouse, it may be you do have somthing wrong. But...then again most likley you don't. Most of the young bucs which would include I :D 14-28's Shouldnt really have to worry about ourh earts this early. honestly. but, go check it out. if the tests say there ok..then it's time to recovor. But, ya the dieing on the track thing is very rear. i don't know what causes it. But, i think it's with people that are born with some what bad hearts. and they dont get a regular physical check up. But, i hope this helps1