View Full Version : lack of or interrupted sleep

01-09-2014, 11:22 AM
Anyone feel anxious or nervous if they do not get or have a bad night of interrupted sleep? I felt nauseous this morning when I got up. Could also be because I was hungry. After I ate the nausea went away but I still feel a bit jittery. I do take prescribed acid reflux meds. What I hate about all the jittery and stomach feelings is that I get really tense and then I get pain. Once the pains starts I start to get fearful swirling thoughts of dying or something bad is happening.

I really can't complain because I was way worse. I thought I was dying everyday for 3 or more months after having my first panic attack. Now I know my triggers thanks to CBT. I can deal with them but days like today when I am tired and am not really able to sleep because I am o. Call 24x7 for the next week really makes me think I am going backwards. Like all the progress is gone.

Thanks for reading.

01-11-2014, 12:36 AM
Hiya what is your job?:))

01-11-2014, 08:22 PM
I work on computer networks.

01-11-2014, 08:56 PM
I can relate!! If I don't get enough sleep I am so much worse than my normal everyday anxiety. I not only have heightened anxiety, but am physically sick to my stomach and feel so weak that I feel like I am going to fall over or pass out. My anxiety is high as it is everyday, but lack of sleep is disastrous to me!

01-11-2014, 09:05 PM
There are times I get myself sick. But I keep pushing through it and it is short lived.

01-11-2014, 10:02 PM
I tend to take a short nap. Even 30 mins will relieve it. I know it isn't always possible though....

01-11-2014, 11:18 PM
I know it sounds crazy but sometimes when I have lack of sleep my anxiety isn't as bad because the loopy feeling of no sleep is so distracting

01-11-2014, 11:22 PM
Fedup, I would love to take a nap. I should be able to fit one in but it is so hard for me to nap. It is very rare if I do take one.

01-11-2014, 11:23 PM
Ab123, I think feeling loopy adds to my anxiety. It sucks but we just keep pushing forward.

01-12-2014, 12:05 AM
Moralfe, I certainly know how you feel. Not currently, but I have to take sleeping medicine my insomnia is sooo bad. I know how miserable it is to keep pushing yourself, and feeling like you could pass out any second. When I went through a phase of no sleep in the recent past, I almost wrecked three times on the way home from work. I crashed out when I got home, and my husband couldn't even wake me for dinner that night. Take care, and I hope you get the much needed sleep you need you deserve. Dorrie

01-12-2014, 12:14 AM
SLEEP! Old friend i miss you..:(


01-12-2014, 12:09 PM
Its a strange thing because today my breathing has been ok but yesterday it was horrible:)we have to deal with different things everyday.. Its like anxiety is laughing at us saying oh what can i give u today lol :)

01-12-2014, 12:12 PM
Fisher, I know exactly how you feel. Seems something always catches our attention and we harp on it or worry if something bad will happen.

01-14-2014, 07:44 PM
Hey guys. Newbie here. Also have major sleep issues but I think its linked to some kind of perfectionism. If I get 7hrs of uninterrupted sleep or more I can conquer the world. If I get 6:55 mins of sleep I felt like I havent slept all night. My eyes burn, I have no appetite, my anxiety skyrockets and I simply cant function. How can 5 or 10 minutes make that much difference? What type of disorder is that? Of course most nights I dont get enough sleep because as the clock creeps closer to 7hrs the more anxious I get. The more anxious I get the less likely I am to sleep.


01-14-2014, 08:16 PM
Hey guys. Newbie here. Also have major sleep issues but I think its linked to some kind of perfectionism. If I get 7hrs of uninterrupted sleep or more I can conquer the world. If I get 6:55 mins of sleep I felt like I havent slept all night. My eyes burn, I have no appetite, my anxiety skyrockets and I simply cant function. How can 5 or 10 minutes make that much difference? What type of disorder is that? Of course most nights I dont get enough sleep because as the clock creeps closer to 7hrs the more anxious I get. The more anxious I get the less likely I am to sleep. SOS!!

The non-doctor in me says 5-10 minutes difference in sleep,would make no difference what so ever

The anxious bastard in me says that this is something you have built up in your mind and your anxiety has taken over to make sure you get screwed

Maybe someone here can chime in if genre is a condition as you describe

I'm doubling down on your anxiety is sending you false info

01-14-2014, 08:17 PM
Oh...and welcome William! Happy landing here.

01-15-2014, 02:37 AM
If I get 6:55 mins of sleep I felt like I havent slept all night.

My guess is, it is psychological & it makes you stressed out. Do you check your clock when you wake up? Try not to; just try to get back to sleep & wait for your alarm.

6:55hrs of uninterrupted sleep? Lucky man... I'm rarely asleep for longer than 2-3 hours at a time. Usually wake up 4-5 times during the night. Sometimes I have trouble getting back to sleep but at the moment I'm falling back asleep ok.

01-15-2014, 09:25 AM
Absolutely it is 100% psychological. I guess that is what drives me insane. Im trying to determine what the actual culprit is, that way I can address it. Its just like when something does not have a name, but once you discover what it is you can then work on it. Oddly enough it has SOOO many physical attributes as well. I guess just imagine that you've slept for only 3-4hrs...burning eyes, tightness in the head, nauseous, no appetite, high anxiety, all you wanna do is nap. Only thing I can do, and this is a kicker, if I can find a place to rest my head for 15 minutes and I actually does off for just 2-3 mins Im as good as new...again, ready to take on the world.
So this defect has an array of aspects to it but I know it grow from just one root but I'll be damned if I can find that root. I know its anxiety driven or from a sense of perfectionism or even from my faults at viewing things as black and white, if that makes any sense to you. But I am LITERALLY 2 different people when I sleep as opposed to not sleeping. Its fascinating but driving me to the brink.
Fortunately its vastly improved from 20yrs ago when I wouldnt sleep for 2 days straight at a time.

Thank you all so much for your warm welcomes. I hope I can find some answers here to my anxiety and depression